The Enchanting yet Dangerous Ji Yunchen

"Jiang Guo, what's wrong with you?"

Ji Yunchen couldn't understand why Jiang Guo's face suddenly turned so red. He reached out to touch her forehead and frowned. "Your face is really hot. Are you running a fever?"

"No!" Jiang Guo discreetly took a step back, maintaining distance from him. "It's just a minor issue. When the weather gets too hot, my face tends to turn red. Don't worry about it; it'll go away on its own soon."



As soon as Jiang Guo finished speaking, Ji Ming and Jiang Xiaobao both stuck their heads out from the staircase on the second floor. "Mommy, we've packed your luggage. Come upstairs and take a look!"

"Alright." Jiang Guo smiled and responded before heading upstairs, closely followed by Ji Yunchen.

Ji Ming immediately led Jiang Guo to the master bedroom on the second floor, which belonged to Ji Yunchen.

"Mommy, look, I've put all your clothes in the wardrobe. See!"