
A few days went by, the kingdom still at peace and the anticipation rising as the countdown for the wedding began to reach its last days. One morning, the gentle sun began to peer through the curtains of our bedchambers, casting a warm golden glow inside our bedroom. I opened my eyes slowly, looking over at Azusa who was still sound asleep. I began to slowly get out of bed, movements carefully to not wake her up. I put on my slippers and tied my robe, making my way to the door.

Azusa opened one eye, glancing over at me with a mischievous smile. She quickly jumped out of bed and quickly jumping on my back. "Finally caught you!~"

I grunted softly as I felt Azusa cling onto me, stumbling backwards as she pulled me gently. Azusa laughed as she let me go, falling back onto the bed. I turned around to look at her, chuckling softly and crossed my arms.

"Well, good morning to you as well, my love," I said, slightly amused by her antics.

Azusa sat up on the bed, looking up at me. "I told myself that I was going to catch you in the morning before you disappeared. And I did it! Now you can't escape from me anymore!~"

I chuckled softly, shaking my head. "You know Mari needs her Daddy in the mornings..~ However I suppose I could always wait a few more minutes in bed for a certain sleeping beauty to finally open her eyes..~"

Azusa cheeks slightly heated up, a soft red color settling on her face at my tease. "A Queen needs her beauty sleep you know! Sorry I can't just be up and about like you."

I smiled at her retort, leaning down and kissing her lips. "I'm just tugging your leash, babe..~ Now c'mon, our daughter awaits us."

Azusa smiled at me, nodding her head and rising to her feet. The two of us left our room and made our way to Mari's room. Once we made it, I knocked on her bedroom door, slowly opening it and seeing she was awake. I looked inside her room, seeing Mari at her table coloring in her book and humming a tune Azusa taught her.

I smiled at her, making my way to her table and gently placed my hand on her head and leaning down to see her beautiful work. "Oh wow..~ I guess we have our own little artist now..~"

Mari looked up at me, giggling warmly, her smile as bright as the sun. "Papa!~"

Mari raised her arms, wanting to be picked up. I chuckled softly, picking her up and holding her in my arms. Azusa leaned against the doorframe, her heart swelling with pride at the sight of Mari and I growing even closer together. She walked toward us and gently rubbed Mari's head.

"Mama!~" Mari said happily, reaching out to her mother.

Azusa took Mari from my arms and smiled at her, holding her closely. "Good morning, sweetheart..~ Are you ready for the day?"

"Mhm!~" Mari nodded, her cheerfulness spreading to me and Azusa.

"Let's go have a nice breakfast and get you ready and dressed up okay?" Azusa replied, her warm smile brightening Mari's mood even more.

Mari nodded happily, holding onto Azusa as they began to make their way to the royal kitchen. I glanced at the table and looked at the picture Mari drew, noticing it was a picture of her, Azusa, and I in a beautiful garden with the words, "me, Mama, and Papa" written above each of us respectively. I couldn't help but to feel warm inside, chuckling softly before following behind Azusa and Mari.

The royal kitchen buzzed with morning activity as we entered. The aroma of freshly baked bread and sizzling bacon filled the air, mingling with the rich scent of coffee. The cooks and maids bustled about, preparing a feast fit for a queen.

Mari's eyes lit up as she saw the spread laid out on the long wooden table. "Wow, Mama, look at all the food!" she exclaimed, wiggling excitedly in Azusa's arms.

Azusa laughed softly, setting Mari down in her chair. "Yes, sweetheart. We have a special breakfast today."

I took a seat next to Mari, helping her arrange her napkin and utensils. "What would you like to try first, Mari? The pancakes or the fruit salad?"

Mari's eyes darted between the colorful bowls of fruit and the stack of golden pancakes. "Pancakes, Papa! With lots of syrup!"

I smiled, reaching for the syrup and pouring a generous amount over her pancakes. "There you go, my little artist. Enjoy!"

Azusa took her seat across from us, her eyes sparkling as she watched Mari dig into her breakfast with enthusiasm. "It's wonderful to see her so happy," she said softly, looking at me with warmth in her eyes.

