A formidable foe

The black cloaked figure clenched his fist, with blue lightning appearing from nowhere and coiling around it, emitting sparks that sent crackled all over the surroundings.

A few bolts of lightning shot off into the ground, exploded and sent debris and rocks flying towards Alex, and were blocked by his sturdy body before they soon fell back to the ground.

'This guy has some sort of lightning talent and it seems stronger than even my own Flame talent!'

Alex gradually shifted his position, holding his sword directly in front of him, 'This battle will be even harder than I thought.'

He could feel a real threat from this new adversary, he had no inkling about the guy's true strength and now he revealed that he had a strong elemental talent!

The only thing Alex could judge about this guy was that he was an E+ rank, probably only a sliver of energy away from reaching D- rank.