The Athirus Tournament Pt. I

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the city of Athirus, I finally made my way to Athirus, the first kingdom out of many that I planned to conquer by marrying Queen Azusa. I was pretty curious about what kind of Kingdom this was taken Kotone is a ninja and one of Asuza's retainers.

As I walked around the bustling streets, I began to realize a festival was going on, the sounds of music and excited conversations filling the air. The more I walked around, the more people I noticed as I passed by. My eyes gleamed with curiosity and determination as I took in the sights and sounds of the city.

I made it to the center of the city, where I noticed the striking appearance of a beautiful woman standing on a podium in front of the city's main building. Her shimmering silver hair cascaded down her back like molten moonlight, her piercing blue eyes holding her hidden wisdom, her beauty was certainly out of this world.

As I gazed upon the woman's beauty, I felt gentle tugging on my sleeve, shifting my gaze to the young girl who wanted my attention. I crouched down, giving her a gentle smile. "Yes, little one. What can I do for you?"

"I noticed your strange clothes and thought you looked so cool! Are you someone of nobility like Mama?" The young girl asked, tilting her head in a curious manner.

I chuckled softly, giving her a nod. "I am. I come from a distant land, a land far from here."

" came all the way here from your land to celebrate the Annual Athirus Festival with us? That's so cool..!" The young girl said, her eyes shimmering with amazement.

I chuckled softly and stood up to look at the woman on the podium again. "That woman on the podium must be your mom, Queen Azusa?"

"Mhm!~ I have the best mom in the world!~ You should meet her! I can even introduce you to her!" The young girl said with excitement.

I laughed softly, sighing softly as I looked at the young girl. "There's no need for that, little one..~ I'm not that much in a rush, I do want to become familiar with the city first before I go to her."

"Are you sure? You'll miss her speech if you leave this early!" The young girl said, trying to convince me to go with her to see Azusa up close.

I chuckled softly, finally giving up to her persuasion and turning my attention back to Azusa. "Alright, little one. I'll stay for the speech if it's that important to you."

The little girl smiled and giggled with happiness. She grabbed my hand, leading me closer to the crowd before heading off to her mother. Azusa noticed her daughter then smiled at her.

"People of Athirus! Gather around as the queen is about to give her royal speech!" Kotone announced, her authority causing people to pay attention and gather around for Asuza's speech.

Azusa watched her people gather around then cleared her throat, and finding her words. "People of Athirus! Today is a momentous day for us all! Today marks the 20th Anniversary of my late mother, Queen Maribelle. For those who doesn't know her wondrous feat, she is the first Queen to defeat the Dark Dragon of Xaedel, the forbidden land of Uthea!"

The crowd began to cheer and rally in respects for Azusa's mother. I've heard of Xaedel and the Dark Dragon Beast that threatened the entire land. I also know that Queen Maribelle was the first to conquer all of Uthea by herself, so her feats are something to be praised.

"In honor of my mother, I will be hosting a tournament for those who wish to become one of my loyal retainers and continue to protect Athirus from all injustice! Everyone who wishes to sign up, please see my retainer and Advisor, Sir Takesi III." Azusa announced, gesturing over to Takesi who stood beside her.

This tournament piqued my interest and gave me a reason to show off my prowess for Azusa. I watched as a line formed and one by one many signed up for this important life changing tournament. Once I reached Takesi, Kotone immediately recognized me, rushing over to the registration, slamming her hand on it.

"There's no way I'm letting you sign up for this tournament, Yeshan!" Kotone said, glaring at me.

I looked at Kotone, giving her a sly smirk and chuckled softly. "Seems like you're still upset from earlier..~ I didn't mean to hit your delicate body so hard, but you challenged me twice...and lost."

"Shut...up! Our country doesn't need dark brutes like you ruining out land! You're not welcomed Yeshan will be welcomed here and never will be," Kotone voice's was filled with spite and toxicity as she spoke to me.

"Setting aside your mild casual racism for my people, I believe I deserve a fair shot at the tournament no? Regardless of my background." I said.

"He's right." Azusa said, her gaze studying me and analyzing who I am.

