Manager Han

When the manager arrived at the station, he ignored all the shocked expressions people had when they saw him and directly went to the station chief's office.

"Has the beast crossed over yet? Is anyone injured? Are there any casualties?"

There were no formalities when he spoke, as he was actually the police chief's boss.

In fact he was in charge of this whole mining colony. That's what his role of a 'manager' was — to manage and develop the mines on this asteroid for the profit of the company.

"What beast? Who's misinformed you? I think you should follow me for your questions to be cleared up." The police chief was confused at first but he didn't press the matter and instead gestured the manager to the door.

'How can there be no casualties? The people in this station don't even look afraid, just what is going on?'

As they walked through the halls, the manager couldn't help but question the recent events.