The Arrogant Warlord

"Lord Ryoma, we have arrived at Uthea. Is there any particular reasoning you wanted to come here, or are you just visiting?"

I opened my eyes, a confident smirk curling on my face. I sat up, softly grunting and giving a soft chuckle. "Well yes, there is a reason I'm here. I'm here for the legend that my people have been speaking about. Word seems to spread quickly around," I answered as I grabbed my bag and sword.

"Legend? What legend do you speak of, milord?" My boat driver asked, scratching the side of his head in confusion.

"The legend of Uthea is pretty interesting. They say whoever conquers all 20 Kingdoms and the main city, they will be able to meet a Goddess of their choosing. I plan on conquering all 20 Kingdoms...but I won't stop there. I'm gonna marry every Queen in Uthea and restore my Bloodline." I said as I stood up, getting onto the dock.

"By yourself? Uthea is known for their extremely powerful Queens and Princesses, milord. Are you sure you want to tackle this alone? These Queens are no joke, all of them are boosted by their Empress's Crest of War." My boat driver said, clearly worried about me.

"Fear not, my loyal driver. I am boosted by my Crest of Arcane and if you know anything about this Crest, you'd know I'm practically unstoppable~ Now I'll be heading off now, tell my brother to take good care of Yesha for me." I said, waving goodbye to my boat driver before heading off to start my journey.

"Good luck out there, Lord Ryoma.." My boat driver said before sailing off back to Yesha.

I whistled and confidently walked down a path in the forest, ready to reach my first kingdom and making a name for myself in Uthea. The Uthean air was fresh, the nature around me feeling way more pure than Eyica despite Uthea being known for War.

As I made my way through the vibrant green setting, I heard rustling in the trees, causing me to stop whistling. I stopped walking, scanning my surroundings as I sensed someone nearby. Suddenly, a kunai flew out of the trees, landing next to my foot.

I looked at the kunai, a smirk playing on my lips. "Your aim is pretty bad for a ninja," I taunted, my tone mocking my hidden attacker.

With a swift motion, a ninja appeared behind me, going for a quick assassination. I dodged their slash, surprising them with my uncanny reflexes then I kicked them back. The ninja grunted as they rolled backwards, recovering onto their knees.

I looked at the figure, studying them and noticing the ninja was a woman wearing an oni mask over her face and her eyes glowed red. "I can tell you aren't the queen, but judging by your demeanor, you want to fight. Alright, I'll play along with you for a bit," I said, setting my bag down and taking my basic stance.

'He's not even guarding himself...He has way too many openings. What an amateur for underestimating me!' The woman thought to herself as she used a burst of speed to appear in front of me.

Her first kick was dodged by me ducking under her then she grunted as I grabbed her ankle. I spun around, building up momentum before launching her into a nearby tree. The woman quickly recovered, her feet planting on the tree then she propelled herself toward me, unsheathing her katana.

I dodged her first slash, jumping back to create distance between us. She rushed forward again, slashing rapidly, but I blocked each slash, countering with a gut strike with the scabbard of my sword. The woman groaned, falling to her knees, holding her stomach. The clone vanished into white smoke, impressing me and causing me to become wary.

I sensed an attack behind me, turning around to be met with a crescent wave of energy headed straight toward me. The wave of energy hit my body, causing an explosion, creating powerful winds as an effect.

'Got him...He didn't even have time to dodge it..' The woman said, fixing her mask.

"That was it's my turn." I said, clearing the smoke with a swipe of my hand, my aura surrounding my body.

I slowly unsheathed my sword, walking forward and a smirk resting on my face. I rushed forward with a slash, but she blocked it then grunted as she was being pushed back. She broke the blade lock and went for a swift slash, but I parried her then slashed in a circle, knocking her away.

The woman groaned as her back hit a tree then she fell to the ground. She coughed and panted softly, her mind full of questions about who I truly was. "How..? How did he beat me..? I trained for months...and he takes me down like I was nothing.."

I sheathed my blade then picked up my back. I looked at the woman then chuckled. "Better luck next time, ninja..~ Today just wasn't your day," I said, walking off and continuing my path to the first kingdom.

The woman watched me then glared, throwing a smoke bomb down and vanishing.


After a long path travelled, I finally made my way to a small village. The village was bustling with hardworking men and women all working together to keep their home afloat with various trades with merchants to tending to their animals and farms.

As I wandered around the new scenery, a woman noticed me, her curiosity piquing at my presence. She hurried over to me with a basket of fruits resting on her arm. I noticed her then smiled as she approached me.

The woman curiously walked around me, her eyes inspecting every part of me as she tried to get a clear read of who I was. "Your clothing, you're one of nobility. What kingdom have you come from? Or.."

"You're a curious one, and a pretty cute woman as well," I chuckled, lightly flirting with her.

The woman blushed at my compliment, her heart skipping multiple beats. She didn't know what to say and just stayed quiet, her gaze still fixated on my face.

I smiled at her then crossed my arms. "My name is Ryoma Miyazaki..~ I come from a land named Eyica, specifically Yesha, but both lands I once ruled."

"Eyica...The Land of the Seven Royals? The same Eyica? You used to rule Eyica?" The woman asked in awe.

