Commemoration (18+)

The afternoon passed by smoothly, the castle returning to its normal calm after the intensity of the events that transpired earlier. I stood in the hallway with Lady Valerie, seeing her curse uplifted and her expression back to normal, her sickness truly depleted.

"Thank you, Lord Ryoma~ I don't know how I can repay you, truly," Valerie thanked, bowing to me.

I smiled at her and chuckled softly, gently raising her head by her chin. "You don't need to do anything, Lady Valerie. I am just happy to help one of Azusa's most loyal companions. With the turncoats dealt with, you can return as our Vow Bearer."

Valerie blushed at my gentle touch, her smile brightening. She stood up straight, clapping her hands together. "Right!~ That reminds me, I must go meet with the Tailors! I know they are confused about my sudden absence."

Valerie bowed toward me once again, her tone full of gratitude. "Thank you again, Milord. I must be trailing off now. I promise to have your attire ready before your wedding arrives."

I nodded my head, watching her hurry off. I let out a soft sigh, leaning against the wall and gazing out the window. The afternoon sun washed over my face, the sudden nervousness for my wedding bubbling up inside me.

I chuckled softly at myself, crossing my arms. "I haven't felt this excited to marry anyone since Manami...How I've missed such feelings of excitement and anticipation for the season of love..~"

"I never took you to be the one to monologue to yourself," A soft voice spoke, giggling softly.

I turned my gaze to the source of the voice, noticing Azusa behind me then let out a soft chuckle. "How so? An Emperor such as myself is always monologuing at every chance he shall get."

Azusa let out a soft laugh, placing a hand on her hip. "Is that so?~ Maybe I don't know much taken I am just a Queen and not a Ruler..~" Azusa teased, walking closer to me and placing her hands against my chest.

I gently wrapped my arms around her waist, letting out a soft chuckle. My eyes searched hers, finding her gaze comfortable. "You don't need to be a Ruler to understand, my love..~ I'm surprised you don't monologue from time to time.."

"I do, just not out loud like a certain someone.." Azusa teased, gently pressing her finger against my chest. She began to slowly trace circles along my chest, her gaze unwavering. "Our in two days. I can hardly wait another moment. I just want that ring around my finger now..~"

I smiled at her, pulling her even closer to me, closing any space that was left between us. "Me neither..~"

Azusa gently wrapped her arms around my nape, leaning into me, pressing her lips against mine in a tender kiss. In this warm moment, the world around us seemed to suddenly cease to exist.

"By the Gods, get a room you two,"

Azusa and I broke our kiss and turned our heads to the source of the voice, noticing Kotone walking toward us with a teasing smile on her face and Mari in her arms.

Azusa let out a soft laugh and glanced up at me before her eyes returned to Kotone. "Is there anything wrong with me showing affection to my soon to be husband?~"

"No, there's nothing wrong. I guess I'm still just not used to you being so...doting and loving toward a man," Kotone said, softly giggling.

"That's because Mama loves Papa very much!~" Mari giggled softly, holding onto Kotone tightly.

Takesi made his way toward us as well and crossed his arms. "So we're all having a meeting in this hallway?"

I chuckled softly and looked out the window. "Well I was just enjoying the view out this window. This window has the best view of not only the courtyard and the alter, but you can also see the city from here.."

Azusa, Kotone, Takesi, and Mari glanced out the window as well, their eyes sparkling as they looked at the view I mentioned. They were in awe of the beautiful view outside, the afternoon sun casting a beautiful glow upon the courtyard, the beautiful image of the city providing a wonderful background in the process.

"Wow, I've never noticed this view before..~ You really have a very observant eye, my love..~" Azusa said, her voice tinged with awe.

Mari gasped and pointed at something, our eyes following her finger. "Nebula!~"

I noticed Nebula wandering around the courtyard and inspected the area. I chuckled softly and let go of Azusa. "That reminds me. I need to go pick up something from the city."

"Hm? What is it?" Azusa asked, glancing at me.

