D- rank

"All done!"

Alex exclaimed with a relieved sigh as the days of constantly absorbing energy were over.

Now, the most important thing had to be done and he had to check his details to see if he had successfully reached D- rank or not.

But before he could even think of the word 'Details', a prompt flashed in front of his eyes on its own.

[Congratulations, You've successfully upgraded your Soul Core to D tier! You must be surprised to see this message from the system, like receiving a birthday card from God himself! But you're not so special, every being in the universe sees this message when they reach D tier.]

Alex saw the message and his heart rate instantly accelerated and adrenaline started pumping through his veins at record speed.

But when he actually read the first few lines of the message, his excitement quickly turned into annoyance.

However he suppressed any negative feelings for now and continued on.