Battle at Seafoam Lake

The final sun began to dip below the horizon and the first moon began to rise, the night of Uthea now coming to a start. After our successful missions at Ignia Falls and Riverside Cave, we all decided to take a well deserved rest at the palace, everyone enjoying a nice dinner in the royal dining hall.

"Thank you for... having me back in the Palace, Tsuna. This actually means a lot to me," Rene said, smiling as she poked at her food with her fork.

Tsuna smiled at Rene, nodding her head. "Of course. You helped us out today, it's only fair that you're allowed back into the castle. You are still a Princess of Rivule after all. Is everything alright though?"

Rene pondered at Tsuna's question, closing her eyes and letting out a soft sigh. "I don't know. It feels...strange not being by my sister's side. I don't even know where she is right now. I just...hope she's safe."

Sera, Saffron, and Phoebe overheard their conversation, letting out silent grunts. As much as they understood how much Rene's sisterhood mattered to her, they didn't want to have another meeting with Hilda again.

"Did you and Hilda manage this on your own?" Tsuna asked, tilting her head and rested her arm against the armrest of her seat.

Rene glanced at Tsuna then her gaze temporarily met mine before narrowing down to her plate. "We had assistance... obviously the Asena situation was just Nature vs Humans but we had assistance angering her because we helped misguide a few fishermen and soldiers to Asena which always ends up ruining her song.."

"We also used Asena's Ocean Symphony: Black Waves to contaminate the waters. As far as Seafoam Lake, I have no idea what could have happened there since we only targeted Ignia Falls and Riverside Cave to slow down the productivity of Rivule. My sister probably knows since she still works closely with those people," Rene said, continuing to poke at her food.

"Who exactly are these people who assisted you?" I asked, raising a curious brow and crossing my arms.

"I don't know the man's name as he wore a mask to hide his identity but there was another woman, a martial artist. She knows Mystic Martial Arts or also known as Majikku. She is at Seafoam Lake, and is one of the women who managed to defeat one of your strongest retainers. He calls himself Mega Mega I believe," Rene answered, her gaze never meeting ours.

I stared at Rene for a moment, trying to detect any sign of dishonesty but didn't detect any. I leaned back in my seat, grumbling softly and sighed. "And I assume this masked man is at Almeria City. I haven't met too many masked people around here...but if Lythia is here...there is a chance that he might be involved in all of this as well."

"Who?" Rene asked, looking up at me.

I shook my head, giving her a soft smile. I began to stand up, letting out a soft grunt. "Don't worry about it. In any case, if we do happen to run into him, please leave him to me."

"Where are you going, darling?" Tsuna asked, her gaze meeting mine.

"Just going out to get some fresh air...and to think about some new strategies on tackling Seafoam Lake and Almeria City. I won't be long," I said, leaning down to kiss Tsuna's cheek before walking off.

Tsuna and Rene watched as I walked off, Rene's gaze narrowing once more then she stood up to leave, not having much of an appetite. Sera, Saffron, and Phoebe watched then glanced at one another. Tsuna rubbed the back of her head and let out a soft sigh, closing her eyes.

I began to make my way to the balcony of the palace, walking toward the railing and leaned against it. I looked around the sights of the main city of Rivule, listening to the gentle waves and the soft melodies of the Aquatic Beasts, their whistles and pulsed calls echoing out in the salt filled air.

Tsuhori appeared next to me, standing by my side while taking in the sights as well. "Master.."

I glanced at Tsuhori, a soft smile forming on my lips. I turned my gaze back out to the open. "What's the matter, Tsuhori?"

"I'm just worried about you all... especially Rene. I'm also curious about these new adversaries she mentioned, and I think that masked man she mentioned may be Alastor working behind the scenes. If Hilda is working for him...Rene might never get her sister back," Tsuhori said, her tail swaying from side to side in a worried manner.

"I'm aware of that...and that's what I've come to think about. If Hilda is too far gone already and worth the effort in trying to save. I don't want to immediately brand her an enemy because realistically I only have one enemy, and that's Alastor. This is pretty hard to go about because Rene truly cares for her sister just as how I care for Takeo," I said, closing my eyes as the gentle breeze hit against my skin.

