Alex strolled around the streets, not quite sure what he was looking for. He came to the Primordial Expanse to escape the expectations that were placed upon him now that he was a higher life form and held significant power in the Federation, but also to increase his strength even further.
But that was the extent of where his plans went, it ended at that. After all entering the Primordial Expanse was entirely unpredictable for him, and he was still just as clueless as ever for the reason to that. Everyone else, aside from Mira, entered the Primordial Expanse at the last location they were at, after all.
Alex was somewhat glad that nobody had questioned him on why no-one had encountered him in the Primordial Expanse yet, as surely after spending such a significant amount of time in there, someone should have recognised him in one of the cities or towns or villages he'd come across?
But that wasn't the case, and he could only be thankful that it was so.