"But Milady, this man—"

"I will not repeat myself, Kotone." Azusa said, her voice now commanding and authoritative.

Kotone softly groaned then stepped aside, allowing me to sign up for the tournament.

"Thank you, My Queen. I've gotta say, you've got a keeper." I teased, walking off with a soft chuckle and a smile.

Azusa crossed her arms, watching me walk off. She looked at Kotone, wondering what she knows about me. "You said he's from Yesha correct? What is an Eyican man doing here?"

"He's here for the legend. He wants to conquer Uthea, and I don't want that happening. After all the Queens and the Empress worked so hard to rid this country from man's power, he just shows up and wants to conquer.." Kotone said.

Azusa looked at the registration paper, seeing my name then her eyes widened. "Can it be...the same Ryoma Miyazaki..? The same one who sent the entirety of Yesha into a civil war..?"

"It is..! He's highly dangerous and a man like that can not live on!" Kotone said.

Azusa looked at Takesi. "Takesi...I need you to sign up for the tournament. Do whatever you can and need to stop Ryoma from winning. If he wins this tournament...our future is unknown."

"As you wish, Your Highness." Takesi said, signing up for the tournament.

"I'm gonna need to keep a close eye on him. If what you said is true, and if Takesi loses—"

"I won't lose. Not when I have my Lazarus by my side." Takesi said with high confidence in himself.

Azusa smiled at Takesi then nodded her head toward him. "I trust in your abilities, Takesi. Win this for not only Athirus but also for Uthea."

"I will." Takesi nodded.


The next morning arrived, the morning birds singing their melodies and the hustle returning back to the bustling streets of Athirus. I got finished getting ready for the day, making up my bed so the innkeeper didn't have to, and left the inn.

I decided to get some training done before the tournament started, making my way to the outskirts of the kingdom. I found an open area then sat down, beginning to meditate. The Crest of Arcane glowed on my hand, my aura gathering around my body.

As I meditated, I could hear leaves crunching in the distance, a presence approaching me. I opened my eyes to see a beautiful mare standing in front of me. The horse had a gray coat, white mane and tail, and magic symbols all over her body. The horse stared at me then whinnied.

'This is one interesting wild already has a saddle as well. Maybe it's a runaway horse..? Lost perhaps..?' I thought to myself as I stared back at the horse.

The horse neighed, nudging me and wanting me to get on her back. I chuckled softly and stood up. I noticed her desire to have me mount her, so I did. After mounting onto her back, she neighed happily her magic symbols shining brightly as they resonated with me. Even my Crest of Arcane shined as I was on her back.

"Seems we might have a connection." I chuckled softly, gently rubbing her mane. "Do you have a name?"

The horse snorted, shaking her head. Her understanding of the human language was outstanding, being able to perfectly understand me.

"I see...Well for now I could give you a name," I said then began to think. "How does Nebula sound?"

She really liked the name Nebula, neighing happily.

"Nebula it is then.." I said then smiled. "Alright, do you think you can take me to the Athirus Stadium? The tournament is going to start any minute."

Nebula nodded then galloped quickly to the Athirus Stadium.


The stadium roared with spectators, the seats filled up to witness the annual tournament. The battles raged on, each warrior giving it their all to secure their spot on Azusa's list. Azusa watched the tournament with great amusement then felt one of her maids tap her shoulder.

"Excuse my interruption, Your Highness. Ryoma Miyazaki appears to be running late to the tournament," The maid said.

"That's fine. All the spots in the tournament has already been selected, so when his time comes we'll see if he actually shows up or not. He'd better be prepared, as this could be his final day living." Azusa said.

As the battles continued, my first battle in the tournament was about to begin. The crowd was still hyped from the last battle with Takesi, so they were expecting another amazing battle.

"Alright people of Athirus! Are you ready for the next battle?! I sure am! This next battle will be against a warrior from Volta, his name being Rai Suga! His opponent is said to be from a different land entirely, his name being Ryoma Miyazaki!" The announcer said.

The crowd noticed Rai coming out onto the battlefield, but I was nowhere to be found. Whispers began forming and the murmurs of the spectators began.