Tsuhori closed her eyes as well, her ears flicking and her tail continuously swaying. "Maybe...we should at least try to convince her first before doing anything else. I mean...Rene converted over to our side, albeit reluctantly. She's just misguided due the loyalty for her family, despite their flaws. Maybe Hilda is the same.."

"Maybe," I said softly, opening my eyes and let out a soft sigh.

Tsuhori and I stood together in comfortable silence for a moment, just enjoying the peace of the kingdom before having to go out tomorrow to save the Southern and Western areas of Rivule. Not a word was spoken, only the sounds of the waves and wildlife's songs filled the air.

"No matter what happens, Master Ryoma...just promise that you will at least try to save and convert Hilda..okay?" Tsuhori said, turning her gaze toward me.

I looked at Tsuhori, meeting her gaze. I gave her a nod. "I promise.."

Tsuhori smiled at me and her tail wagged happily. With that, I began to make my way inside for the rest of the night to rest up for tomorrow. Tsuhori returned as a ball of light and returned inside my body to rest as well.


The next day arrived, everyone getting ready to head out to the Western Parts of Rivule. The palace bustled with activities from preparation to planning and gearing up. During this time, we came up with a decisive plan to deal with the Seafoam Lake issue before the Third Sun rose and leave the remainder of the last four suns and the duration of the seven moons for Almeria City.

While we were in the meeting room planning our course of action, a knock was heard at the door. I went over to open the door, noticing Lyna standing before me. She looked up at me, her eyes shimmering with excitement to see me.

"Lord Ryoma!~" Lyna greeted excitedly, immediately taking my hand in hers.

I chuckled softly at her, holding her hand. "Well, hello Miss Lyna Merylla..~ Fancy seeing you here."

Lyna nodded, her gaze unwavering. "I am here because my sister called for me to show up. I couldn't make it yesterday due to having to finish my Uthean Compendium in Therris for Lady Edea, but I have everything done and now I'm ready to assist!"

I smiled at her then led her inside, closing the door behind us. I watched as Lyna hurried over to Sera, giving her a hug and took her seat at the table. I returned to my seat and Tsuna began going over the plan once again.

"Alright, as we may know for right now, Rene gave us some vital information last night which saves us from going in blind for Seafoam Lake and Almeria City. We can expect a powerful adversary to be at the Lake and at the southern city," Tsuna began, pointing to a map upon the holographic screen behind her.

"I was able to get in touch with Mega Mega this morning, and he said he's still trying to drive away the martial artist that claimed the area and is trying to stop her with another ally from awakening the Faith Seal, awakening a Battle Maiden from the House of Vequa. Luckily they've been able to stall her for a while now, but that only means we have limited time to actually stop her," Tsuna continued, circling the area where the Faith Seal lied.

"Battle Maiden?" Lyna asked, tilting her head.

"The Battle Maidens are six women who helped the First Eternal Emperor of War conquer and unite all of Uthea. Each of them own a different seal. These seals are: Faith, Power, Justice, Spirit, Strength, and Mind. They were insanely powerful in their time, unmatched even," Tsuna explained, glancing at Lyna.

"Where are these Battle Maidens now, aside from the one we're planning to save from the clutches of chaos?" Lyna asked, wanting to know more about the six historical figures.

"The Six Maidens reside in these Kingdoms," Tsuna began, another holographic screen appearing with the map of Uthea displayed. "Pyroc has the Justice Seal, Therris has the Strength Seal, we, Rivule, have the Faith Seal, Volta has the Mind Seal, Yakashi has the Power Seal, and Eternus has the Spirit Seal."

Lyna nodded, adding the new data to her device.

"Alright, once we finish with Seafoam Lake, we move on to Almeria City. The reason we aren't splitting into groups is because of the fact that we need all the firepower we can get for there. We don't need everyone at Seafoam Lake," Tsuna said, holding her arms and looking at each of us.

