This Is Her Son

"Are you okay, kid?"

Jiang Guo lowered her gaze and was suddenly taken aback.

The boy looked exactly like Jiang Xiaobao. If it weren't for their different clothes, she would have thought he was Jiang Xiaobao.

Then, it hit her that this was her eldest son—the one who had been taken away by Jiang Yuan six years ago!

Similar age, identical appearance—Jiang Guo couldn't believe in so many coincidences. This child was very likely her long-lost eldest son!


Jiang Guo's expression trembled, but before she could say anything, the nervous young boy spoke, "Beautiful Auntie, a group of human traffickers is after me. Can you let me hide with you? My dad will come to find me soon, and I promise he'll repay you!"

"Jiang Guo," Yi Yao walked over at this moment, "Why haven't you gotten in the car yet?"

Before Jiang Guo could answer, several men in black ran toward them from a distance.

They stared at Jiang Guo with stern expressions and said, "Lady, I advise you not to meddle in this. Just hand over the kid to us obediently, or we will be ruthless!"

Jiang Guo instinctively shielded the boy behind her and glared at the men with determination. "I will protect this child. You can have a try!"

A confrontation seemed imminent.

Just then, several cars suddenly stopped in front of them, and a group of bodyguards emerged.

In no time, they had subdued the men in black.

Afterward, a man in an Italian custom-made suit walked out from among the bodyguards.

"Ji Ming!"

Jiang Guo raised her head involuntarily and saw a face that seemed to be chiseled by a master artist.

Messy strands of hair fell over his forehead, partially concealing his deep eyes.

His tightly pressed lips revealed a hint of concern, but that expression disappeared the moment he saw the boy beside her.

Jiang Guo's heart skipped a beat.

She knew this man—Ji Yunchen, the wealthiest man in An City, who was also the biological father of her son.

Ever since she had learned six years ago that he was Jiang Yuan's target and her son's biological father, she had been collecting information about him.

Even though he rarely appeared in public, she had managed to find a few photos from banquets, which hinted at his coldness and arrogance.

But all of that paled when seeing him in person!


Hearing this, the young boy stepped out from behind Jiang Guo and ran to the man. "You've finally come! These two aunties saved me."

The man reached out and ruffled Ji Ming's hair, then looked at Jiang Guo. "Thank you two for saving my son. I..."

Jiang Guo's emotions flared as she remembered her earlier anger.

"Sir, protecting a child's safety is the most basic responsibility of a parent. How can you call yourself his father when you can't even guarantee his safety?"

She wanted to beat this man as soon as she realized that if it hadn't been for Ji Ming stumbling into her just now, he may have been taken away by these human traffickers and sent to other places.

Yi Yao's brow twitched, and she reached out to tug on Jiang Guo's arm, whispering, "Jiang Guo, stay calm!"

As a stranger, Jiang Guo had gone too far with those words.

Ji Yunchen responded furrowed slightly, "Lady, I appreciate your help in saving my son, but how I get along with him is my private. It's none of your business."


Jiang Guo was furious. Her son had nearly been in danger, and this man hadn't even reflected on his actions. How could such a man take care of her son?

Ji Ming really liked Jiang Guo, but he didn't want her to misunderstand Ji Yunchen. "Auntie, today's incident isn't Dad's fault. It's because I didn't listen to Dad and sneaked out that I got caught by the bad guys."

Jiang Guo was about to say something when Jiang Xiaobao suddenly got out of the car and asked crisply, "Mommy, is the luggage not stowed yet?"

Ji Yunchen instinctively looked to the side upon hearing this.

Just in the nick of time, Yi Yao walked over to Jiang Xiaobao and blocked his line of sight.

"Jiang Guo, I believe this gentleman will take good care of his son. Xiaobao and Bei Bei have been on a plane overnight and are very tired. We should take them home to rest."

Jiang Guo was drenched in cold sweat by Jiang Xiaobao.

Her rationality returned. The child was still with her, and Jiang Xiaobao looked identical to Ji Ming.

If Ji Yunchen saw Jiang Xiaobao and discovered his identity, he might try to take him from her. She absolutely wouldn't allow that to happen.

Thinking quickly, Jiang Guo suppressed her emotions, smiling at Ji Ming, and softly said, "Your name is Ji Ming, right? It's nice to meet you. We have to leave now. I hope we'll have the chance to meet again."

Ji Ming was somewhat reluctant. "Auntie, can't you stay a bit longer? I haven't let my Daddy thank you for saving my life!"

Ji Yunchen approached and handed Jiang Guo a business card. "This time, I owe both of you a favor. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, you can call this number. As long as it's within my power, I will help you."

Jiang Guo had a terrible impression of Ji Yunchen at this moment. "It's not necessary. I just did what I should."

After saying this, she looked deeply at Ji Ming and added softly, "Ji Ming, goodbye."

Then, she went to the car.

Yi Yao also escorted Jiang Xiaobao back to the car and then got into the driver's seat, driving away as quickly as possible.

Inside the car, Jiang Xiaobao stared at the rearview mirror, his eyes gleaming with a strange light.

He had just seen a boy who looked exactly like him!

So, could he be his and Bei Bei's Daddy?

His eyes were filled with curiosity.

On the other side, Ji Ming still gazed affectionately at Jiang Guo's departing figure and asked softly, "Daddy, do you think I'll be able to see that auntie again in the future?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Ji Yunchen's eyes. He remembered that his son was a shy boy.

What was so attractive about that woman that his son liked him so much after only meeting her once?