In a world dominated by various magical techniques, the adventures of Shigeki Chaser, who, with his innate curse, idolizes the greatest emperor of the time and sets his goal to become the head of his empire.
Whether it's the character designs, the world order, or the story flow, the story is very good in my opinion. I highly recommend everyone to read it.
a year ago
An incredible first chapter! I am thrilled with the main subject and looking forward to read the next chapters. I think, this is a very promising new novel.
a year ago
If we comment on the first episode, we must wait for more episodes to see the new characters or character developments that will appear in the following episodes. But other than that it's pretty good.
a year ago
I am looking forward to the new chapters, I like the world of a series with a very nice story flow and the logic of the empire within it.
a year ago
perfect. . . ı am looking forward reading the whole novel...
Whether it's the character designs, the world order, or the story flow, the story is very good in my opinion. I highly recommend everyone to read it.
An incredible first chapter! I am thrilled with the main subject and looking forward to read the next chapters. I think, this is a very promising new novel.
If we comment on the first episode, we must wait for more episodes to see the new characters or character developments that will appear in the following episodes. But other than that it's pretty good.
I am looking forward to the new chapters, I like the world of a series with a very nice story flow and the logic of the empire within it.
perfect. . . ı am looking forward reading the whole novel...