"Rene, Ryoma, and I will tackle Seafoam Lake due to the urgency and severity of the task and the high threat level this Majikku User possesses. The rest of you stay behind and rest for as long as you need. Once I give the signal, we all move to Almeria City for the final stage," Tsuna finished.

Everyone agreed upon her decision, and with that agreement the meeting came to a close. With the plans in mind, we all split apart to handle our tasks, Rene, Tsuna, and I heading toward Seafoam Lake.

I rode off on Nebula's back while Tsuna and Rene rode on Rivule's back toward the Western Area of the kingdom. As we traversed through the lands, we began to see a whirlpool forming in the lake ahead.

"It looks like they've already begun the Summoning Ritual to awaken Lady Serine! We need to hurry!" Rene called out.

"Is the Faith Seal underwater?" I asked, noticing a faint pillar of blue light emerging from the whirlpool.

"Yes. There is an underwater city where the Faith Seal is hidden and it's generally supposed to be unknown, so for this person to have found it means someone tipped them. Most likely Hilda since Seafoam City is royal knowledge only," Tsuna answered.

I nodded and snapped Nebula's leash, causing her to fly toward Seafoam Lake faster. "Let's hurry then! We may not have enough time if they succeed with her awakening!"

Rivule also picked up speed, rushing toward the lake with urgency. The closer we got, we noticed a battle happening upon land between two women while a ship swirled around the whirlpool, the captain of the ship seemingly trying to stop the awakening process.

"Let's split," I suggested, looking over at Tsuna and Rene.

"Alright," Tsuna nodded, approving of my suggestion.

I split apart from Tsuna and Rene to offer a helping hand against the Majikku User while Tsuna and Rene went to give their assistance to the captain. Nebula neighed as she landed on the ground, the two combatants stopping their battle to look at me.

The first woman wielding a bow had an intriguing and mysterious aura. She had long, dark hair with bangs framing her face, and her striking blue eyes stood out, giving her a piercing and intense gaze. Her expression is serious and somewhat aloof, suggesting a reserved and disciplined personality.

She wore a black outfit with intricate golden and red accents. The top part resembled traditional armor, with plated sections and rope details, indicating she might be a warrior or a guardian. The lower part included a short skirt with elaborate designs, blending both elegance and practicality. She had a large rope belt tied in a decorative knot around her waist, adding to the traditional Japanese aesthetic.

The second woman had a unique and striking appearance, exuding strength and determination. She had light brown hair styled in long braids, with bangs framing her face. Her eyes were a bright and glowing gold, giving her an intense and almost otherworldly gaze. Her expression is serious and focused, suggesting she is someone not to be taken lightly.

She wore a minimalistic outfit that highlights her athletic build. The clothing includes a black top with blue accents, black pants with white patterns, and a long white coat with blue designs. Her outfit is practical and seems suited for combat or physical activity.

The woman had several silver rings attached to her outfit, some of which are connected to her hair. She also had rings around her wrists and ankles. These were symbolic and served a specific purpose, related to her abilities and role.

I got off Nebula's back, making my way toward the two. I glanced between the two then turned my gaze toward the second woman. "You must be the Majikku User who is trying to awaken the Battle Maiden?"

The woman smirked at me, placing a hand on her hip. "Keen eyes...and you must be the Emperor that the masked man made such a fuss about and told me to be wary of. Emperor Ryoma...your name rings bells it seems."

"And you are?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"My name is Sati Nubia. Proud retainer of Hilda and her right hand woman. Also, you interrupted my battle against Ravea but since you're already here...I guess I must just take you down as well," Sati said, getting to her stance and mystical energy flowed around her hands.

"Lord Ryoma, stay back. This fight doesn't concern you," Ravea said, readying her bow.

"Now is not the time to pick and choose your assistance, Ravea. We are under a strict time clock here. I am helping, no questions asked," I said, getting into my stance.

Ravea glanced at me for a moment then scoffed. "Fine, suit yourself. Just don't get in my way."

