United Pt. 2

As the dim light of the graceful morning peered through Azusa's blinds, Azusa stirred awake, feeling the bed was lighter than normal. She sat up quickly and panicked as my absence made her heart skip a beat. With a swift jump, she got out of bed and began to wonder where I could have gone until she heard the unmistakable sounds of Mari's joyful laughter.

Curiosity mingled with relief, Azusa slipped on her slippers and followed the sound, her heart lightening with each step. As she rounded the corner, she was greeted by a heartwarming sight.

"Faster, Daddy!~" Mari giggled as she kept a tight hold on my shoulders.

"Alright, here comes Godspeed!" I chuckled then began to quicken my pace down the hallway, holding onto her tightly.

Mari squealed with excitement and her infectious laugh filled the halls of the grandiose castle. "Yay!~"

Azusa leaned against the doorway, a soft smile gracing her lips as she watched the scene unfold before her. The worry that had gripped her moments ago melted away, replaced by a profound sense of gratitude and love.

I noticed Azusa leaned against the doorway then came to a stop. I met Azusa's gaze with a warm twinkle. "Good morning, my love," I said, my voice soft but filled with affection.

"Good morning," Azusa replied, her heart swelling from seeing how happy Mari looked.

"Alright, kiddo...Looks like the Miyazaki Express is coming to a close," I chuckled softly as I gently set Mari down.

"Aww! Can I get on the express again later today?" Mari asked as she carefully placed her feet on the ground.

I smiled at Mari, gently ruffling her hair. "Anytime, I'm sure Mommy wouldn't mind," I said, looking up at Azusa.

Azusa's cheeks became red as she watched me and Mari. She closed her eyes, a smile staying on her lips. "I'm fine with it, ONLY after you finish your studies."

"Yay!~ Thank you, Mama!~" Mari said as she hurried to Azusa to give her a hug.

Azusa smiled at Mari, hugging her back and giggling softly. "Now go to Kotone, she should be waiting for you in her room."

"Okay, Mama." Mari nodded then hurried off to Kotone's room with excitement for the next time she got to play with me.

I watched Mari then chuckled softly. "What a bundle of joy she is."

Azusa smiled at me then crossed her arms. "I've never seen her so happy in the morning times. Now I know why Daddy wasn't in bed this morning after promising he would be there when I woke."

I looked at Azusa and smirked. "Hey she came in the room wanting to see if we were awake. You were still asleep like a baby so I decided to spend some time with her for a bit, as Daddy should..~" I chuckled, gently stroking Azusa's chin.

Azusa blushed even more, slowly melting at my touch. She closed her eyes, turning away slightly. "Hmph! Don't get too excited, you might've won over Mari and myself...but you still have to please my people as well.."

I chuckled and walked into the bedroom to get ready to start my day. "I know, my dear..~ Trust, I would've earned the respect from this kingdom before our wedding."

Azusa watched me then followed me into the room, closing the door. "I wonder how you're gonna do that..."

"I have my ways," I said, picking out a few clothes to wear for the day. "Trust me, the people won't be seeing The Tyrant during my stay. They will notice my honorable and noble side. I'm planning on heading to the city today. If you want to join, you're more than welcome."

"I would, but I have business to attend to around the citadel. You enjoy yourself out there," Azusa said.

I smiled then made my way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. With my goals in mind, I planned to make a good name for myself to earn the trust of the people.


I rode through the bustling streets of Athirus City on the back of my trusty companion, Nebula. I knew I wanted to help around the city, but I didn't know where to start. As we passed through many businesses, I noticed a merchant having trouble carrying crates inside her store. Nebula stopped walking, allowing me to get off her back then watched as I walked toward the merchant.

The merchant looked at me, watching as I picked up a few crates. "A-Ahh, Lord Ryoma..! Thank you..!"

I gave her a warm smile then began to help her move her merchandise inside her store. "You don't need to thank me, milady..~ I couldn't sit by and let a beautiful woman like you struggle alone."

The merchant blushed, feeling her heart skip a few beats. She began to feel motivated and began to put extra arm work in to bring the crates inside her store.

Together, we managed to quickly bring in all of her merchandise inside, setting them in the back. The merchant was pleased with my work and wanted to pay me, but I refused her money instead giving her some of my money to help her business grow and giving her the opportunity to increase her wares.

After helping the merchant, I got back on Nebula's back and we began to wander around the city once more to see what else I could do for the people. As we continued to help around, Kotone had been keeping a close watch on me, spying from the top of a few building.

'Hmm...What could he be after..? How did he win over Mari and Queen Azusa so easily..?' Kotone thought to herself as she watched me.

Kotone moved along the buildings, watching me like a hawk would its prey. As she watched she noticed some commotion going on ahead, a few outlaws stealing from the local jewelry shop.

"Hey! Get back here!" An older man yelled, rushing out of the building to chase after the group of rogue ninjas who stole from his shop.

I noticed the ninja then snapped Nebula's leash, Nebula neighing loudly and galloping after the ninja. I closed my eyes, weakening myself, only having enough strength to neutralize the Ninjas once I reached them.

Kotone ran along the buildings, following quickly behind then took out a few kunai that were in the shape of cherry blossoms then threw them at the ninjas. I noticed the kunais, watching them land in front of the ninjas and blocking their paths with pillars of fire.

