


Silence pervaded the area surrounding the felled tree.

Even Mira's thoughts went silent for a moment.

"*Cough* *Cough*"

"Doesn't this place have a city council to deal with roadblocks like this? I can't believe of all things that take me down, it's a damn stationary tree!"

Alex spoke aloud, letting his thoughts loose.

"Hey Mir-"

But it was clear he thought it was still just him and Mira there.

After taking a quick glance around, it was obvious that it wasn't the case.

"Haha… My bad, don't mind us!... Just passing through is all."

Alex embarrassingly apologised to the crowd of 17 people, all stood around the three carriages that also happened to be stopped.

The horses seemed to be a little unsettled from Alex and Mira's sudden supersonic entrance into the tree, as one of them even tried to break loose from its reins.