Sixth stage essence of vibration!

Logan saw the attack and breathed out deeply. He knew he had no choice but to block it. He activated his water barrier, summoning a wall of water in front of him. The water barrier was quite thick and sturdy.

The sunbeam slash hit the water barrier, creating a loud hissing noise and a cloud of steam. The water barrier held for a moment, but Logan could see it was starting to crack under the pressure.

He knew he had to act fast. He decided to use his trump card, the skill he had been saving for the last moment. He muttered in a low voice, "Essence of vibration." His figure seemingly faded away, as he tapped into the essence of vibration.

He moved at a speed that surpassed the limits of the human eye, appearing behind Mark in an instant. He sent out a flame slash, hoping to catch Mark off guard. But Mark had already prepared a light barrier shield ahead of time, anticipating Logan's move.

He had sensed a slight disturbance in the space behind him, and he reacted accordingly. He created a dome of light around him, blocking Logan's attack. Seeing the light barrier, Logan smirked.

He had expected Mark to have a backup plan, and he was ready for it. He infused his essence of vibration skill into the flame slash, increasing its power and speed. He sliced the light barrier like a piece of paper, breaking through Mark's defence.

"It's that attack again!" shouted someone in the crowd, recognizing Logan's skill from his previous matches.

"I think... I think Logan might actually win this," another person said shakily, feeling the tension in the air.

"Win? Mark hasn't even activated his superpower yet," a dude in the crowd sneered loudly, showing his loyalty to Mark as a fan of the champion.

. Hearing this, the crowd recalled that Mark had a superpower, a special ability that only a few people possessed.

Shock was written all over Mark's face, as he felt Logan's attack hit him. He had underestimated Logan's strength, and he paid the price. He had a deep cut on his chest, and blood was dripping from his wound.

He knew he had to retreat or the results would be terrific. He immediately created a space portal, a circular opening in the air that led to another location. He quickly stepped into it, hoping to escape from Logan's attack range. But Logan was not going to let him go so easily.

__ "This is my final attack, and after this, you leave me no choice but to activate my superpower," Mark said in a serious tone. He gathered his essence of light and space, two of the most powerful elements, and prepared his ultimate attack. "Light space spear!" he shouted, as he thrust his spear forward.

The essence of nature rapidly became chaotic, as a dazzling spear of light and space emerged from his weapon. It tore through the air, creating a sonic boom and a shockwave resounding. It was aimed directly at Logan's heart, leaving no room for escape.

Logan, seeing this, sat down calmly. He wanted to take a moment to ponder on the sixth level of the essence of vibration. He had a vague feeling that he could achieve something incredible with it, but he needed to focus. He closed his eyes, as time around him seemed to slow down.

He felt the essence of vibration within him, pulsing and resonating with everything. He tried to attune himself to it, to reach a higher state of harmony. Mark's attack seemed to slow down to him. He could see the fluctuations of light and space, sometimes fading and other times being still.

He sensed the danger and the power behind it and knew that if he was hit with that skill it would be game over for sure, but he also felt a surge of confidence, one that stemmed from his being.

He opened his eyes, as his figure suddenly blurred away. He had activated the sixth level of the essence of vibration, the state of invisibility. He had become one with the vibration, and he had vanished from sight.

Mark turned to the side, ready to counterattack again, but he realized that Logan wasn't there either. He looked around the stage, but he couldn't seem to find Logan.

He felt a chill run down his spine, as he wondered what Logan was planning. 'Long-range teleportation? Does he possess the space element?' Mark pondered.

He knew that some people could use the essence of space to move across distances, but he had never seen anyone do it so fast and silently.

"Where did he go?" he asked aloud, feeling a hint of fear.

"Is that even allowed in the match?" someone from the crowd shouted, expressing their confusion. The crowd was also bewildered by Logan's show of incredible skills.

Up at the elders' side, the first elder spoke. He had been watching the match with interest, and he was impressed by both Mark and Logan. "I can still sense his aura vibrantly on the stage, but I can't physically see him clearly his visage seems blurry," he said, using his enhanced perception to locate Logan.

"This boy truly cannot be understood with common sense," he said, shaking his head in admiration. "And to think he only just got an elemental affinity a few weeks ago," he added,

"Send word, I want to find out where this boy is from," he said, signalling an elder. He had a feeling that Logan had a special background.

Back on stage, unaware of the piqued curiosity of the first elder in him, Logan felt himself flowing like the wind. He could also feel that he was constantly in a state of vibration, matching the frequency of everything around him.

'Damn this skill is the real deal but the way, my essence reserves are being drained, I don't think it would last much longer, I need to take advantage of the time I have left.' He felt his elemental essence drain rapidly at ten times its normal speed, but he didn't care.