United Pt. 3

Azusa woke up from her gentle slumber, her eyes fluttering open and searching for me and Mari. She slowly sat up and stretched, grunting softly as she turned her body to sit on the edge of the bed, slipping her slippers onto her feet. The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow on her silk gown as she stepped out of her chambers to look for us.

Walking through the castle, Azusa's mind wandered. The corridors were quiet, with only the occasional sound of servants bustling about. She searched each room she thought she would find us in, noticing we weren't anywhere near the back of the castle. Heading toward the front, she spotted Kotone talking with some of her faction members.

"Kotone," Azusa began, making her way to her loyal retainer.

Kotone glanced back, noticing Azusa approaching. She dismissed her faction members with a nod before meeting Azusa halfway. "Your Highness, what can I do for you?" she asked, bowing.

"Have you seen my fiancé and beloved daughter?" Azusa's tone was tinged with curiosity.

Kotone crossed her arms, her eyes drifting off as she rattled her memory. "Mmm… Last I saw of Lord Ryoma and Princess Mari this morning, they were in the royal kitchen. I haven't seen them since, so they might still be there."

Azusa nodded, a smile touching her lips. "I see. Thank you for your help. I shall be off to find them now."

Kotone bowed again before walking off to handle her own duties around the castle. Azusa made her way down the corridors to the royal kitchen. As she entered, the scent of freshly baked bread and brewed coffee greeted her. She heard bright giggles and the sound of a fatherly chuckle. Following the sounds, she found me and Mari sitting at a table, laughing together. She raised an eyebrow, wondering what we were up to.

"Oh, and this picture here. If you ever meet your future uncle, don't tell him I showed you his baby pictures," I said, chuckling softly as I looked down at Mari.

Mari gasped, her bright eyes widening at the sight of my little brother's baby pictures. She couldn't suppress her giggle as she stared at them. "He has such bubbly cheeks like mine."

Azusa stood on her tiptoes to look over my shoulder at the pictures. "Mmm? Are these pictures of your past?"

I looked back and smiled at Azusa. "Ahh, good morning, My Queen."

Mari glanced back, her eyes flickering with happiness to see her mother. "Mama!~"

Azusa smiled at us, gently rubbing Mari's hair before leaning down to plant a soft kiss on my lips. "Good morning, you two rugrats. You always find a way to escape without waking me."

Mari giggled, picking up the photo album from the table and turning around in her chair to show Azusa. "Mama, look! These are all the pictures of Papa's past! He looked so cool back then!"

"Ahh, c'mon, I still am cool now," I said, chuckling softly and ruffling Mari's hair.

Mari giggled and leaned into my touch, a bright smile tugging at her lips. "You are the coolest!~"

Azusa watched our interaction with a smile, then gently took the photo album from Mari's hands, flipping through the pages. "I see your early Prince Era was named the Proudful Ambition Era. Do you name all of your eras?~"

"I most certainly do name each and every era and stage of my life~ I haven't found a name for this era yet, but when I do, I'll have a name for it," I chuckled softly, leaning my back against the table as I watched her flip through the album.

Azusa handed the photo album back to me and smiled, crossing her arms. "As much as I would like to delve into your distant and great upcomings, I have to get Mari ready for her tutoring, and I have royal matters to take care of with my court."

"Aww, can I skip tutoring today, Mama? I wanna spend more time with Papa," Mari said, her eyes becoming more expressive.

"Now, now, Princess. It's important for you to study your extensive history and gain knowledge of royal etiquette for when you grow older. I'll still be here once your tutoring is complete," I chuckled softly, gently rubbing her head.

Mari looked up at me, giving me a soft smile. "Okay, Papa..~"

I smiled at her and watched her get up and hop her way toward her mother. Azusa leaned down toward me to give me another kiss, our kiss lasting a few more seconds than last time. Once she forced herself to pull away from the pleasurable kiss, she and Mari walked off together hand in hand.

I stood up, watching them leave, a warm feeling lingering in my chest. After a moment of reflection, I made my way out of the royal kitchen to find an activity to keep myself busy. As I walked down the corridors, I began to plan my day while Azusa and Mari were occupied.