I nodded, my heart swelling with contentment. "She deserves all the happiness in the world."

We began our breakfast, the sounds of clinking cutlery and cheerful conversation filling the room. Mari chattered about her plans for the day, her small hands gesturing animatedly as she described a new drawing she wanted to make.

"And then, I'm going to draw a big castle with lots of flowers around it!" Mari said, her cheeks puffed with excitement.

"That sounds beautiful, Mari," Azusa replied, taking a sip of her tea. "Maybe we can put it up in the royal gallery for everyone to see."

Mari's eyes widened. "Really, Mama? Everyone will see my drawing?"

"Of course, darling," I said, ruffling her hair. "Your art is special, just like you."

Mari beamed, her face glowing with pride. "Thank you, Papa! I can't wait to start drawing!"

As we continued our breakfast, a maid approached and whispered something to Azusa. Azusa nodded, then turned to me. "It seems we have a visitor waiting outside the throne room. Shall we go see who it is after breakfast?"

I raised an eyebrow, curious. "A visitor? This early?"

Azusa smiled mysteriously. "Yes, it seems they have something important to discuss."

I nodded, finishing the last bite of my meal. "Alright. Let's see what our visitor wants."

We finished our breakfast, the warm atmosphere lingering as we made our way to get ready for the day and head the throne room, to face whoever awaited us.


Azusa walked up the stairs to take her place at the throne, sitting down gracefully upon the soft cushioning of the throne. She lifted Mari up gently and placed her on her lap, Mari smiling up at Azusa. I stood beside the throne and held the belt of my kimono.

Takesi and Kotone brought the visitor inside the throne room, bowing toward me and Azusa before walking to the door to watch the meeting.

The visitor was a nobleman with a strange mustache. He wore a silver monocle on his left eye, his fingers twirling around his wiggly mustashe. He carried a dignified smile on his face, a dash of arrogance mixed in with his grin.

'Oh brother...who could this guy be? And what's with that idiotic mustashe..?' I thought, crossing my arms.

The nobleman bowed toward Azusa, his smile unwavering. "Queen Azusa, thank you for allowing me to be in your presence once more."

Azusa nodded at the man, smiling politely. "Sir Gavis, what brings you here at such an early hour?"

"I regret to inform you that our High Bishop has fallen ill and she can not attend the wedding as the Vow Bearer. I come with a request that may seem out of my normal range of reach," Gavis said, standing up straight and looking Azusa in the eyes. "Allow me to be the Vow Bearer as it would be an honor."

I stared at Gavis for a moment, raising an eyebrow. 'Fallen ill? But that's impossible since I spoke with her yesterday and she was in perfect condition. Arcane would've most definitely warned me had some unknown force invaded this land...Nebula most definitely and even she met Lady Valerie..'

"Our High Bishop has fallen ill? My, that is heartbreaking news. Lady Valerie was just in perfect health yesterday," Azusa said, her tone tinged with concern as she echoed what I was thinking.

"It most certainly is, Milady. As your Leading Bishop, I request that I take her place," Gavis said, bowing toward Azusa.

'Hrmm... something is definitely fishy about this ordeal. I will need to check up on Valerie. A welfare check is a must..' I thought, glancing at Azusa who seemed to be pondering her response.

"Hmm...this was brought upon me at very short notice, however I do not see anyone else who is fit for such an important job. Very well, you shall be our Vow Bearer for the upcoming wedding," Azusa said, giving Gavis a warm smile.

Gavis let out a soft chuckle, his expression grateful for the responsibility he was granted by Azusa. "I am over the moon, Your Highness. I promise to you that I will not disappoint."

"I trust you, Sir Gavis. Is there anything else you need?" Azusa asked, tilting her head slightly to the side.

Gavis shook his head. "That was all, Queen Azusa."

Azusa nodded and dismissed Gavis, Kotone and Takesi escorting Gavis out of the throne room. Azusa looked up at me, noticing I was in deep thought. "My love, is everything alright?"

