Jason wants to cop a feel!

The next fight was between Luna, a girl with silver hair and purple eyes from Group A, and the princess, a girl with golden hair and pink eyes from Group B who had previously been Elizabeth's opponent. The princess had a graceful and elegant style of fighting, using her dagger like a ninja, Luna was a talented mage, who specialized in ice magic, with the unique skill that the Luna clan were known for. She had a cold and aloof personality and rarely showed any emotions.

To no one's surprise, the princess took the win. She easily broke through Luna's ice barriers and confused her with her catlike agility. She then delivered a gentle but firm strike with her dagger, knocking Luna unconscious. She smiled and waved to the crowd, who cheered and applauded for her. She then walked back to her group.

Next was the match between Elizabeth and Jason.

Jason stood up from his seat nervously as he looked at the distant and icy gaze of Elizabeth, his opponent. She was known for her ruthless and cold-hearted fighting style, using her water and ice elements to overpower and freeze her enemies, she also possessed a whip as her weapon, a weapon which is rarely used but quite deadly.

"Best of luck, Jason," said Logan as he tried to encourage his friend, patting him lightly on his shoulder as he smiled warmly.

"Thanks, dude," replied Jason as he smiled wryly. He remembered Logan's match from the previous day and how he fought with all he had, and so he got the confidence he needed.

'Man, I wish I was as strong as him.'

Jason thought as he looked back at Logan one more time before jumping onto the stage from his seat. He felt the heat of the sun on his skin and the cheers of the crowd in his ears. He looked at Elizabeth as she also walked onto the stage. She had a slender and graceful figure, and long black hair that was tied in a ponytail. She wore a blue dress that matched her eyes and a silver necklace that had a pendant shaped like a snowflake.

Along the line of studying her, Jason noticed something that almost took his focus off the match...

She had a firm chest... It was quite big and firm! He took a large as he prepared to do all he could to cop a feel!

They both stared at each other intensely, with Jason almost grinning as the referee announced the commencement of the match.

Jason took out his sword, which had a red hilt and a silver blade. The both of them were of similar designs.

Elizabeth took out her whip, which was made of fine leather and had metal spikes on it. It was a weapon that suited her personality and her element. She was a water element user, and she could manipulate water in various forms, such as liquid, solid, or gas. She could also create ice from water, and use it as a weapon or a shield.

They steeled their resolve as they charged forward, flames flickering around Jason's body while a similar scene played on the side of Elizabeth, except with ice crystals instead of flames.

Flames ignited on Jason's sword as he slashed forward towards Elizabeth, aiming for her neck, while his eyes looked for an opening to release his sword and grab her...

Seeing the attack, she condensed a shield of water in front of her and blocked the attack. The water shield sizzled and evaporated as it came in contact with the fire, creating a cloud of steam.

Taking advantage of the steam, Elizabeth sent out multiple ice shards from her whip, aiming for Jason's vital points.

'Shit I did nothing wrong! I just want to cup a feel, it's been so long since I did it!' Jason almost blurted out loud.

He dodged the ice shards with his lightning-quick speed, moving like a flash of light. He rapidly moved back and then raised his sword to the sky. Bolts of lightning descended from the sky, following his command, and counterattacked the ice shards. The ice shards shattered and melted as they were hit by the lightning, creating a shower of water droplets.

Jason activated his lightning-quick speed again, trying to catch Elizabeth off guard. He dashed towards her, leaving behind a trail of sparks. He swung his sword at her, hoping to land a decisive blow, we'll not quite decisive, just one that would allow him to cop a feel!

But she was prepared. She also activated her lightning skill.

She charged forward, meeting Jason's attack head-on. She wrapped her whip around his sword and sent a jolt of electricity through it.

'Damn it, I forgot she also has the lightning element. I really might lose this match if I don't focus... But I must cop a feel of those firm...'

Jason thought as he felt a surge of pain in his arm. He quickly let go of his sword and jumped back. He clenched his teeth, and shook his arm, trying to get rid of the numbness.

Elizabeth smirked, and pulled her whip back, retrieving Jason's sword. She tossed it aside, and then whipped her whip again, creating a water tentacle. She slashed forward with it, aiming for Jason's chest. Lightning crackled around her whip, as she planned to catch Jason in between two attacks.

But Jason had expected this since she showed her lightning element. He dodged the water tentacle and moved back. He then stretched out his hand and summoned his sword back to his hand.

'Can that also be done using sword aura?' Logan thought in exasperation as he continued watching the match.

He gripped his sword and then sent out an attack of his own. He created a wave of fire and launched it towards Elizabeth.

She blocked the fire wave with an ice shield, but the fire was too hot and the ice was too thin. The ice shield melted and broke, and the fire wave continued its course. She dodged the fire wave, but not without getting some burns on her arm and leg.

She gritted her teeth and ignored the pain. She attacked with her ice element, sending out ice arrows towards Jason. Jason was caught off guard, as he was focused on his fire attack. He quickly moved backwards, but an evasion done in haste can only be half good. He was struck in the ribs by an arrow and felt a sharp pain. He gasped and fell to the ground.

'Jason is supposed to be stronger than this! Don't tell me he? Damn! Does this guy really want to do that during a match?' Logan realised why Jason was quite clumsy during this match and he could not help but confirm one of his suspicions 'Jason is a madman!' 'who else would be thinking of copping a feel during a match?'