I walked outside to the stables to visit my trusted steed, Nebula, hearing her whinnies and happy neighs as she played with the other horses. The scent of hay and the earthy aroma of the stable filled the air. As I drew closer, I noticed Takesi tending to a few of the horses.

"Good afternoon, Sir Takesi," I greeted, walking toward him.

Takesi glanced at me as he brushed the coat of Azusa's white stallion, a slight smile showing on his face. "Good afternoon, Lord Ryoma. Fancy seeing you at the stable, though I should've expected it. Your mare is here, after all."

I chuckled softly as I leaned against the fence, watching Nebula gallop and race around the lush greens of the stables with the other horses. "She is a fine horse. Her coat and those ethereal markings on her body are nothing short of special. I just wish I knew more about her."

"Where did you meet her?" Takesi asked, continuing to groom the stallion in front of him.

"We had a chance meeting just outside the kingdom, actually. I was in the middle of my meditation, and she approached me. We seemed to have some form of connection with one another when we first met," I answered, watching Nebula trot over to me.

Takesi watched as I affectionately rubbed Nebula's mane, seeing our genuine connection with one another. He couldn't help but softly chuckle, soon returning to finishing up his task with Azusa's horse.

After sharing a warm moment with Nebula, she galloped off to continue playing around with her new friends. I chuckled softly as I watched her, then let out a soft sigh.

"Well, I guess I'm off to find another activity to do," I said, walking off.

Takesi watched me, picking up the bucket of water beside him. "I shall see you around, Lord Ryoma."

I waved my hand as I continued off and wandered to another location around the castle. As I traversed the castle grounds, I heard the clashing of swords echoing in the air, the sounds of battle taking place nearby. Following the sounds, I noticed I had wandered into the training grounds.

"You're too slow! You need to be faster! I won't allow us to be outdone by the Knight Squad! Us Ninja have to be faster!" Kotone instructed, swiftly dodging the attacks of her squad striking at once.

Kotone formed three hand gestures, taking a deep breath and blowing out a large fireball from her mouth. The fireball hit the Ninjas, causing an explosion and knocking them all back. Kotone exhaled and sighed softly, holding the back of her neck and placing a hand on her hip.

"Gods… I even held back on that Fire Technique as well. You all can't be serious!" Kotone sighed, her tone a mixture of frustration and disappointment.

I chuckled softly as I walked forward, my arms crossed and my gaze mischievous. "Looks like you're not getting anywhere in your training. Mind if I assist a bit?"

Kotone looked at me and then smirked. "Lord Ryoma. What brings you here?"

"Just wandering around until Mari and Azusa finish with their royal duties. I saw you training with your troops, thinking you might need some assistance," I said, watching the ninjas rise to their feet.

"Hmm… I suppose I could make good use of you for my training. Alright, I accept, but don't cry to me when I finally beat you!" Kotone smirked, assuming her battle stance.

I chuckled softly at her banter, my gaze focused on her. "Ladies first," I taunted, my voice containing a hint of tease.

Kotone smirked after hearing my taunt, then performed another hand gesture. "With pleasure! I'm pleased to reveal that I have more tricks up my sleeve now! Prepare yourself!"

I watched as Kotone formed clones behind her, each one charging directly toward me at high speeds. Kotone's clones charged with blinding speed, their footsteps a blur on the training ground. Each clone, as it neared, was repelled by an unseen force, scattering like leaves in the wind. Kotone herself leaped high, forming a sphere of wind energy that crackled with raw power before she hurled it towards me.

My aura flashed around my body, deflecting the sphere of wind to the sky and causing it to explode in a shower of sparks. Kotone landed behind me and weaved her arms up, taking a deep breath then exhaling powerfully, releasing a powerful blast of wind at me. She bit down on the wind, causing it to turn ablaze and transform into a firestorm, the swirling flames engulfing my body.

As Kotone's fiery windstorm engulfed me, I felt a rush of pride. She had grown stronger since our last bout, her determination still unwavering. This fire in her was what made me feel that she was worthy of my guidance.

