Watch how it's Done!

'To think I'll destroy someone at the eight stage of the elementary realm in just a couple of moves despite possessing no elemental affinity a few weeks ago' Logan sighed looking at the state of Leo on the ground.

"The battle could go on but you already know who the Victor would be, why not quit and save your strength for the next fight?" Logan advised as he hung his sword horizontally on his shoulder with his right hand.

Leo hesitated but he knew he had no chance. He nodded and said. "I admit defeat. You win."

Logan nodded and sheathed his sword. He turned around and walked away.

"Logan wins!"

The referee declared Logan the winner as the crowd cheered.

Logan returned to the waiting area at his previous seat and met Jason.

"Your fight was great, but you seemed to be holding back,"

Jason congratulated him on his victory, but not without some critic bring aimed at him.

"Heh, if I had used my full strength the match wouldn't have lasted up to seconds" Logan blurted out abruptly.

"Now you're just being full of yourself, at least Leo would have still put up a fight!"

'Sigh, when he sees me use the essence of vibration along with my true strength he would be truly shocked. I wonder how strong he had gotten the past two days' Logan thought with a smile and chose to keep quiet not answering Jason.

Jason's name was soon called.

"Time to show you what this Immortal handsome king is made of!"

"I just hope you at least last one minute with your opponent!" Logan teased.

"Wha- one- one minute? Are you underestimating me? Just you watch and see, I'll show you how gifted I am."

His opponent was a guy named Harry, who was of average build with short hair and brown eyes. He walked with the arrogant aura of a noble as if he owned the place.

Jason didn't know who this Harry was and he didn't dare underestimate him but as he realised the guy's looks were only average he couldn't help but sigh 'To think they would put me against an average looking guy'

He continued walking up to the stage confidently, moreover, he believed in his strength.

Harry had arrived at the stage.

"Match start!" the referee announced.

As the referee announced the start of the match, Jason withdrew his swords, facing Harry who had already withdrawn his spear.

Harry looked straight into the eyes of Jason.

"Hmm, pairing me up with a loser," he said disdainfully. "I could even win in three moves," Harry said with a smirk.

"Despite being average, he could still talk, humph, just so you know friend, no I can't be friends with a fellow of average looks, Just so you know people of average looks are not allowed to brag. Collect my moves, Mr. Average!" Jason said, replying to Harry's taunts.

He pointed his sword straight towards Harry. "Whirlwind slash!" he muttered as he rapidly condensed his flame essence, a fiery orange flame condensed at the tip of both of his swords' blade, he slashed forward in a slanting motion, creating a fiery arc in the air.

Harry saw the attack and snorted in disdain, he knew that Jason was weak so he wasn't worried, the attack approached rapidly but such speed was nothing for him, he held his spear, swinging it with the essence of water. "Slide strike!" As the flame slash reached him, he parried it and quenched it with his water element. The water and flames clashed, creating a cloud of steam. Both attacks cancelled out each other.

Harry, discovering that their attacks were equal, frowned.

Jason, at this moment, said, "My final strike."

"Did I just hear him say his final strike? I thought they agreed on three strikes," someone in the crowd overheard Jason and said in a loud voice, this person was a man in particular, probably one of those that was jealous of Jason's handsome looks, and the female fans that were cheering for him.

"This Jason is just too arrogant. even I can't say I would defeat harry in three moves not to talk of three, I'm sure he knows he'll lose that's why he has decided to go all out and use his final strike now," another person said.

"That sounds right. This Harry is strong. I don't think I'll be able to handle a single move from him at the very least," a third person said.

Logan shook his head as he heard these people discussing. Although they were far he could still hear them due to the enhanced hearing of cultivator.

'He attacked with about forty percent of his strength to guage that of his opponent, whereas his opponent blocked the attack with his full strength. Jason would win, he had the brains to come up with such a plan, Jason keeps surprising me.'

He knew the move Jason used was to gauge the strength of his opponent, and he discovered his opponent wasn't a threat. That's why he decided to finish the match quickly.

"Look, what's that?" someone said, pointing to the battle stage.

As the crowd looked at the battle stage, they saw a dazzling flash of light.

Jason had unleashed his final strike, a powerful blast of orange flame engulfed Harry and his spear threatening to consume everything in its path.

Harry tried to block it with different water element skills but it was too late, he hadn't expected Jason would suddenly release such a powerful strike, he thought their strength was at the same or similar level, and he could win with some tactics, but he hadn't expected Jason to be hiding his true strength. The flame burned through his defenses and hit him directly, sending him flying off the stage.

"Jason wins"

The referee quickly declared Jason the winner expressionlessly.

Jason sheathed his swords and walked off the stage basking in the limelight with a smile spread across his lips.

He glanced at Logan who nodded at him with a smile.

"Logan bro how was it? Did you see how to defeat an opponent? You give them no chance to counterattack." Jason said boastful as he puffed his chest.

Logan felt his lips twitch as he ignored Jason.

"Anyway let's go check out the result after the first round."

As they reached the stage, they saw the holographic screen displaying their ranks suddenly change, they saw the results of the first round.

They saw the names of the winners and the losers separated into two different columns, soon the names of the losers disappeared leaving only the names of the winners.

They saw their rankings and the groups. They saw that they had advanced to the second round and were in the 16th group.

Logan had to face a girl named Luna in the next round.

He immediately searched the crowd and saw her, She was a beautiful and elegant girl, with long silver hair and purple eyes. She had a graceful and mysterious aura.

She was holding a staff in her hand. She looked at Logan with interest and smiled. She was the daughter of the head of the Moon Clan, one of the most powerful and influential clans in the continent.

This was due to the special skill the moon clan possessed, they could create an artificial moon enhancing their strength, speed and agility and also accomplish several different purposes.

Moreover, Luna was a genius cultivator who had reached the intermediate realm...

Looking into her purple eyes, as they flashed with a cold glint Logan felt a chill in his spine.

'Damn! I just began my run with an amazing victory and now I'm facing someone at the Intermediate realm?' He knew he had to give his best and his all. He looked at her and nodded.