I jumped off Nebula's back then landed on my feet. "Alright...We can do this easily and you just surrender, or we can get our hands dirty and I can neutralize you by force."

The leader of the rogue ninjas turned to look at me. He scoffed then threw down a smoke bomb, trying to escape but grunted as he was thrown back by an invisible attack, hitting his back against a building.

Kotone jumped down from the building she was on, landing beside me. "Hmph...I can take it from here."

"Five against one? Nah, these ninjas aren't push overs, Kotone. I can sense it," I said, looking at Kotone with my arms crossed.

Kotone looked at me then scoffed. "You underestimate me, Yeshan?"

"It's not that I'm underestimating you, I just don't want you crying to Azusa when she hears you failed to capture the criminals because you were outnumbered," I teased, a playful smirk tugging at my lips.

"Whatever!" Kotone barked, her cheeks becoming flushed from my tease.

Kotone rushed in, running along the walls of the alleyway she trapped the ninjas in then lunged toward one of the ninjas. With swift movements faster than the naked eye, she began to take down the four ninjas with ease. She went for the leader, but he was able to dodge her strikes with fluid movements and trickery using his clones.

The leader appeared behind Kotone, going for a strike, but I knocked him away with invisible forces, closing my left eye after striking him. Kotone looked at me, noticing my thumbs up. She rolled her eyes and walked toward the leader and put him in handcuffs.

"Nice work, Cherry Kunoichi, " I chuckled and made my way back to Nebula.

Kotone grunted, quickly turned toward me quickly. "Who told you my title?!"

"I already knew it. These eyes do more than copy you know," I said as I climbed on Nebula's back. "Oh yeah.."

I snapped my fingers, the bags of jewelry warping back toward the owners. Kotone watched as Nebula walked off into the distance with me on her back. She closed her eyes then threw a smoke bomb down, taking the rogue ninjas to the prison.


As the sun slowly began dipping below the horizon, Nebula and I decided to take a trip to the location where we first met and watched the sunset. I've always liked to watch the sunset, the calming colors of the sky and the cool, gentle breeze setting a calm within me. Nebula laid on the ground, allowing me to rest upon her, her tail moving with contentment.

"There you are," A voice called out, approaching me.

I looked over and noticed Azusa riding on the back of her steed. I sat up and watched as Azusa got off her horse. "I guess this location isn't as secluded as I once thought..~"

"Well this is the most beautiful spot you can be at for solitude and sky watching. It's fairly quiet here and the scenery..." Azusa responded, taking her spot next to me and looked out into the horizon.

I laid back on Nebula and smiled, staring out in the horizon as well. It was a bit silent, but it was a calming silence as the both of us watched the sunset together.

"Kotone told me what you did earlier today..." Azusa said, breaking the calming silence between us. "Helping my people and stopping the rogue ninjas who stole from a jewelry store. I really appreciate that and many are thankful for your help."

"It's nothing, my queen. I actually love helping around for the people. Back at Eyica, people have said they've seen me in the city more than they've seen me at my own castle," I said, a soft chuckle following behind. "I am always one for the people, y'know...set aside all the rumors and lies and you have yourself a perfect emperor."

"Perfect? I wouldn't say all that.." Azusa softly laughed then turned her gaze toward me. "But...you are a great one from what was told...a much better man than my ex. At least you care about my people.."

I gave a soft smile, looking at Azusa and noticing her softened eyes. I felt Nebula use her hooves to bring Azusa and I closer together then chuckled softly. Azusa's cheeks grew more read as she was now closer to me.

I gently wrapped my arm around Azusa's shoulder, and looked back at the sunset. Azusa closed her eyes, leaning on me gently and a smile grew on her face. Her demeanor was calm, more relaxed than it once was. Together we rested outside and enjoyed our time together, talking about various topics about our childhood and our plans for the future. It was a nice little moment we shared as we grew more comfortable with each other, Azusa slowly accepting me more.

Once the sun had fully disappeared and the moon rose to the sky, Azusa and I got up to make our way back to the castle.


We made it back to the castle and made our way inside, Azusa parting ways with me momentarily to check up on Mari. I began to make my way to our room and thought about what I was going to do tomorrow.

I sat on the edge of my bed and waited for Azusa. I began to think about what all I wanted to tomorrow as I had a lot of options. It wasn't like Eyica where I could just do whatever I wanted, I needed the people to like me so planning was crucial. As I waited for Azusa, my mind filled with many thoughts of my plans tomorrow, I heard a knock at the door then got up to see who it was. Opening the door, I was met with the face of Azusa, holding Mari in her arms.

"So, Mari wants to sleep with us since you were gone all day~" Azusa said, a soft smile on her face.

"Is it okay that I sleep with you and Mama, Daddy?" Mari asked, her eyes shimmering with hope.

I chuckled and stepped aside to let Azusa and Mari in. "Come on, I'll happily let you rest with me and Mama."

Azusa blushed as she walked in. "Looks like Daddy has a really soft spot for you, Mari..~"

Mari giggled as she was excited to sleep with us for the night. The three of us settled on the bed with Mari in between us. We all shared a good night and drifted off to sleep, a peaceful smile on each of our faces.