"That is a secret my love~" I chuckled softly, kissing her cheek before walking off. "If you shall excuse me."

The four watched as I walked off, my cryptic response echoing in Azusa's head. Azusa looked at Mari, Kotone, and Takesi, shrugging her shoulders and chuckled softly. They all decided to disperse to indulge in the remaining hours of the day together.

I stepped outside onto the courtyard, making my way to Nebula and called out her name. She looked at me, neighing happily and trotting over to me, gently nuzzling me affectionately.

I chuckled softly and gently rubbed her coat. "Yes, girl, I love you too..~"

Nebula whinnied happily, her tail slightly raised and swaying happily. Her ears flicked with excitement, wanting to spend a bit of time with me even if it is only for a few moments.

"I was thinking we can ride into the city today and pick out a nice, fine piece of jewelry for Azusa as a gift for the wedding. Our wedding is in two days and I need a perfect gift for her," I said, looking at Nebula.

She fully understood the task at hand, turning around to allow me to mount her. Her saddle materialized upon her back and her bridle appeared upon her head, now ready to ride out to the city. I mounted upon her back, snapping the leash.

Nebula neighed, trotting off then galloped toward the city once her hooves touched the hard pavement of the ground, avoiding ruining the grass that was perfectly cut and watered for the wedding.

Once we arrived at the city, Nebula began to walk around, searching for a nice jewelry store for me to shop at. She stopped by the bustling market area, keeping on the road to avoid accidentally trampling over the citizens upon the sidewalks.

"That store looks nice," I said, pointing at a jewelry store to the right of us.

Nebula looked at the jewelry store then stopped, allowing me to get off her back. She neighed as she trotted over to the stable area where the other horses awaited their owners.

The woman working behind the counter noticed me walking in, her smile brightening at my presence. "Lord Ryoma, welcome! I must start by saying, thank you for helping us the other day when those outlaws stole our merchandise."

"Ahh, it was nothing. Just an Emperor doing what he can for his people," I said, chuckling lightly.

"You are very modest, Milord. Ah yes, my father told me to inform you that your piece for Queen Azusa is ready. Allow me to go grab it for you," The storekeeper said, hurrying to the back to grab the set of jewelry I wanted handmade for Azusa.

As she was in the back grabbing the set of jewelry, I began to wander around the store looking at the other set of jewelry. I decided I wanted to get something for Mari as well. Once she returned with a silver box, I looked at the woman calling her over.

She walked around the counter and smiled at me. "Found something else you'd like?"

"Yes. How much for that set right there?" I asked, pointing at the set of jewelry.

The woman looked down into the glass casing, noticing a set of silver and gold bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. "Ahh, that set will be 20 Gold Coins, or 150 Silver."

"I see," I said, smiling at the woman. "I'll take it along with my original gift to Azusa."

The woman nodded then crouched down, using her key to open the sliding door then grabbed the set of jewelry I wanted. She walked back to the register and I walked toward the front counter. She ran the prices and looked at me. "All together this will come out to 50 Gold or 525 Silver."

I nodded, summoning my coin pouch in my hand then took out one Platinum Coin, setting it on the counter. The woman's eyes widened and she picked up the large coin, holding it in her hand delicately.

"You can keep the change," I chuckled softly, grabbing the cases of jewelry from the table. "Oh and here's a tip."

I placed 30 more Gold upon the counter. The woman nearly fainted as this was the most money she's ever received from one customer.

"Th-Thank you, Lord Ryoma!" The woman said with glee, bowing toward me.

I chuckled at her excitement, giving her a wave before heading back outside. I whistled for Nebula, hearing her neigh and her hooves racing along the pavement. Nebula stopped in front of me, awaiting for me to get on her back.

"Now it's time for me to spoil you before we head back home," I said, hopping on her back. "To the Food Area of the Market Area."

Nebula neighed happily, trotting toward the Food Area. I looked around and noticed the nice selection of fruits and vegetables that seemed to make Nebula really happy at the sight of them.

