First year rankings

The room fell into a tense silence as the Principal's words reverberated through the air.

Jonathan Stein, cowed into submission, leaned back in his hair, muttering to himself but otherwise keeping quiet.

The other professors exchanged glances, some relieved, others like Professor Will and Professor Fayre amused at Jonathan's comeuppance.

The Principal, a man of commanding presence and steely grey hair and a sharp gaze, took a moment to let the quiet settle before continuing. He glanced at the holographic screen in front of him one more time, the first year ranking prominently displayed.

"Let's proceed," he said, his voice calm but authoritative. "Professor Will, I want you to oversee the mentorship program. Pair the top ranked students with experienced mentors. We need to ensure they are cultivated well."

Professor Will nodded, his expression serious. "Understood, sir. I'll begin the arrangements immediately."