Love and war

As the moonlight lit the room, gentle moans could be heard from our apartment. Sarah and I found ourselves deeply into each other. Her skin was so soft I wanted to be inside it, her eyes held this statement…...give me everything.

"You know, Dianne, I've always admired how you've been the only one to really get me to be so vulnerable" Sarah said, a smile playing on her lips.

I blushed slightly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as I slowly rubbed my pussy against hers. "Thank you, Sarah. I just believe in giving my all to everything I do." I said, my gaze fixed with hers.

I leaned in slowly to give her a kiss, her lips were like a work of art, inviting and mesmerizing. The way they curved delicately, soft and plush, with a subtle sheen that caught the light. They exuded a natural fullness that begged to be kissed, the perfect balance of firmness and plumpness that made them utterly irresistible. Just one look at those captivating lips was enough to send shivers down the spine of anybody, a silent yet intoxicating invitation that drew you in like a moth to a flame.

Leaning up a bit, our legs were intertwined just like a scissors and with every bit of our souls we grinded each other, each letting off moans without a care in the world. Adjusting her pose and drawing me in, her hand around my neck slowly caressing the nape of my neck while so close to my ear, Sarah said "That's the spot Dianne, don't stop…... don't you dare.Fuck me like you missed me, be a into me"

I felt my heart flutter at her words, a warm feeling spreading through my chest. "I'm not stopping anytime soon, Sarah. Your body is mine and mine alone, the antidote to my every craving." I said as I gently laid her on the bed and buried my face deep between her legs.

A warm feeling filled my soul as my tongue rolled and sucked on her pussy. It tasted like candy, the sensation I got was like that of different candy flavors. The flavors danced on my tongue, sweet like spun sugar and reminiscent of childhood memories spent taking fresh honey. I couldn't help but close my eyes, savoring each second as we were indulging in this forbidden pleasure.

Just then she wrapped her feet around my head and gently rubbed my head, her touch sending a shiver down my spine. "Oh my goodness, ouuuu I'm cumming…...I'm cumming." She said amidst loud moans as she let off her internal juice and I so wholeheartedly let it slide down my throat.

We laid on the bed and let the music the creatures of the night sang fill the air. The blissful silence continued as we watched the clouds move across the moon on the horizon. The connection between us grew stronger with each passing moment, a bond that went beyond words.

Curling herself around me while fondling on my nipples she said "When you said, I'm your and yours alone,you didn't really Dianne, but I love that even though you have feelings for your new found love, you still see me as someone worth fucking with."

"Is that jealousy I smell? Awww, Saranne." I said as I brought her in and wrapped my hands around her.

"You should know I have learnt to be with clairvoyance and you can't lie to me, I'm not jealous, I just don't want to be a side thing when Lewis comes into the picture again." She said, staring into my eyes directly.

Just then Sarah's eyes went blank and she went all banshee mode, her silk hair was let down and almost immediately I knew something was wrong. As she got into her nightgown she said "we've got company, about twelve of them" 

We were soon outside my mansion and In the moonlit forest, the air was thick with tension as we emerged from the shadows, Sarah's haunting wail echoing through the trees. There we were met by an alpha whose pack stood ready, their eyes glowing with determination as if they were prepared for the impending battle. Instinctively, Sarah let out a piercing scream that sent shivers down their spines, but they stood their ground, unwilling to let fear take hold.

As Sarah and I began to float towards them, Sarah's ghostly form illuminated by the moonlight, the alpha stepped forward, his expression fierce as he approached. 

"Darius… big you've grown, I see you're an alpha now" I said immediately I recognized the alpha. 

Sarah had a confused look on her face but still stood her ground. Not sure what was going on but knew she had to fight alongside me.

"I must say, when I was told by the elders that you were still alive, I doubted for a second." He snarled, baring his fangs at me.

"You bear a striking resemblance to your father and that's no way to talk to your elder" I growled as my fur bristled and my claws extended, readying myself for the fight ahead.

Without hesitation, Sarah let out another bone-chilling scream, causing the ground to tremble beneath their feet. But Darius, with his Alpha strength, led the charge, leaping forward with his claws bared.Sarah dodged his attack with unnatural speed, her movements graceful yet deadly. Doing that she let him be in my direction.

"I'll handle this one, you deal with the rest" I said to Sarah as I dashed towards Darius.

As the battle raged on, Darius' pack proved to be a formidable opponent, her screams disorienting the pack and weakening their resolve. As we fought on, our unity and determination gave us strength. Darius ignoring me, swung his claws, hitting Sarah with a powerful blow that sent her reeling.

With a fierce howl, I launched myself at Darius, my claws slashing through the air as I let out a surge of bloodlust. Darius, realizing the danger his friends were in, summoned his inner strength and stepped between them, commanding them to retreat.

In that moment, Sarahs' ghostly form wavered, her screams fading into whispers as she gazed into my eyes. A wave of understanding passed between us, and her once malevolent presence softened.

With a final, loud wail, Dianne and I disappeared into the night, leaving behind a sense of peace and resolution. The pack had been retreated, I could tell that their self esteem was shattered as they realized part of the true power of a hybrid and a banshee in the face of darkness.

They had left but that left me with questions. A lot of questions that though the night was short, it felt like a long night to me.