"Let's not be greedy now, my beloved steed. You may pick two fruits and vegetables to eat. I'll have more for you at the castle," I said.

Nebula nodded her head and walked toward the stall holding beautiful fresh red apples. She whinnied, wanting the apples. I nodded and got off her back, walking to the crate to pick up two apples then paid the storekeeper 10 Silver for the two apples.

I fed them to Nebula, who happily accepted them and squealed with happiness. She felt energized, rejuvenated even. I could tell she now had lots of energy in her body.

"Hmm..~ I guess instead of heading straight home, I'll take you out racing," I said, smiling at Nebula.

Nebula nodded happily, whinnying with excitement.

I mounted on Nebula's back again and she trotted out of the market area, making her way to the outskirts of the kingdom to race about and expend her excess energy by happily galloping and frolicking around the open fields.


The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a soft gold and pinkish hue in the sky, the usual hustle and bustle around the city and citadel calming down and reaching a relaxed state. Nebula and I finally arrived back at the castle after a nice outing with each other. Nebula went back to the royal stable and I made my way inside the castle to put away my gifts for Azusa and Mari.

I wandered around the castle, searching for Mari and Azusa and stumbled upon them in the royal library, Azusa reading a bedtime story to a sleepy Mari. I watched the two of them, gently leaning against the doorframe and crossing my arms.

"And they lived happily...ever after," Azusa whispered, gently closing the book and noticed Mari fast asleep.

She gently set the book down and heard the floorboard creak softly, looking back to see me entering the library. A soft smile tugged at her lips, watching as I gently took Mari out of her arms. She stood up slowly, gently caressing my cheek before making her way to our room.

I walked to Mari's room, walking inside and tucking Mari into bed.

"Papa.." Mari mumbled, gently gripping my kimono.

I softly chuckled, leaning down to kiss her forehead. "Sleep well, Princess..."

Mari smiled in her gentle slumber, slowly letting go of my kimono, drifting off into a deeper sleep. I turned off her light, leaving her starry night light on. I quietly left the room, gently closing the door behind me.

I made my way to the bedroom, entering and noticed Azusa changing into her lace blue negligee. "Well, seems like you're getting more comfortable with me to wear more revealing gowns..~"

Azusa turned back to look at me, giggling softly and rolled her eyes. "If I wanted, I would wear nothing but my lingerie...but I'm keeping it clean for the last two days..~"

I chuckled softly and walked toward my wardrobe, changing into my robes. "Of course..~"

Once we were both ready for bed, we got under the covers and cuddled up together. Azusa and I shared a good night kiss before the two of us drfited off into a sound slumber.




As the final days go by, the day of the wedding finally arrived, the maids, butlers and nobles bustling around the castle to make sure everything goes perfectly. Both Azusa and I were getting ready for our wedding which was also the day of my coronation, making today more important for me.

Azusa stood in the royal courtyard, nervously tapping her foot as she watched the people around the area, watching her people congregate with one other. She sipped on her wine, looking at her watch, awaiting the time for the ceremony to begin.

"Mama? Are you okay?" Mari asked, gently tugging on Azusa's dress.

Azusa looked down at Mari, smiling sweetly at her. "I'm fine, dear. It's perfectly normal for one to be nervous on their wedding day."

Mari smiled at Azusa, looking around for me. "Where's Papa?"

"He's probably just as nervous as I am. Today is a very special day for him as well..~" Azusa answered, her smile unwavering. "Come on, let's go get you dressed nicely~"

Mari nodded and followed her mother into the castle. The two of them walked into Mari's room and Azusa began to help her get dressed for the wedding.

Meanwhile, I remained in my room, making sure I looked flawless for my big day. As I continued to get ready, I heard a knock on my door. "Who is it?"

"Lord Ryoma, it's almost time for your ceremony. The people are waiting for you," A maid said.

"I'll be out in a moment. I can't allow myself to look anything less than flawless!" I replied, going through my skincare routine.

