Secrets Untold

/- Darius -/

As Lucius approached, his expression shifted from concern to curiosity, his keen eyes searching mine for answers that I was not yet ready to provide.

"Darius," he began, his voice gentle yet probing, "what happened here? And I heard Shadowfang, where is he?"

I sighed heavily, the weight of my secrets bearing down on me like a burden too heavy to bear alone. Only Lucius has heard my wolf, but as the alpha, it remains a secret from the rest of the pack. Taking another sip of wine, I leaned against the bar, my mind racing as I struggled to find the right words.

"Shadowfang," I murmured, the name heavy on my tongue, "he... he confronted me." I paused, the memories of our confrontation still fresh in my mind, each word mixed with pain and regret.

"He accused me of being manipulated by the elders, of being nothing more than a pawn in their game." I shook my head, the bitterness of his accusations lingering like a bitter taste in my mouth.