She grunted lightly as my aura dispelled the firestorm, the burst of wind pushing her back. She shielded herself from the fierce winds that blew around, huffing heavily. "Heh! I expected nothing less from the Emperor of a Thousand Skills!"

I chuckled softly and looked back at Kotone, giving her a smirk. "I see your new trick is you've gained a new affinity for the Wind Element. Where did you learn that?"

"I bought the Scroll of Wind Seals from a merchant traveling around from the Kingdom of Oris! The Queen there is a proficient user of the Wind Element! My goal is to become the strongest Kunoichi of all time, the first Kunoichi to ever wield every element possible!" Kotone exclaimed, her eyes shining with pride and determination.

I smiled at her, then turned to face her completely, rolling my shoulder and closing my eyes. "I see. Well if that's your ultimate goal, I shall help see you through it."

Kotone's excitement was palpable, her eyes flashing with determination as she watched me uncross my arms. She got into her stance again, watching my body language closely.

I glanced at Kotone, my eyes faintly glowing. "I have some basic knowledge about the elements from my travels around Eyica during my First Conquest. Since you know Fire and Wind, I will teach you Water and Earth."

Kotone nodded her head eagerly, watching as I summoned two scrolls into my hand. I tossed both scrolls to her, and she caught them, her eyes widening as she noticed one was blue and the other green.

"The Scroll of Waves and The Scroll of Geo. Having those in your arsenal is highly recommended, especially if you truly wish to become the strongest Kunoichi of all time," I said, watching her open both scrolls and absorb the information within them, her hands trembling slightly with excitement.

"Papa!~" A familiar voice called out to me.

I looked back and saw Mari hurrying toward me, followed by Azusa. I chuckled softly and crouched down, catching Mari as she leaped into my arms. I caught her and stood up, smiling at her.

"She could not wait another second," Azusa giggled softly, placing her arm on my arm, then looked at Kotone. "Ahh, I hope we didn't interrupt anything major?"

"No, all is well Your Majesty~ I was planning to take a small break anyway to study up on these scrolls Lord Ryoma gifted me. With these scrolls, I can finally learn Nature Control," Kotone said, smiling at Azusa.

Azusa hummed in delight, looking back up at me. "Well, look who's being a nice mentor to my retainer~"

"She has the potential, why wouldn't I reward her with the gift of more knowledge. Her dream is ambitious, and I want to see that dream become reality," I replied, a proud smile playing on my face.

"I suppose..~" Azusa giggled softly, holding her arms underneath her chest. "Anyways, if you're ready, Mari and I would like it if you joined us for dinner. Would you care to make that wish come true?"

I smiled at Azusa, gently stroking her chin. "I would be delighted to.."

"Well since you're going to be indulging in evening activities, I will be out here training if you need me," Kotone said, bowing toward us.

Azusa smiled at Kotone, giving her a nod. With that, we began to make our way back to the castle for dinner. Mari was the most excited to enjoy dinner with us, her excitement bubbling up to the surface.


As we entered the grand dining hall, the golden chandeliers cast a warm glow over the long table, already set with an array of delectable dishes. The aroma of roasted meats, fresh bread, and spiced wine filled the air, making Mari's eyes widen with excitement.

"Mmm, it smells so good! I can't wait to eat!" Mari exclaimed, wriggling in my arms.

Azusa laughed softly, her eyes sparkling with affection. "Patience, dear. Let's sit down first."

We made our way to the head of the table, where a chair had been placed for Mari between Azusa and me. I gently set Mari down in her seat, and she immediately began eyeing the food with eager anticipation.

As we settled in, servants began to pour wine into our goblets and serve the first course. I reached for Azusa's hand under the table, giving it a gentle squeeze. She smiled at me, her expression filled with contentment.

"It's nice to have these moments together," Azusa said softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

I nodded in agreement, taking a sip of my wine. "Indeed. It's easy to get caught up in our duties, but these times remind us of what's truly important."

