Wearing a Green Wig

Upon hearing that his two sons had reconciled, Sidney felt relieved and decided that there was no immediate urgency regarding this matter.

He whispered, "It's all right, come to the palace tomorrow morning, and I will tell you then."

"All right, Father."

After hanging up the phone, Liam furrowed her brows, sensing something peculiar.

Her father was usually meticulous in his actions, so it was strange for him to make an urgent call without revealing the reason.

Liam, being naturally suspicious, found it difficult to comprehend at the moment.

Sitting across from her, Seamas was drinking heavily.

Curiously, he asked, "What did Father want from you? Ah, I've always said that being the Crown Prince is not an easy task, it's quite exhausting! Alas, Liam, although I was initially displeased when you replaced me as the Crown Prince, I understand that you are more suitable for that position."

"Brother, actually..."