"Hmph! Must've chickened out. I knew he was a fraud." Kotone said.

After a few minutes of waiting, the announcer began to speak. "Due to Ryoma's no-show, he must be—"

Suddenly, a scabbard was launched directly toward Rai at high speeds but Rai managed to block and deflect it. I warped to my scabbard, catching it then landing on my two feet with my signature arrogant smirk.

"Hmph...I wouldn't be smirking if I were you. You almost got disqualified!" Rai said, readying his sword.

"Nothing wrong with a fashionable entrance..~ Had to keep you on your toes somehow," I chuckled then took on my battle stance. "Now don't hold back on me...I actually want to impress the queen~"

Rai glared and his eyes shined. "I'll wipe that smug smile off your face."

The horns sounded, letting the two of us know that the battle has commenced.

As the battle commenced, Rai wasted no time, rushing toward me and launching a series of aggressive attacks aimed at overpowering me quickly. Each move was swift and percise, designated to leave no room for counterattacks.

I, however, remained calm, maintaining my composure as I observed Rai's techniques and fighting style. With every attack Rai launched, I skillfully dodged or parried his attack, my movements seemingly effortless.

"He's holding back," Kotone said, catching onto my plan. "I must admit, although Ryoma is a bad leader, his combat skill is pretty honorable."

"It must take a lot out of you to admit someone is better than you," Azusa said as she watched the battle.

"Tch! I didn't admit he was better than me! He'll never be better than me, those two wins were just flukes..." Kotone said, crossing her arms, blushing from Azusa's comment.

As the battle progressed, I decided to counter Rai, knocking him back with a powerful punch. Rai grunted as he slid backwards, regaining his balance. He was caught off guard by my sudden attack.

"I've figured you out. Now, it's my turn.." I said then changed my stance into my Yeshan Stance.

Azusa noticed the stance then began to watch even more closely. "He's using one of the seven Eyican Stances...What does he have up his sleeve..?"

Rai dashed toward me and threw a swift punch, but I mimicked his punch, clashing with him. He grunted as the force of my punch overpowered his, pushing him back. I began to dish out a series of slashes, each slash connecting with power and percision. After my last slash, I kicked Rai back then stuck my sword into the ground.

I closed my eyes then the Crest of Arcane shined on my hand. I performed hand seals then rose my hand in the air, forming a large fireball in the air.

Kotone stood up quickly, her eyes widening in shock. "That's my move! He copied my attack?!"

I took my sword out of the ground then rose it in the air, my blade absorbing the fireball and becoming encased in a sparkling luminous flame. "It's time I ended this... prepare yourself!"

Rai grunted then gripped his wrist, a spiritual lightning crackling around his hand then dark blue lightning surrounded his hand. "Like I'd lose to some unknown!"

Rai bellowed as he dashed toward me. I watched him then held my sword out and smirked. I lowered my blade, allowing Rai to strike me, a burst of lightning coming from by back upon impact. He smirked then his eyes widened when my clone disappeared.

"He even copied my clone technique?! What else has this fraud copied from me?!" Kotone barked, her hands tightly gripping the bars of the balcony.

I appeared behind Rai, my eyes glowing brightly as I knew that I won the match. "You had a good fight, but you're just not on my level.."

Rai turned around then groaned as I hit him with a powerful slash, blowing him away upon impact. Rai crashed into a wall, the smoke and debris covering his body. The smoke cleared and Rai was seen on the ground, defeated.

"W-Wow! What a display of strength! Ryoma Miyazaki has defeated Rai Suga!" The announcer said.

I sheathed my blade then looked up at Azusa with a smirk. She stared back at me, her eye slightly twitching.

"Mama! That was such a cool battle! He was able to copy Big Sister's attacks and fuse them with his own!" The little girl said as she excitedly watched me, her eyes sparkling with amazement. "I wanna have power like his!"

Azusa looked at her daughter then looked back at me. 'You don't sweetheart...This man's power is something more than what it seems. He was also holding back, this is more dangerous than I thought. I hope Takesi can pull through...' Azusa thought to herself, crossing her arms.