Do you also have feelings for Lora?

"I'm fine. Just confirming the casualties at the scene. How about you?"

"Muse has been captured. I'm coming to find you!"


Lora ended the call briefly, confirming the casualties.

Fortunately, they had managed to evacuate others in time, and only Lora and Jim were injured.

However, their injuries were superficial, with no life-threatening danger.

For instance, Lora's arm wound had already begun to slowly heal, thanks to the strong regenerative abilities of advanced orcs.

If Marcus had arrived a little later, her wounds would have already healed completely.

Although Jim was further away from the explosion source compared to Lora, his injuries were more severe.

Sitting there, his face and arms covered in blood, his gaze seemed somewhat vacant.

Lora approached him and asked, "Are you alright?"

Jim lifted his head and looked at the beautiful woman before him.

Lilian had told him that she was the leader of the base.