Six Years Later

Six years later, at the An City International Airport.

Jiang Guo pulled a suitcase in front, followed by two exquisitely groomed children behind her.

Their exceptional grace and beauty instantly made them a dazzling sight at the airport.

Listening to the praises from people around, the little girl beside her raised her head proudly. "Big Brother, did you hear? They all say I'm pretty and they like me. I'm sure I'll become a big star in the future!"

"Yes, I believe in you. You'll definitely become a very dazzling superstar in the future!"

The little boy quickly nodded in agreement, speaking with an air of righteousness. "But a superstar needs to maintain a good figure. So, I'll help you with the sweets Mommy bought. They will make people gain weight, so let me eat them for you!"


The little girl pouted and glared at her brother, then ran to Jiang Guo, acting cute. "Mommy, Big Brother is bullying me. He wants to steal my snacks!"

Jiang Guo smiled and reached out to pat the little girl's head. "Then Mommy will only buy cotton candy for Bei Bei later, without getting any for your big brother."

Jiang Xiaobei extended her chubby little hand and negotiated with Jiang Guo, "I want two!"

Jiang Guo chuckled softly and planted a kiss on her daughter's chubby face. "Alright!"

"Mommy, you like sister more!"

Jiang Xiaobao protested with a pout. "Xiaoxue is already chubby, eating more sweets will make her fatter. When she becomes ugly, how can she become a big star?"

Jiang Xiaobei disagreed, "You're talking nonsense, I'm not fat."

"Are you not fat? You weigh two pounds more than me!"

"I didn't. Liar!"

Jiang Xiaobao grimaced Jiang Xiaobei, and the siblings immediately started teasing each other, crowding around Jiang Guo.

Jiang Guo watched the siblings playfully bickering by her side with a tender smile.

Six years ago, she had protected the two children by escaping with them from the warehouse after enduring countless hardships.

The children were unharmed, but she had suffered extensive burns, and her face had been disfigured.

It took her two years to go through a series of skin grafts, plastic surgeries, and rehabilitation.

Those years were simply unbearable. If it weren't for these two children who had been by her side, comforting her, Jiang Guo might not have been able to persevere.

Thinking back to what Jiang Yuan had done to her, a burning hatred surged within her. Just the thought of that woman's name made her wish to drink her blood and eat her flesh!

That woman had done everything in her power to get what she wanted.

She had sent a man to ruin her and then left her in the flames.

She had even stolen her son and depended on him to deceive and live a life of luxury with Ji Yunchen.

So, during these years abroad, she had grown stronger. Now, she was finally competent to come back and revenge on that woman!

Most importantly, she needed to find her son, whom she had carried for ten months but had only seen once.

She was determined to take him back!

And then, she would revenge on Jiang Yuan, making her pay for what she had done.

Just at that moment, Jiang Guo received a message on her phone.

She stopped the two children who were playing and said, "Xiaobao, Bei Bei, Auntie Yao is here to pick us up. Let's go."

The two siblings obediently responded, then walked to Jiang Guo's side with their little legs, tugging at her sleeve.

The three of them walked together towards the exit of the airport.

"Yao Yao, long time no see."

Just as they exited the airport, Jiang Guo saw Yi Yao waiting for them by the roadside and greeted her with a smile.

Yi Yao raised her gaze to look at Jiang Guo and was instantly captivated by her.

She wore a long indigo dress with chestnut brown wavy hair cascading down her chest.

Combined with her cold and graceful demeanor, it made her already outstanding appearance even more dazzling and alluring.

Even though this wasn't the first time Yi Yao had seen Jiang Guo like this, she couldn't help but exclaim, "Every time I see you, I feel so inferior. You're too stunning, your radiance almost blinds me!"

Jiang Guo was amused by Yi Yao's exaggerated expression and replied, "It's not as exaggerated as you say, and I don't really think my face is such great."

Comparatively, she preferred her natural face.

Perhaps it wasn't as glamorous as her current appearance, but that face resembled her birth mother, and it was the most precious gift her mother had left her.

Yet, everything had been ruined by Jiang Yuan!

Yi Yao sensed the hatred in Jiang Guo's eyes and knew she had inadvertently reminded her of painful memories.

She smiled wryly and immediately reached out to hug the siblings beside her.

"Xiaobao, Bei Bei, Auntie Yao has missed you so much."

Jiang Xiaobao rolled his eyes and patted her arm. "Auntie Yao, please let go; I can't breathe as you hug me like this."

On the other hand, Jiang Xiaobei gently patted Yi Yao and said, "Auntie Yao, I missed you too, but it's really hot outside. Can we hug at home?"

Yi Yao immediately kissed Jiang Xiaobei on the cheek. "Of course we can. I don't want my precious Bei Bei to get sunburned."

She then gave Jiang Xiaobao a side-eye. "Xiaobao, learn from your sister. You're twins, but look at how different your emotional intelligence is. If you keep talking like this, people will dislike you, and no girls will like you in the future!"

Jiang Xiaobao snorted, "I don't care; the most beautiful girls in the world are my mommy and my sister. As long as they like me, that's enough!"

Jiang Xiaobei immediately forgot about being bullied by Jiang Xiaobao and joined forces with him. "Big Brother is the best! I will always like Big Brother!"

Yi Yao raised an eyebrow. "I'm pretty too, you know. How about complimenting me as well? I'll like you very much in the future too."

Jiang Xiaobao snorted, "You're not pretty at all. Mommy and Sister are the pretty ones!"

Listening to the conversation between the three of them, Jiang Guo chuckled and patted Jiang Xiaobao. "Yao Yao, don't listen to his nonsense. In fact, Xiaobao really likes you. When we were abroad, he would often brag to his friends about having a beautiful auntie."

Jiang Xiaobao blushed. "Mommy!"

Jiang Guo continued to laugh. "See, he's embarrassed now."

Yi Yao once again excitedly embraced Jiang Xiaobao, hugging him tightly.

"I also like Xiaobao very much. Let's go home. I've prepared a table of dishes you both like. Come on, let's taste my cooking!"

The four of them chatted and laughed as they walked towards the car.

Jiang Guo and Yi Yao placed the two children in the car first and then went to the trunk to store their luggage.

As Jiang Guo walked to the back of the car, she was bumped by a child running towards her.