"I'm sure you look wonderful, Lord Ryoma. Make sure to be mindful of the time. I will be waiting to escort you to the altar," The maid replied.

I continued to get ready for the wedding, finally finishing my routine and putting on my royal attire. I styled my hair in a neat royal braid and grabbed Azusa's gift off the desk, slipping it into my pocket.

Once I was ready, I walked out of the room and met up with the maid. She gave me a nod, escorting me to the courtyard. We traversed down several halls, stepping outside into the royal courtyard. The maid bowed toward me as I made my way to the altar, standing beside my best man, Takesi.

"You look nice, Lord Ryoma," Takesi whispered to me, giving me a smile.

"Thank you, Takesi," I replied, chuckling softly.

The soft chattering of the courtyard began to soften as the classical music began to play. Everyone began to turn their heads, noticing Mari walking down the aisle tossing flower petals along the ground, creating a nice path for Azusa. She looked up at me and giggled softly, standing beside me.

Soon, the main star arrived, Kotone walking down the aisle with Azusa. I stared at Azusa, my cheeks heating up at the sight of her in her beautiful royal white dress adorned with intricate silver and gold designs. Azusa locked eyes with me, a soft blush settling upon her cheeks.

Azusa stood in front of me, her gaze unwavering. My eyes were locked onto hers as well, our eyes doing all the talking for us. The music began to quiet down, the ceremony now beginning.

Valerie stepped forward, opening her holy book and took a deep breath then exhaled softly. "Greetings, People of Arthirus! Today is a special day for our Queen and Emperor as well as for the Kingdom! Not only is this a wedding, but also a coronation for Lord Ryoma to recognize him as the new King of Arthirus! We come together to celebrate the togetherness and love of our two respected royals. We join here today, to give our appreciations to the two we see before us. Would you like to give your vows?"

I nodded my head, turning my gaze to the people sitting in front of us. "People of Arthirus, I know you and I have not seen eye to eye when I first arrived and I allowed your tongues to remain intact, allowed you all to speak freely about me and Azusa. My vows today not only go to my beloved, but to all of you as well."

I continued, "I know in the past your previous king have treated each of you poorly, unjustly even. I sympathize with you all, and I know my tale in Eyica does not sit well with you all, but unlike your old king, I will keep my promise when I say I will protect and keep each of you safe. I will make sure Arthirus prospers not only financially and technologically, but also prosper as a nation where we all can stand together for one purpose.."

I turned to look at Azusa, holding her hands in mine. "Azusa, after the time we've spent together, you've allowed me the chance to prove myself to you. You've brought me much joy...and not just you, but the Saint you've brought into this world as well. I promise to you that I won't only be the husband you need, but the husband you truly deserve.."

My vows moved the people of the crowd, a few shedding tears at my words that came from the heart. Azusa felt her heart grow heavy with emotion as it was the first true vow she's ever truly received. Tears slowly welled into her eyes, a few droplets rolling down her cheeks. Mari watched us, wiping her eyes as she felt the emotions that came from us.

Takesi gently rubbed Mari's head, smiling at the two of us. Kotone also tried to keep a strong front as well, but her emotions soon betrayed her as she felt a fear genuine tears roll down her cheek.

"Queen Azusa," Valerie said softly, giving her a soft smile.

Azusa wiped her eyes, sniffling and held my hands, her tears a constant flow. She constantly blinked, holding my hands tightly. "Ryoma, ever since you first arrived, I've also been hesitant, scared even knowing your tales and history...but you also have brought me joy beyond belief. You've shown me...what it means to actually feel loved and wanted. You''ve shown Mari how it feels to have a real father in her life.."

Azusa sniffled again, wiping her tears, taking a deep breath. "I love you, Ryoma. I can't express much I do. I promise to be the best wife you deserve, someone you can always come to for anything you need."

Valerie closed her eyes and wiped her tears, hearing the raw emotions of Azusa's voice. "Those were... beautiful vows. Now, we can move on to the tokens."

