Sarah's Night of Doom

/- Dianne -/

Sitting behind the wheel of my sleek McLaren, I remained vigilant, my gaze fixated unwaveringly on the entrance to El Corp, Lewis's prestigious company. Time seemed to stretch endlessly as I waited, each passing moment filled with anticipation and tension.

Finally, as the day drew to a close and the workers began to trickle out of the building, my patience was rewarded. Among the stream of vehicles exiting the garage, Lewis's distinctive Hellcat roared to life, tearing out of the company's garage with a ferocious energy that matched his own intensity.

But it wasn't Lewis who held my attention for long. As the bustling crowd dispersed, she emerged from the shadows, a figure of grace and elegance amidst the chaos of the urban landscape. With purposeful strides, she made her way towards the narrow alley that led in the direction of her home, her every movement captivating and elusive.