Logan vs Luna.

Soon the next round of the tournament had begun. Logan and Luna walked up to the stage as their names were called, where the referee was waiting for them. He announced their names and then gave them the rules of the match.

They had to stay within the boundaries of the stage, and they could not use any external weapons or items. They could only use their weapons, essence and skills.

They had to stop when one of them surrendered, was knocked out, or was declared unfit to continue by the referee.

The referee then lowered his hand and said, "Match start!"

As soon as he said that, Logan and Luna moved.

'Let me see how my strength compares against someone at the intermediate realm! I'll use seventy percent first!'

Logan dashed forward, drawing his sword and igniting it with his flame essence. He aimed for Luna's chest, hoping to end the match quickly and decisively.

Although he knew killing was prohibited, he also knew that an attack like this could be dodged by someone in the intermediate realm.

'Luna is skilled and she looks quite agile, I should not drag the match with her, besides she's in the intermediate realm, having more essence reserves than me that is someone at the elementary realm.'

As Logan expected, Luna was not surprised or scared by Logan's attack. She calmly raised her staff and channelled her ice essence creating a shield of pale blue light around her, blocking Logan's sword light easily.


A resounding explosion occurred but she didn't even take a step back rather she and Logan were locked in a stalemate with neither side advancing.

She raised her staff and counterattacked, sending a beam of silver light from her staff towards Logan's face.

She knew from watching Logan's previous battle that he was fast and fierce, and she did not want to let him get close to her. She wanted to keep him at a distance.

Logan twisted his body and the blade in his right hand created another red fiery arc as he slashed towards the silver light of his opponent.


Logan and Luna's attacks clashed, creating a burst of light with silvery and orange colors bursting out. They both separated quite a distance before Logan charged at her again, he knew that with ever moment he delayed he lost more of his essence reserves that could be used to battle.

Logan and Luna's fight continued, with both of them exchanging blows and dodging attacks.

'To think that I'll be evenly matched against someone at the intermediate realm despite using only seventy percent of my strength... This is quite fun.' They were evenly matched, with neither of them gaining an advantage or a disadvantage.

The referee watched from the side and nodded acknowledging their strength, but there was a flash of surprise in his eyes because Logan was only at the elementary realm but he was able to keep up with someone at the intermediate realm.

"I admit you're strong, but I'll have to end this match now," said Luna, as she raised her hand to the sky. Snowflakes began to fall, covering the stage with a thin layer of white. The crowd gasped as they witnessed the scene.

"What is that?" screamed someone in the crowd, as he pointed towards the sky above the ring. A faint outline of a moon appeared, shining its silver light on Luna.

"So this is the unique skill that the Luna clan is known for, humph it's only Soso" said a deep voice, but the moment this voice spoke, the whole arena turned silent. This was because the person who spoke was the second strongest on the ranking list, known as the Dark Lord. He had a keen interest in Luna, as she was the only one who could rival his strength in the future.

Back on stage, the ring was filled with glaciers and snow, forming a world of ice. Luna's eyes glowed with a blue light, as she tapped into the unique skill of her clan. The moon in the sky bathed her with its luminescent light, increasing her strength for a short period. She was ready to unleash her ultimate move, the Frozen Moon Slash, a strike that had been enhanced by the bathing light power of the artificial moon she created.

... This was the unique skill of the Moon clan.

The ring was foggy due to the snow, but Logan was calm as he also prepared his final strike.

He knew he could win and wasn't worried because of the "fifth stage Essence of Vibration", the secret technique that he had learned with his monstrous perception of the incomplete jade slip. He had been previously worried about using his trump card, as it would reveal his strength and attract unwanted attention. But now, due to the foggy nature of the ring, he could go all out.

'Let's see how you compare against this skill, although I don't know how powerful it would be, I could only hope for the best.'

Luna had condensed all her ice essence into her sword, as she swung it forward towards Logan. A crescent-shaped blade of ice flew out, cutting through the air with a sharp sound.

But all Logan did was mutter in a low voice, "Fifth stage Essence of Vibration", as he slashed forward with his sword.

He noticed something strange, his sword had become shadow-like and it seemed blurry, with a weak sword light.

'Could this skill have been a farce and my intuition was wrong all along? Damn, what do I do now if I miss out on the win?'

Seeing this, Logan became worried because this was the first time he used this skill, but Luna's strike had already connected.

He prepared himself for the worst when his sword cut through her strongest strike like a hot knife slicing through butter.

He was shocked, and so was Luna. Although she didn't see what happened, she thought Logan deflected her strike.

Before he could figure out what happened Logan's legs blurred, and he appeared in front of Luna, his hand grasped his sword that came from behind as he swung it with great force towards her throat only stopping a few inches away.

This sort of speed shocked him, but he quickly composed himself.

'So the essence of vibration allows me to manipulate different vibration frequencies? That's so amazing! To think I actually possess the sound element, that's four elements with the inclusion of two rare elements.'

He realized the essence of vibration allowed him to manipulate the frequency of his sword and feet, making it invisible and intangible.

The stage slowly cleared, and the audience saw a scene that left them stunned to this day.

Even the Dark Lord stood up, as he squinted his eyes, looking at Logan, who had no scratches on his body, with his sword at Luna's neck.

"Match over, Logan wins." the referee announced, breaking the silence.

Logan withdrew his sword and smiled at Luna. "You're amazing, Luna. I hope we can fight again someday," he said honestly to the still-dazed Luna, he walked back to his seat and met Jason ignoring the gazes all around him from both the crowd and other participants.

"Bro why does it have to be you who gets to be paired against such a beauty, if I was the one fighting I would have tried to at least cup a feel! Damn it! Why is life so unfair?!" Jason said to Logan bringing about weird looks from the people beside him.


Logan, who had just defeated one of the strongest fighters in the tournament earned the title of one of the the new Dark Horse.