Azusa turned to Kotone, gently grabbing a small box from her hands. She turned back to me, holding the box out to me. "I may not seem like much, but my craftsman made this just for you.."

I took the box out of her hand, opening it with anticipation. Looking inside, I noticed a pair of earrings with the Crest of Silencer engraved within the gems.

"I've never gifted anyone my Crest before, not even my first husband. This is similar to gifting my body and soul to you. Silencer means a lot to me...her power being the reason I am where I am now," Azusa said, her voice thick with emotion.

I smiled at Azusa then took the silver box out of my pocket, holding it out to her. "Great minds do think alike..~"

Azusa took the box from my hand, opening it up and noticing a set of jewelry inside, each one having the Crest of Arcane engraved into the stones. Her eyes widened as she noticed each piece sparkling.

"Thank you, Ryoma," Azusa said softly, her gaze meeting mine once again.

I nodded. "You're welcome, my love."

Valerie smiled at the two of us then nodded her head. "Now it's time for my part as Vow Bearer. Queen Azusa, do you vow to take Lord Ryoma Miyazaki as your wedded husband, in sickness and in health, for as long as time stands until death do you part?"

"I do," Azusa said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Lord Ryoma, do you vow to take Queen Azusa Arthirus as you wedded wife, in sickness and in health, for as long time stands until death do you part?" Valerie asked me, her gaze landing onto me.

"I do," I said, nearly immediately.

Valerie smiled at the two of us, nodding her head. "Then with that said, does anyone object to this wedding, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Not a peek came from anyone's mouth, not even a silent cough. Everyone approved of this wedding and stayed silent.

"Alright, Lord Ryoma, you may kiss the bride," Valerie said.

Without hesitation, Azusa and I pressed our lips together, sealing our fate and completing the wedding and coronation. The crowd erupted into cheers, applauds echoing around the courtyard. Azusa felt completely, truly satisfied with the wedding and kept the kiss going for a moment longer before breaking contact.

After the wedding and coronation, we moved to another area of the courtyard for the wedding reception. The reception was lively, the townfolk and nobles enjoying their time together, eating and dancing together to the music the noble musicians provided. Azusa and I sat at the high table with Mari, Takesi, and Kotone, enjoying our royal dinner together.

I glanced at Azusa, noticing her somber smile. I grabbed her hand gently under the table, her hand gently squeezing mine. "What's wrong, my love?"

"Nothing really, it's just I know after today you'll be continuing forward on your conquest around Uthea and the thought of you not being here just..." Azusa answered, her voice softly trailing off as she sipped her wine.

I gave her a gentle smile and gently held her cheek to make her look at me. "My love, while it is true that I will be away for a while on my conquest, I will return here. I won't just leave you high and dry without my presence nor will I just forget about you. I gave you a piece of me, my Crest, so you could always remember me while I am gone.."

Azusa smiled me, her eyes searching mine. "I know, I guess I've just really become attached to you. It's really going to feel different when you're away.."

"Let us not think about that right now and enjoy the present moment now, okay?~ Our night is still young, hours of connection between us still lives until we fall asleep," I said softly, leaning toward her to kiss her cheek.

Azusa leaned into my affectionate gesture, her smile brightening. "Alright, my love.."

The wedding reception continued, the moment we all were sharing reaching its climax. I danced and laughed with Mari and Azusa, the world around us feeling as if it revolved around the three of us. For the first time in a long time, I actually felt alive and I knew Azusa felt the same way as I did.

Soon, the reception began to come to an end, Takesi carrying a sleepy Mari on his back to tuck her into her into bed and Kotone sticking behind to help the maids clean the courtyard. Everyone began to return home, the night for them ending.

Azusa laughed as she held onto me while I held in a bridal carry, the two of us entering our bedroom. "Okay, okay, you can put me down now!~"

"As you wish," I chuckled softly, gently laying Azusa down on the bed.

