The first lecture

Dr. Zoric entered the lecture hall shortly after, his presence commanding immediate attention from the lecture hall packed with students. There were hardly any empty seats left, which just showed how popular his class was.

The room fell silent as he reached the podium, his eyes briefly meeting Alex's before scanning the rest of the class.

"Good morning, everyone," Dr. Zoric began, his voice carrying easily throughout the room. "Some of you may already know of me, some of you may not. So let me introduce myself."

He paused, his gaze sweeping across the rows of students. "My name is Dr. Arlen Zoric, I've spent the better part of my life studying the nature of souls. For context, I am 126 years old."

The students in the lecture hall gasped in shock when they heard Dr. Zoric's age. 

They knew that awakened could live for a long time, as they might occasionally come across awakened over thousands of years old in the Primordial Expanse.