"Ahh I can tell that my home is pretty popular isn't it?" I chuckled.

I began chatting with the woman while I walked her to her destination about Eyica and their seven Kingdoms: Yesha, Atren, Dagrax, Yascea, Alrean, Floshen, and Vriska. She listened to my tales when I first conquered Eyica, reuniting the lands after their hundred year war becoming the second man in Utalian History to bring peace to Eyica.

After we reached our destination, the woman handed me various fruits for a wonderful conversation, in which I happily accepted and giving her ten gold coins in return. We parted ways, with me setting back on my journey to the first kingdom.

As I'm walking along a path, the same ninja that stopped me the first time, appeared in front of me again to stop me. "It's you again, you sure are a persistent one~ Would you care for an apple?" I asked, pulling an apple from my bag.

The woman swiftly sliced the apple in half, the top half sliding off and onto the ground. "Cut the shit...I don't want your apple, Yeshan!"

"Well I mean I was given other fruits." I said as I searched through my bag.

"You're not taking this seriously and it's pissing me off! Who are you and why are you on our land?! Have you come for the legend that has been told for centuries, or are you here to destroy? Either way, you are no different from all the men who come here...all they want to do is overthrow the Queens who worked hard for what they have now! As Queen Azusa's retainer, I won't let you pass!" The ninja called out, her determination high, and her fighting spirit burning intensely.

I looked at the ninja, crossing my arms and closing my eyes. "Heh...My name is Ryoma Miyazaki, Previous Emperor of Yesha, current Emperor of Eyica, and yes I am here for the legend you speak of...however I am not here to conquer and destroy your home. My days of destruction are over."

"Hmph...Lord Ryoma. Uthea has heard of your legendary tales while in Yesha. The beast who led his own country into a civil war...and you think we're gonna let you waltz in here?!" The ninja yelled.

I stayed quiet, taking a moment to reflect on every decision I made while in Yesha. A smirk played on my face and I looked at the ninja. "You don't even know the full story, so who are you to judge what I am? Your country had their own civil war didn't they? You're no better than Yesha."

"Both contexts are completely different! You were a Dictator! A Tyrant! We had a reason! Tired of the injustice, tired of KINGS like you ruining us! Ryoma, enough talking and prepare yourself! I, Kotone Fujima, will strike you down!" Kotone bellowed, getting into her stance.

A few spectators noticed our battle about to start, all of them wondering what's going on. I looked around then set my bag down then chuckled, my eyes glowing.

"Alright...but don't cry to me when I embarrass you in front of your people," I taunted, my voice filled with arrogance and mockery.

Kotone growled at my reply then her aura pulsated around her body. With a swift movement, Kotone dashed toward me at invisible speeds, going for a quick slash. I dodged her slash, blocking her next kick then countered with an uppercut to her chin, knocking her upwards. I walked toward her then dodged raining spheres of fire that she fired down toward me.

"Is that all?" I taunted and chuckled.

I dashed forward, Kotone surprised by my increase in speed. I knocked her back with a strike with my scabbard then launched my weapon at her. Kotone groaned as the sword hit her, bouncing off her stomach into the air. I warped to my sword, my eyes shining brightly.

Kotone caught her footing then dodged my slash from above then groaned as she was struck by invisible attacks. She grunted as she fell onto one knee. 'What the hell was that..?'

I stood up and dashed toward Kotone, not giving her a chance to breathe. Kotone noticed me then quickly stood up, blocking my slash. The two of us clashed and parried, not giving each other an opening. Kotone was in disbelief at my power, but I was simply holding back, only using as much strength as I needed.

"I must commend you for putting your heart and soul into this battle..~ I simply just wanted to give you a fair shot before I ended this," I said then pushed her back, my celestial aura pulsating around my body.

Kotone looked surprised, her panting heavy from all of her used up energy. 'He still has this much stamina left?!'

"If I were you...I would dodge this attack." I chuckled, my left eye shining blue, a sigil forming within my eye.

Kotone grunted as my aura produced high winds. She grunted loudly as she was being pushed back by my aura alone. Her mind couldn't comprehend my power, let alone what I was planning to do.

My aura disappeared and so did I at the blink of an eye. Kotone noticed me appear in front of her, her eyes widening with a mix of shock and amazement. The blade of my sword shined a bright white light as I slashed in a circle, landing the attack directly, unleashing one of my many special moves, Shining Light.

The blade of my sword released a horizontal wave of light energy, rapidly striking and pushing Kotone back then the wave of energy exploded, blowing Kotone away once again. She groaned as her back hit against a wall of a nearby home, and she fell onto her knee in defeat.

I sheathed my sword, closing my eyes and took a deep breath. "Today really isn't your day, Kotone. Take this time to reflect and learn, maybe you'll figure how to beat me one day..~" I said as I walked off with a chuckle.

Kotone watched me walk off, her eyes filled with animosity. She threw down a smoke bomb, disappearing within the smoke.

I whistled once again as I followed the path to a kingdom named Athirus. I began to think about what kind of woman the Athirus Queen would be and began to think of ways of asking her to marry me. I already had a game plan set in mind and I wasn't going to let anyone stop me, the only thing that could me being ME! My tales would be one for the books...