Disappeared Out of Thin Air?

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

As the alarm sounded, dozens of fully armed Star Warriors immediately rushed out from the side.

These individuals had been waiting here in formation under Zero's command.

Muse's orc level was quite high, but there were too many opponents.

He was forced to transform into a gigantic octopus-like creature, instantly engulfing some people in his vicinity.


Everyone was in a panic, even Susan, who personally led the enemy onto the planet, was dumbfounded!

First, Silvia disappeared into thin air, and now this man suddenly transformed into a massive octopus.

Susan was terrified and quickly grabbed a Star Warrior, saying, "I am the leader's niece, you must protect me and get me out of here!"

The other person was a bit speechless but quickly reported something through his earpiece and received a response.

Only then did he nod at Susan.

"Miss Susan, please follow me this way."

Susan breathed a sigh of relief.