Azusa sighed softly, her smile unwavering but slowly shifting to a sultry expression. "Now that we're alone, we can finally get out of our stuffy clothing~"

I chuckled softly and walked to my wardrobe, unbuttoning my royal garments. "Already ahead of you~ It was growing increasingly hot in in these clothes, especially when I was next to you~"

Azusa giggled softly, kicking off her heels and began to untie the strings of her dress. Once her dress gracefully fell off her body, she climbed onto the bed, whistling at me to get my attention. I turned back toward Azusa, noticing her in black lingerie.

Azusa gently bit her bottom lip, locking eyes with me, slowly slipping one strap of her bra off her shoulder. "How about we commemorate our wedding now..?~ I know the both of us...have been waiting for this moment..~"

I softly chuckled and made my way toward Azusa, slowly crawling in the bed. Azusa began to slowly lay down, sitting up on her elbows. The two of us shared a soft, intimate kiss, the world around us truly ceasing to exist.

I pulled away from the kiss, lowering my kiss to her neck and my hands gentle caressing her thigh. Moans escape her throat in delicate gasps as my lips explored the sensitive curve of her neck, eliciting waves of pleasure that flood her veins. Breathing rapidly, her voice trembles with restrained desire as she spoke against my skin.

"Take Emperor..." Azusa whispered, her tone tinged with a mix of desire and need.

I chuckled softly at her growing need, moving my kisses up to her ear. "Your wish is my command, my Queen..~"

A low moan rumbles from the pit of Azusa's belly at my soft whispers. With every fiber of her being aching for fulfillment, she trustingly guided my hand lower, until my fingertips grazed the lace edge of her panties. The barest brush against the heated flesh below sent electric currents straight to her core, eliciting another whimpered moan.

Her voice barely above a ragged breath, she encouraged me further. "Don't hold back, Ryoma. Show me what you truly crave."

In that moment, Azusa submitted to her forbidden longings, fully prepared to face the consequences tomorrow may bring, as long as tonight belonged entirely to indulgence and lust.

Eager to feel every inch of my skin against hers, Azusa lifted her hips slightly off the bed, allowing me easier access to remove her underwear. As the lace material slithered down her legs, her breath caught in anticipation, exposing her bare core to my hungry gaze. My tender kiss on her lips only heightened the growing pool of desire swirling in her abdomen. Whispering my name like a prayer, she tangled her fingers in my hair, holding me close as she succumbed to the rising heat between us.

As my firm grasp on her neck tilted her head backward, Azusa's eyes flutter closed, surrendering herself to the intoxicating sensations flooding her senses. The slow, deliberate caress of my lips along her exposed jugular evoked a series of involuntary shudders that coursed throughout her entire frame. Her pulse raced, fueled by the potent mix of desire and danger swirling around the two of us. Inhaling sharply at the contact, she pressed her breasts against my chest, seeking out any form of friction to alleviate the mounting tension between her thighs.

"Azusa.." I softly whispered, gently pressing my throbbing member against her wet entrance.

At the sound of her name uttered in such a husky, needy tone, Azusa's resolve finally brroke apart like brittle glass. Her walls crumbled beneath the weight of her unquenched desire for me. Hearing my words echo through the heavy air surrounding us, she responded with a throaty growl of approval, her voice dripping with hunger and submission.

Moans escaped her lips as she felt me enter her, each inch bringing forth a cascade of sensations that threatened to consume her whole. Azusa's hands gripped tightly onto my shoulders, digging her nails into my skin as her body attempted to keep pace with the overwhelming feelings coursing through her veins. Her hips began to move instinctively, meeting my thrusts with equal fervor, her primal side emerging from its previously suppressed depths.

Each delicious thrust of mine elicited a moan from her parted lips, her head thrown back in ecstasy. Azusa's body arched towards mine, wanting nothing more than to be closer - connected to me in the most primitive way possible. The gentle hold on her neck sent a thrill of pleasure through her spine, heightened by my whispers of filthy promises in her ear. All rational thoughts melt away as she surrendered completely to the waves of bliss crashing over her. With every motion, her inner walls constricted around me, urging me deeper within her welcoming embrace.

