Darling, I Would Go Crazy if Anything Happened to You!

In the rolling waves of the sweet spring pool, Jin Jingsen's strong and slender body was clad in a tight black shark fin swimsuit.

His broad shoulders and narrow yet powerful waistline were accentuated.

The faint shadow of his eight-pack abs could be vaguely seen on his abdomen.

The perfect curve of his waistline extended down to his impeccable hip line.

His long legs, submerged in the pool, appeared even more proportionate.

Jin Jingsen stood in the waist-deep water, the shimmering water reflecting the light from the transparent sky, casting fragmented golden specks on his rugged muscular contours.

The interplay of light and shadow made him resemble a statue of an exotic deity.

Li Zhi couldn't help but feel overwhelmed in her heart.

Oh my goodness!

Brother is so fierce!

Jin Jingsen raised his gaze and looked at Li Zhi, his moist eyes intentionally or unintentionally sketching her figure.