The wrath of the pack

For a moment, Alex wondered if the pack would even attack, seeking revenge for their champions.

But those thoughts washed away the moment he saw their faces and eyes flicker with rage, like a switch had just been flicked inside them and all of their previous shock, fear and horror had been replaced with a spartan rage.

Now, thirty or so beasts, driven by fury and grief over their fallen comrades, encircled Alex. They moved with predatory grace, not even releasing any guttural sounds like they did when their two comrades were fighting. Only an eerie silence permeated the air.

These beasts were relatively weaker than their two champions competing for the position of Alpha. The majority of them being E to E+ rank, with the exception of two D- rank beasts.

But all of them were still Mutant class beasts, so Alex had to be extremely careful in this fight.