Dark depths

/- Darius -/

The expression that stayed on Blackwood's face when I broached the subject of my long-lost brother was a curious blend of astonishment and intrigue. His visage betrayed a sense of disbelief, as though the notion had never crossed his mind before. I saw it as something that was impossible, given his close ties to my family.He had served as an esteemed elder under my grandfather's reign and had been a trusted confidant to my father. It seemed inconceivable that he could be unaware of my twin's existence.

"Darius, I had no idea," Blackwood said, his voice heavy with surprise and a hint of unease. "Your father never mentioned anything about a brother."

I could sense the tension mounting in the air, a palpable energy that crackled between us as we grappled with the weight of this newfound revelation.

"My brother," I repeated, the words tasting foreign on my tongue. "I never knew him, never even knew he existed until now."