Is that it?

"Since I already told you about the strength of each rank, I may as well do the same with speed."

"F- ranks usually don't go above 10 m/s, though there are some exceptions. F ranks can range between 10 and 20 m/s, F+ ranks between 21 and 40 m/s. E- ranks range from 41 and 60 m/s, E ranks from 61 to 80 m/s and E+ ranks cap out at 100m/s."

"This might seem like a lot of information overload, but it allows you to put into perspective just how much of an anomaly you are. Realistically you should only be able to reach 60 m/s, maybe a little above, but not to the extent that you are near E+ rank speeds…"

Kyla seemed even more shocked at his speed test results than his strength test.

But since she had a job to do, she had to complete Alex's tests before she wanted to do anything like recruiting him.

"Let's head over to the final test."