The plot thickens

"It can't be…"

The tall figure slowly turned his face to the shorter figure, his voice laced with deadly intent.

"It's dead."

The shorter figure's eyes widened in horror.

It seemed so unbelievable to him that even with the taller figure confirming it, he still couldn't believe it.

It was the King of Evermoor! It was literally one of the strongest creatures in the entire Evermoor forest, hence its name.

Yet somehow, it was dead…

The tall figure stood frozen for a moment, the enormity of the situation crashing down on him.

They had used this beast for the last month to kill off any outsider prodigies they had encountered, yet now the impossible had happened…

And now Alex and Mira, the ones they had deemed to be insignificant, were now at the centre of such an era defining event for the human race.