I looked down at Azusa, giving her a reassuring smile. "All is well, my queen. Just worried about Lady Valerie is all. I was thinking of doing a welfare check on her."

Azusa nodded her head. "I understand. She is my trusted Bishop after all. Hopefully she's okay.."

"I hope so as well," I said then let out a soft sigh and smiled. "I'm going to check up on her now. I will get back to you with any news I stumble upon."

Azusa nodded and watched me walk out of the throne room. She glanced down at Mari and smiled at her. "It's just me and you for now~ Let's go draw together."

"Yay!~ Let's draw Papa the most beautiful picture ever!" Mari said excitedly, giggling happily.

Azusa nodded, giggling with Mari and stood up with Mari in her arms. The two exited the throne room as well to go to Mari's room.

I walked down the long corridor to the Bishop Hall, passing by an array of silver doors until I reached a certain door that donned a cross hanging upon it. I gently knocked on the door and opened it, peeking inside. I heard heavy coughing and hacking, my gaze falling upon a bedridden maiden.

"Lady Valerie," I began, walking inside. "Are you alright despite you being bedridden?"

Valerie turned her head to me, her soft brown eyes meeting mine. She gave me a weakened smile, sniffling and struggling to sit up. "Lord Ryoma...I wasn't expecting a visit from you.."

I closed the door behind me, making my way to her bed. "Relax, Lady Valerie...don't force yourself to get up.."

Valerie laid on her bed, ending her attempts to sit up. She closed her eyes and let out a soft sigh. "I don't know what ailment fell upon me, but it is one I do not understand...I can't even cure it with my magic.."

I gently placed my hand on her forehead, my Crest of Arcane faintly glowing on my hand. I began to try and use a healing spell on her, but it was no use. I grumbled softly, taking my hand off her forehead.

" appears you have been cursed.." I informed, looking down at her with a somber expression.

"Cursed..?" Valerie gasped softly, tears beginning to slowly well in her eyes as she began coughing and hacking once again. She grunted and panted heavily, her hands falling over her heart. "My Lord...forgive me for my illness, but I won't be able to be your Vow Bearer..."

"I know...Gavis is going to take your place," I replied, sitting in a chair that rested beside her bed.

At the mention of his name, Valerie frowned and closed her eyes. She let out a soft sigh. "Why him? Of all people to choose.."

"Azusa seems to trust him..." I said, crossing my arms.

"I know..." Valerie said softly, clearing her throat. "Lord Ryoma...please grant me one wish.."

I glanced at Valerie, wondering what wish she wished for me to grant. "What is it?"

"There...are soldiers of Queen Azusa's Troops who wish to ruin your wedding. Gavis is a part of that group. I have notes of such plans resting on my desk. I wish for you to...eliminate the turncoats and show Queen Azusa the evidence..." Valerie said weakly, taking another deep breath, her chest heaving up and down.

"The curse is... setting in. I'm losing my voice..." She continued, her voice becoming more quiet.

I looked at her desk then stood up, walking toward her desk. I looked at the scroll that sat upon the smooth oakwood. I picked it up, opening it and noticed dates and records that she kept track of. Everything inside was detailed from what was said and who said it.

I walked toward her bed again, gently placing hand on her forehead. "Don't worry, Valerie...I will have that curse removed and you will be our Vow Bearer once again.."

Valerie smiled at my reassurance, her expression of gratitude cancelling any need of words to be spoken. She finally closed her eyes, allowing herself to rest and maintain what energy she had left.

I left the room and began to go look for Azusa. As I turned the corner, I found a sword being pointed at me, my eyes meeting a Knight's determined gaze. "Step aside. I have no time for games."

"Lord Ryoma...or shall I say The Tyrant. You will not marry Queen Azusa and corrupt our land with your Yeshan Ways! You and your country are nothing but animalistic brutes who deserve nothing more than to be beheaded and executed publicly," The Knight spat, his eyes burning with disdain.

