Mark's Superpower!

He was enjoying the thrill of the fight. 'So this is the sixth stage of the essence of vibration, the state of invisibility. It feels exhilarating,' he thought.

"Hah!" he exclaimed, as he slashed forward, condensing his flame essence into a flame slash. A fiery red flow emanated around his sword, making it look dangerous, but all this wasn't visible to his opponent since he was in a state of invisibility.

He had switched to his fire element, one of his strongest elements, and he had infused it with his essence of vibration, increasing its power and speed.

He aimed at Mark's back, hoping to end the match with one strike. Sensing an attack coming from behind him, Mark quickly created a space portal. He had a great battle awareness because he had already been cultivating for a while, he had also been goin on expeditions and learning from his brother so while he couldn't see the attack he could sense that an attack was aimed at him.

Because the attack was too fast he had a split second to react, and he used his space element to escape. He quickly stepped into the portal, hoping to dodge Logan's attack. But he couldn't fully avoid it, and he got caught up in it.

A portion of his clothes burnt off, and he felt a searing pain on his skin. He crash-landed on the ground, just as he came out from the portal. He dusted off his clothes, and he stood up. He stretched his hand, and he saw some blood on his palm. He had a deep wound on his back, and he knew he was in trouble.

He looked at the little burnt marks on his skin, and he smiled faintly. He had to admit, Logan was a worthy opponent. He had pushed him to his limits, and he had forced him to use his last resort. 'It seems I have no choice but to activate my superpower,' he thought.

He had been saving it for the final moment, and he hoped it would be enough to turn the tide due to the excessive consumption of his superpower on his essence but who knew Logan would suddenly comprehend a new skill in the middle of battle forcing him to use it now.

Mark knew he had no other option but to activate his superpower. He could feel the sweat dripping from his forehead as he slowly pulled back his spear. He tried to calm his breathing as his eyes flashed with a silver light.

Suddenly, a crack appeared in the air, as if space itself was torn apart. A figure emerged from the gap, but it was so faint that most people only saw a brief glint of silver.

However, the crowd could sense a boundless and ancient aura emanating from the figure.

"What is this feeling?" someone exclaimed.

"Even though I'm this far from the stage, I can feel a tremendous pressure, despite being at the late stage of the intermediate realm," another person said.

Logan felt a surge of dread as he realized something was wrong. He had been enjoying the feeling of absolute power that came from the sixth stage of the "essence of vibration" skill. He had thought he was invincible in his state of invisibility.

But then he felt a sharp pain in his chest as if he had been punched by a giant fist. He looked up and saw Mark charging towards him with a determined expression. 'Damn, what was that? How did he find me?'

"Piercing space spear!" Mark shouted as his spear glowed with a silver light. It looked like the figure that had emerged from the crack had attached itself to the spear, enhancing its power and speed.

"Hah!" Mark thrust his spear forward, aiming for Logan's heart.

'Damn!' Logan cursed as he activated his fifth stage of the essence of vibration, becoming blurry as he seemingly vanished from his position. He dodged the spear attack by a hair's breadth, but he knew he couldn't keep this up for long.

'I have to end this now!' He gathered his remaining energy and unleashed a flaming slash as he reappeared in front of Mark.

The slash was so powerful that it set the air on fire, creating a trail of flames behind it. Everything happened in a split second, but Logan felt like time had slowed down.

As he closed in on his opponent, he saw Mark flash him a cold smile. 'You're done for, buddy! Wait, that's not right. Mark never smiles. Something is off.'

Logan wanted to abort his attack and retreat, but it was too late. The spear slash that he had barely avoided had circled back and was heading straight for his face.

'Damn...but I didn't see him launch a second attack!...something is wrong.'

It felt like he was fighting two different people. Ever since his location was exposed, he had been on the defensive.

He couldn't predict Mark's moves or counter his attacks.

'Wait, who exposed my location? That's right, his eyes! They weren't glowing before. Could it be?'

'Is this his superpower? Damn it!'

"Give up, Logan. You can't possibly defeat me, especially not with my superpower active." Mark taunted as he felt his essence of nature draining rapidly due to maintaining his superpower.

He hoped that Logan would surrender before his essence reserves ran out or else he might lose the advantage. But his thoughts were interrupted by Logan's words.

"Flame slash!" Logan shouted as he lunged forward with a blazing sword, slicing the air with a fiery arc.

'How could I possibly give up when I'm this close to winning?' He could already sense the victory within his reach, and he thought that if he gave up now he would regret it later.

Besides, he was tempted by the resources he could obtain from winning this match. He did not want to waste this opportunity.

"Sword aura! Essence of vibration!" Logan combined the three skills and unleashed a powerful attack.

The ferocity of the attack was evident to them all. It was like a scorching ray of light that pierced through the darkness.

Mark looked at the stubborn Logan and could not help but admire his tenacity.

The attack Logan sent out approached Mark slowly but surely. It seemed unstoppable.

Mark did not dodge the attack. He just stood there calmly.

"What is he doing?" someone from the crowd screamed.

"Isn't he going to dodge?" another one of Mark's fans screamed In a panicked voice.