No One Can Steal Lora from Me

The group exchanged glances, all feeling that this possibility seemed highly unlikely.

However, upon careful consideration, it turned out to be the most plausible possibility after all!

Viv expressed his concern, "Although Shadow possesses spatial abilities, that place is extremely eerie and inaccessible. What if it ends up harming Van?"

Spatial abilities are indeed mysterious, but what if there's a mistake and they only get halfway through the teleportation?

Just the thought of it is terrifying!

Cheney shook his head, "It shouldn't happen. Shadow is cautious in his actions. If they can't enter, he would bring Van back."

At the moment, they could do nothing but wait.

However, they waited for hours, yet Van and Shadow still hadn't returned...


Lora and Marcus were the first to arrive at the only one of the three targets located outside the palace—a magnificent restaurant named "Splendid Gold."