I heard more footsteps approaching around me then closed my eyes, memories of Manami betraying me flashing in my head.

"You might have Azusa and Mari fooled, you might have Kotone and Takesi fooled, and you might even have the City of Arthirus fooled but not us. So we can do it the easy way...or we can do this the messy way," The Knight threatened.

I looked around myself, realizing that these were the turncoats Valerie mentioned. I turned my gaze back to the knights, my gaze steely and intimidating. "I've always been more fond of the messy let's get messy.."

Azusa and Mari were sitting at the table, humming and coloring together, enjoying quality time together. Suddenly, both of them heard a loud explosion outside, startling them both. Azusa noticed the door being thrown open, Kotone standing at the door panting.

"Your Highness! Lord Ryoma! He's snapped! He's gone crazy! He's attacking Gavis and the Knights!" Kotone yelled, her tone fearful and worried.

Azusa's heart skipped a beat. She set down her crayon and snapped her fingers, silently commanding Kotone to stay inside and protect Mari. Kotone nodded, hurrying to Mari's side as Azusa left the room and closed the door behind her.

'There has to be a reason...Goddesses, there is a reason for his attack..' Azusa thought, hearing another explosion then began to run to the source

Turning a corner, she gasped, her eyes widening at the sight of one of her generals' heads flying across the hall. She darted back behind the corner, her heart pounding.

"Foolish Knights... Conspiring against the wedding, setting a curse on Valerie, challenging an Emperor to a battle, and your foul words about your queen shall not go unpunished.." I said coldly, walking down the hall, my steps echoing menacingly. The few remaining knights began to hurry away from me in fear.

"Retreat! We'll regroup!" Gavis commanded, his eyes locking with mine. He noticed the slow, deliberate pace of my approach, each step filled with lethal intent. "Keep moving! Don't let The Tyrant reach us!"

Azusa watched her Royal Knights rush down the hall. As she saw Gavis running, she stepped forward. "Gavis!"

Gavis stopped in his tracks at the sound of her voice, his expression momentarily relieved. "Your Highness! Your beloved fiancé has gone mad! I don't know what—"

"Do not listen to a word he says, my love," I said, my voice hauntingly echoing through the halls.

Azusa turned her gaze toward me, her eyes widening as she noticed the red crest glowing on my forehead.' that..? Is that...The Crest of Chaos..? Goddesses...please...please don't punish me right now by reverting him back to his old ways. Please..."

I looked at Azusa and took Valerie's scroll out of my pocket, holding one end letting the other fall, showing Azusa the conspiracy against us. "I spoke with Lady Valerie...and I couldn't heal her with my magic so the only conclusion was that she's been cursed. Cursed by your own people...this proves that."

As Azusa was about to turn her gaze to the scroll, Gavis stepped in her way. She looked at Gavis, her brows furrowing. "Sir Gavis...please step aside.."

"My have to listen to me. Lord Ryoma is not the man you should marry! He's The Tyrant! You know of the tale of The Eternal Emperor of Conquest. His entire lineage is known for—"

"I will not listen to your rambles, Gavis. I command you to step aside, this is not a request! This is not negotiable! So move right now!" Azusa yelled, her tone resolute and commanding.

"You heard her..." I said, staring at Gavis, black and red lightning crackling around my body.

Gavis's body trembled as he reluctantly stepped aside. Azusa stepped forward, gently taking the scroll from my hand and began to read Valerie's notes.

Date: 21-3-X1

Time: 02:43 PM

Gavis: We absolutely can not let that idiotic queen marry Ryoma. I don't care how happier she looks, Ryoma is still a monster behind that facade he keeps.

Knight: What do you propose, Sir Gavis?

Gavis: We kill him. Obviously. However say that doesn't work, I have Dmir set a curse on her using her magic and I convince Azusa how much of a monster he truly is.

Azusa's hands trembled as she read Valerie's detailed accounts, her grip tightening on the parchment. She shut her eyes, unable to continue reading the treachery.

