Who are you?

Soon after the dust cleared, the three awakened saw a youth of similar age to them in a strange outfit walking out from behind the now dead boar.

Several small sparks and flames still remained in the surroundings, as a reminder of the attack Alex had just launched.

"Are you okay?" asked Alex, with a smile on his face.

The three awakened looked at Alex, their expressions those of shock and their mouths agape.

They opened their mouths to speak.

"Who… What are you?" 

Alex just looked at them with a mysterious smile and replied.

"Hello! I'm just a wandering warrior. Can you tell me a little about this place?"

Upon hearing Alex's answer, the three conscious awakened quickly reacted, with the male taking the lead.

"Y-yes, hello sir! We're currently in the outskirts between the Wildlands and the Darkness."