Birth of the Hybrid Dianne

/- Dianne -/

Emerging from the pool of crimson liquid, its viscous tendrils clinging to my naked form, I felt the surge of power coursing through my veins. In that moment, fear held no sway over me, for I was consumed by the raw energy pulsating within and around me.

Lucian stood from his throne, his movements purposeful as he walked towards me with a calculated intensity. With a fluid motion, he shed his cloak, revealing the sinewy muscles rippling beneath his skin, a silent declaration of his readiness for an impending confrontation.

"I don't like that look in your eyes woman!"

His words cut through the charged air like a blade, but I met them with steely resolve.

"You don't have to like the look in my eyes, Lucian," I retorted, my voice laced with defiance. "You're the one who brought this upon yourself, you made me."