Silvia Goes Offline

Lora, dressed in a black combat suit, had thorny vines growing on her wrists, spreading on the ground like living creatures.

This scene had a tremendous impact, especially on Silvia!

"System! Why did Lora follow us?" Silvia exclaimed.

"Because her vines caught hold of you earlier. Oh, right, since you had to bring her along for the spatial transfer, your remaining points automatically exchanged for a spatial card for her," the system explained.

"What?!" Silvia felt suffocated.

She had used her precious points, even overdrawing her soul, and now a spatial card was exchanged for Lora!

Compared to the almost collapsing Silvia, Lora looked around.

So, this is what it feels like to have spatial abilities?

Moving instantly from one place to another?

Whether it was Lora's illusion or not, she always felt that her vines had undergone some changes.

Suddenly, at the top of the vines, a small flower bloomed with a gentle and lovely pink color, as if greeting Lora.