

However, while Alex and Mira were both steeling their resolve, preparing themselves for their inevitable deaths, a loud explosion could be heard from above.

It was so surprising that not only did Alex and Mira take their attention away from the menacing aliens, but even the aliens themselves turned to look up at the source of the explosion.

High above them right at the edge of the planet's atmosphere, a ship rapidly descended through the ozone layer and then the clouds after that a few seconds later. It was so fast that it broke the sound barrier every time it passed through a new layer of air, sending more and more loud explosions shattering across the surface below.

Alex and Mira couldn't quite make heads or tails of the situation, as they couldn't qutie make out if the approaching ship was a Federal ship or not. Part of them hoped it was, but their hopes weren't high. The timing of things would just be too impeccable if it were.