The Hybrid Dianne is back

The echoes of the battle still resonated a bit in my mind as I emerged from the Subconscious Realm, recollections, and powers restored. That hazy veil lifted as I stood in that room in Sarah's warm arms. It's been ages since I last had this kind of moment with her, and now a flood of recognition and warmth surged within me. 


"Saranne," I breathed, as I had no words left. 


She turned to face me, her eyes reflecting a mix of relief and concern. 


 "Diarah" she said as she smiled at me and led me to the kitchen counter. 


These were names we called ourselves back when we used to be together. It was coined from taking the last parts of our names and lacing it with the first part. 


A wry smile tugged at my lips as we approached the counter. 


As we settled at the kitchen counter, the air between us crackled with unspoken emotions. Sarah's gaze lingered on me, a blend of warmth and familiarity that transcended the boundaries of time. Yet, in the silence, I sensed an unspoken tension. 


"So, what's the first thing that comes to mind?" Sarah asked, breaking the silence. 


With a furrowed brow, I pondered the question. 


"Lewis," I replied, the name stirring a mix of emotions within me. 


Sarah's eyes narrowed, and a subtle tension replaced the warmth. 


 "Lewis? The man who doesn't seem to love you as much as you love him?" 


I sighed, the weight of my emotions evident. "Yes, Lewis. I can't help but feel a deep connection to him, even if it's not reciprocated in the way I wish it to be." 


A skeptical expression crossed Sarah's face. 


 "Dianne, you're a powerful hybrid. You've just defeated the elders to regain your powers. You deserve someone who sees your worth, someone who adores you. Lewis doesn't seem to appreciate the extraordinary being you are." 


The words stung, and a frown creased my forehead. "You don't understand, Sarah. It's not that simple. Love is complicated, and Lewis..." 


"..... Lewis is further complicating it for you," Sarah interjected, her voice edged with frustration. 


 "Why settle for someone who doesn't see your true worth? You deserve better." 


I leaned back, my gaze fixed on the moonlit night beyond the window. 


 "It's not about deserving better. It's about feeling a connection, a pull that goes beyond reason. I can't explain it, but when I'm with him, I feel… alive." 


Sarah's eyes softened, and she reached across the counter, her hand finding mine. 


"Dianne, you're settling for less than what you deserve. I've seen the fire within you, the strength that defies the odds. Don't let a man dim that flame." 


A bitter smile played on my lips. "Love is messy, Sarah. It's not always rational. Lewis may not understand the depths of my existence, but there's something genuine in the way he looks at me. I can't let that go." 


She sighed, frustration etched on her face. "You're at the peak of your power, Dianne. You don't need someone who drags you down. You need a partner who elevates you, who sees your power and revels in it." 


The tension between us escalated, the air thick with unspoken words. "Sarah, it's my choice. I can't let go of the one thing that feels real in this world," I declared, my voice firm. 


She withdrew her hand, her gaze drifting away. "I just don't want to see you settling, Dianne. You're worth more than that." 


The room fell into a heavy silence, the weight of our differing perspectives hanging in the air. After a moment, I spoke, my voice softer. 


 "Sarah, it's not about settling. It's about finding something real in the chaos of my existence. Lewis may not be perfect, but he's real to me." 


She met my gaze, a flicker of resignation in her eyes. "I just want you to be happy, Dianne." 


The intensity of our conversation dissipated, replaced by an unspoken understanding. I reached for Sarah's hand, offering a reassuring squeeze. 


 "I appreciate your concern, Sarah. Truly, I do. But sometimes, love defies logic, and I'm willing to navigate the messiness of it all." 


Her shoulders relaxed, and a small smile played on her lips. 


 "Alright, Dianne. If Lewis makes you happy, then I'll do everything in my power to help you make it work." 


Relief washed over me, and I smiled back at her. 


"Thank you, Sarah. Your support means the world to me." 


As we sat in the moonlit room, the echoes of our heated conversation faded into the background. The bond between us, forged in the complexities of our shared past, remained unbroken. And at that moment, with the weight of regained memories and the warmth of understanding, I felt a renewed sense of purpose, a determination to embrace the messy, unpredictable journey of love. 


As we sat there silent, my mind drifted to the fact that I had just returned from a realm where I met my past self, a phenomenon that has never happened to me before. I was pushed to ask. 


"Sarah, how did you access my inner mind? Because when I was in my subconscious state, I saw and had a conversation with my past self". 


"Well that part, you did on your own, maybe a defense mechanism you might have set up for yourself in the past for a situation like this" she replied 


"What do you mean, I don't remember doing anything of such nature to myself" I said with certainty as I didn't understand what she was trying to say to me. 


"Well, you see Dianne, I only used some spells to make you go deep into your subconscious in hope that you would find something in there to jog your memory" she replied as she took a sip of the liquor. 


"I could've planted a memory there, but I didn't because I wanted you to work it out on your own, in hopes that by doing that, it would be more beneficial for you.... it did turn out to be good now didn't it?" She added. 


"Could you do the same for a human?" I asked, looking deep into her eyes as if I were looking to pick the answers to that question by myself from her eyes. 


She became silent as she looked 

at me, and in that moon-lit room came a silence so loud I could hear her heartbeat.