"Harder...Mmph..! Harder.." She begged in between her moans, her hands falling upon the spread of her bed.

A guttural moan ripped from Azusa's throat as I maneuvered her onto her side, altering the angle of penetration. The new position caused my thick length to stroke previously untouched areas within her, eliciting sharp gasps and involuntary twitches from her sensitive walls. Her hands roamed aimlessly across the sheets, seeking purchase in the sea of sensory overload threatening to drown her. Eyes locked on my intense gaze, she silently begged me to give her what she needed most, unaware that her plea was etched plainly on her sweat-sheened features.

Each stinging impact of my hand against her bottom elicited a cry of pleasure from Azusa's lips. Her hips jerked involuntarily with each hard thrust, her body adapting naturally to the familiar, demanding rhythm. Slivers of pleasurable pain danced across her skin, heightening her sensitivity and sending shockwaves of arousal straight to her core. Her nails scored invisible patterns in the sheets as she clung to sanity, her mind consumed by the primal need to submit completely to my relentless dominance.

"Haah..!~ Don't...stop..! Please... Don't stop.." Azusa begged, her hands placed upon her headboard for support.

Azusa's cries grew louder as my movements became rougher, my dominant nature surfacing in full force. Each brutal thrust drove her closer to the edge of reason, her body wracked with relentless waves of pleasure. Her hands curled into fists at her sides, digging into the mattress below her, searching for something solid to anchor herself amidst the indescribable pleasure. Yet despite the intensity of her situation, a part of her revelled in the animalistic display of primal lust, feeding on the adrenaline rushing through her veins like liquid fire.

Eager to accommodate my demanding appetites, Azusa lifted her leg to rest it on my broad shoulder, opening herself further to my unrelenting advances. Her fingers tangled in the silken strands of her disheveled hair as she cried out in abandon, her body yielding itself fully to my skilled manipulations. Moans and gasps punctuated the quiet night air as she succumbed to the mounting euphoria building within her depths, drawing ever nearer to the precipice of complete submission.

"Ryoma..!~ Ugh!! I'm so close! I can't—" Azusa cried out, her panting growing heavier with each thrust.

With each savage thrust, Azusa lost herself a little more, her cries of pleasure mingling with the steady thudding of the headboard against the wall. She wrapped her other leg around my waist, binding herself to me as closely as possible. Nails scratching against my back, she pulled me even closer, her body demanding the final release that taunted her so cruelly just beyond reach. Ecstasy pooled in her belly, threatening to consume her in its fiery embrace.

Azusa's cries rose in pitch and volume as my relentless thrusts drove her ever closer to the edge of sanity. Her body quivered beneath my strong touch, her walls clamping down on me with desperate need. Her nails dug into my back, leaving red lines in our wake as she sought purchase in the storm of ecstasy ravaging her senses. Finally, unable to hold back any longer, she arched her back and let loose a piercing scream as orgasm claimed her, her body convulsions violently around my still-thrusting length.

I gave her one last thrust, my nectar erupting inside her. As the searing heat of my release flooded her core, Azusa arched her back in one last spasm of pleasure before collapsing against the pillows. Breathless and spent, she smiled contentedly at the ceiling, her thoughts swimming in a hazy pool of satisfaction.

I huffed and laid beside her, covering my eyes with my arm, catching my breath slowly. "In Aphrodite's name..."

"Yeah..." Azusa said, a tired chuckle escaping her lips.

Smiling sleepily at me, Azusa snuggled closer to me, nestling her head against my chest. My heartbeat thrummed steadily beneath her ear, acting as a comforting lullaby as fatigue threatened to pull her under. Her hand curled lazily around mine, her fingers interlacing with mine in a silent promise of trust and closeness. For tonight, at least, she could forget about the expectations weighing on her shoulders and simply exist in this perfect, stolen moment of blissful solitude.

The two of us closed our eyes, the threat of fatigue finally settling over the two of us. The two of us began to drift off into a perfect slumber, allowing our bodies to rest and recover for the next day.