"Gavis…" Azusa began softly. "Do you really think this 'idiotic' queen would marry anyone so lightly? It's been five years since my last husband, and I have turned down EVERY man who dared to be my consort!"

Her voice rose with anger as she slammed the scroll to the ground. "How dare you and my knights conspire against me?! How dare— Takesi!"

Takesi hurried to her aid as his name was being yelled. He noticed the scene and looked at me, noticing the Crest of Chaos on my forehead. 'A Dark Crest..?'

"Takesi...I want you to find Dmir and dispose of her. This is an order. Kill Dmir and relinquish that accursed spell that was set upon Lady Valerie," Azusa ordered, holding out her dagger that is always used for executions.

Takesi took the dagger from her hands, keeping his emotions as calm as possible. "As you wish, My Queen."

Azusa looked back, watching Takesi hurry off. She looked at Gavis and stepped toward him, holding her hand out and summoned a second dagger, a replica of the dagger used for execution.

"I know the man I'm about to marry is The Tyrant. He told me himself that he was, although never stating the title used. However, that 'Tyrant' has been a better father, spouse, and person that my previous husband as EVER been! So for you to sit in my face...and look at me..and claim my future husband has gone crazy..." Azusa said, speaking coldly to Gavis.

Her voice turned cold and venomous. "Your actions make me sick. I should have known something was wrong when you brought this news, especially so close to my wedding day. Gavis, by the command of my Will, I order your execution by Queen's Hand… and your troops will be executed by Royal Decree."

With a swift motion, Azusa slashed Gavis's throat. He clutched his neck, blood pouring out as he began to slide down the wall, desperately clinging onto whatever life force he had left. Soon, the struggle ended, so did Gavis's life.

Azusa lowered her arm, her eyes glowing with sorrow and anger. She turned to me and walked forward, gently holding my arm. "My Emperor...I'm sorry you had to go through such trials from my Royal Guards. Had I recognized sooner...I would've immediately sent out an investigation.."

I stared at Azusa, slowly reverting back to normal. I closed my eyes then exhaled soft. I opened my eyes and stared at Azusa with a soft smile. "My love, there is no need to apologize. I understand how trust works too well. I'm sorry that your own knights would conspire like that. I'll never wish that for anyone..."

Azusa smiled and leaned into me, gently kissing my lips. After a moment, she pulled away and stepped backwards. "After that days we've spent together, just know I do love you. This is no ordinary love either...I do see myself in the future with you, my love."

I smiled warmly at her, gently brushing her hair behind her ear. "I know you do and I love you too, My Queen."

Azusa smilrr at me then looked down at Gavis, clearing her throat. "I'll call someone to clean up my mess. You go relax okay?"

I nodded my head then walked off in the distance. Azusa stayed behind and summoned a few maids and butlers to clean up and dispose of Gavis's body. Once the servants went to work, she walked off and rubbed the temples of her head.

'I can't allow no more betrayals to happen. For once my daughter is smiling and laughing more than she ever did in five years. I'm not letting anyone ruin our moment for true happiness,' Azusa thought to herself, returning to Mari's room.

As she entered, she noticed Kotone and Mari at the table coloring together. Mari turned her head to Azusa and smiled at her, getting up from the table and hugging her.

Azusa smiled at Mari, holding her closely. She crouched down and her gently hands cupped Mari's cheeks. "Mommy and Daddy loves you very much..."

"I know and I love you and Papa too!~ Where is Papa? I wanna show him my picture!" Mari giggled, bouncing up and down with excitement.

"Papa's taking a small nap, sweetie. We can show him your creations once he awakens, for now let's go to the garden and watch the maids tend to the beautiful flowers~" Azusa suggested, also wanting to take her mind off what just transpired.

"Yay!~ Let's go!" Mari giggled.

Azusa picked up Mari then watched Kotone walk toward her. Azusa leaned into Kotone's ear, whispering the order to eliminate the turncoats knights and dispose of them. Kotone nodded subtly then hurried off.

Azusa looked at Mari, the two of them giving each other smiles. She began to make her way to the garden with Mari in her arms.