Mari, already munching on a piece of bread, looked up at us with a curious expression. "Papa, what did you and Miss Kotone do today? Did you have a fight?"

Azusa chuckled, ruffling Mari's hair. "Not a fight, sweetie. More like a friendly sparring session. Your father was helping Kotone with her training."

Mari's eyes lit up with admiration. "Wow! Papa, you're so cool! I want to be strong like you when I grow up."

I smiled warmly at her. "And you will be, Mari. You have the heart of a warrior. Just remember that true strength comes from within."

As we continued to eat, the conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and light-hearted stories. Azusa recounted a particularly amusing incident from her court duties, and Mari giggled uncontrollably at the antics of one of the younger nobles.

After dinner, we moved to the sitting room, where a cozy fire crackled in the hearth. Mari snuggled up between us, her eyes drooping with sleepiness. Azusa gently stroked her hair, humming a soft lullaby.

I watched them, a feeling of deep contentment washing over me. Despite the past challenges we faced, these moments of peace and togetherness were what I cherished the most.

"Papa, can you tell me a story?" Mari murmured, her voice heavy with sleep.

"Of course, little one," I said softly, wrapping an arm around her. "Once upon a time, in the land of Eyica, there was a brave warrior who traveled far and wide, seeking knowledge and adventure…"

As I spun the tale, Mari's breathing grew steady and even, and I knew she had fallen asleep. Azusa looked at me, her eyes filled with love and gratitude.

"Thank you," she whispered. "For everything."

I leaned in and kissed her forehead. "Anytime, my Queen."

We sat there in the quiet of the evening, the fire casting a warm glow around us. We relaxed for a moment, our conversations soft whispers amidst the crackles of the fire.

Soon, Azusa stood up to take Mari to bed, silently telling me to meet her in our room. I nodded at her request, getting up and making my way to our bedchambers.

Entering the room, I walked toward the bed and sat down on the edge of the bed, stretching my arms and letting out a soft grunt. Azusa entered the room, silently closing the door behind herself.

"Today was just as magical as the other days..~ I can't wait for the day of our wedding...each second of patience is slowly killing me," Azusa said, walking to her desk and began to take down her hair, setting her accessories upon the smooth surface.

I stood up and walked toward her, smiling warming. "I can't wait either, Azusa..~ I can't wait for our status to become official," I said, my voice barely above a whisper as I gently spun her around.

Azusa's eyes met mine, her hands finding their place on the desk now behind her. I pressed my lips against hers, enveloping her in a tender kiss. Azusa kissed back, her eyes slowly closing as she immersed herself in the moment.

I began to slowly move my kisses to her neck gently, Azusa tilting her head to allow me more access to her neck. Azusa let out a series of soft gasps as my lips traced hot paths across her sensitive skin, sending electric thrills racing down her spine. Each featherlight kiss ignited a fire within her, causing her pulse to quicken and her breath to catch in her throat.

At the same time, the tender whispers I breathed into her ear left gooseflesh in her wake, heightening the intensity of the intimate moment we shared. The combination of physical pleasure and emotional reassurance threatened to overwhelm her defenses completely, leaving her vulnerable and yearning for even more. She clung to me tightly, pressing her body flush against mine while her mind swam in a sea of sensual ecstasy.

I soon pulled away, cupping her cheek in my hand. "That is only a taste of what's to come once we commemorate our wedding.."

Azusa exhaled softly, her expression showing pangs of disappointment as the intense pleasure her body felt suddenly ended. She didn't want to wait, her eyes reflecting her need. "I don't..think I'm gonna be able to wait that long anymore.."

I chuckled softly and planted one last kiss on her lips. "Don't worry, my love...it's only seven more days..~"

Azusa gazed into my eyes, a soft smile stretching across her face. "I suppose...I suppose I can remain clean for a few more days.."

I chuckled softly and led her to the bed, the two of us getting under the covers to find ourselves settling in for a gentle slumber. Azusa turned off the lamp and snuggled next to me, her head resting against my chest. I held her close, my fingers gently running through her hair. The two of began to drift off into a restful state.