
'If it weren't for my speed, I would be the one on the ground instead. That's what pisses me off the most.' Nikolas thought to himself, unamused at his flawless win streak coming to an end.

"Winner: Nikolas. Alex ends with Nine wins and One loss. Nikolas ends with Ten wins and Zero losses."

The AI's voice echoed through the arena, announcing the end of the fight.

The crowd erupted into chaos, applauding both fighters for their incredible display of skill and power.


Alex woke up in his dorm room, groggy and disoriented. His head throbbed with a migraine, and his vision was blurry. 

He looked around in confusion, trying to piece together how he ended up there. The last thing he remembered was losing the fight against Nikolas.

'What the hell happened?' he wondered, rubbing his temples. 'I remember losing... and then nothing.'