The stage was set for the battle between me and Ravea against Sati, the tension palpable between us. Ravea and I kept cautious gazes upon Sati while Sati had a confident smile upon her face, her gaze unflinching and steady.

Ravea fired three water arrows toward Sati, each one flying toward her at high speeds. Sati dodged all three, launching herself forward with a swift strike toward Ravea. I protected her, parrying her attack then knocked her back using the force of my aura.

Sati grunted softly as she slid backwards then found her footing once again. She looked up and noticed my strike heading straight for her. She blocked my initial strike, countering with a crescent kick. I evaded her attack, landing a clean blow to her midsection then knocked her in the air with an uppercut.

"White Eagle Volley.." Ravea said calmly, firing a barrage of water arrows toward Sati while she was airborne.

Sati opened one eye, noticing the volley of water arrows heading her way. She began deflecting each arrow, her movements fluid and calculated then she thrusted her hand forward knocking Ravea away with a pulse of wind energy.

Ravea grunted as she rolled backwards along the ground then recovered onto her feet, rushing into the forest. Sati chased after her and began launching pulses of wind toward her, but Ravea fired multiple arrows to collide with Sati's attacks.

I rushed after the two, the Leo Symbol shining on my hand. "Leona!"

Upon calling out Leona's name, my hair became a fiery mane, my pupils becoming verticle and my eyes shined brightly. I rushed forward, zipping through the trees and caught up with Sati, landing a powerful kick to her chin, knocking her across the forest.

Sati recovered off one hand then landed on her feet, her gaze meeting mine. She glared at me then rushed toward me at high speeds. She let out a battle cry and launched a swift strike toward my face, but her attack met the air as I evaded her. She launched a swift spinning kick, noticing she hit a phantom then groaned as I countered with a palm strike to her torso and knocked her away.

Sati landed onto her feet weaving her arms around then launched a large pulse of water toward me. I rushed forward, evading the pulse of water then launched a large fireball toes her but she evaded it as well. Ravea landed on a tree branch, launching another barrage of arrows toward Sati, but Sati evaded each arrow then dashed toward me.

"You're impressive! Being able to keep up with someone like me!" I exclaimed, evading each of Sati's strikes.

Sati ducked under my counter then spun around on one hand, launching a fast kick toward me. "I don't need your praises! I'm only just getting started!"

I blocked her kick, pushing her back then chuckled softly. Sati jumped backwards, creating distance between the two of us. She got into her stance, a beat of sweat rolling down her face.

'Something is off...His damage output isn't that strong. He's not trying his hardest..' Sati thought, wiping the nervous sweat from her forehead.

"Tell me something, Sati. What do you hope to gain in the end? There has to be some type of end result you seek from awakening a Battle Maiden of War and trying to ruin this beautiful kingdom of Rivule," I questioned, crossing my arms.

Sati kept her stance ready, she stared at me and thought about my question. "The masked man promised Princess Hilda that he would be able to give her back what belonged to her and Princess Rene. He said if we do this, Rivule would be theirs once more. I will support my Princess no matter what!"

"Is that so? He promised you that? Alright," I said, closing my eyes. "What will you do if his promises turn out to be nothing but empty words? Do you not know the dangers of awakening a Battle Maiden of War...or even the fatal consequences of raising Seafoam City from the depths of the lake?"

"I do not care! This is what Princess Hilda wants! She will get back the throne by any means and I will support her by any means!" Sati retorted, clenching her fists.

"Do you not hear how idiotic you sound?! This isn't what Princess Rene wants! She loves Rivule, but you all are trying to destroy it for what?! Queen Tsuna has done more good for the kingdom than King Nero ever has!" Ravea called out, glaring at Sati.

Sati scoffed and looked at Ravea, glaring at her. She didn't have anything to say in response to Ravea's statement. She turned her gaze back toward me. "My stance will not chance. If awakening Serine Vequa is the price to pay to bring Lady Hilda back into power, then so be it!"

I opened my eyes and looked at Sati, sucking my teeth slowly. "Foolish, cretin... Nothing but idiotic thoughts in your pathetic mind. Fools like you are what's wrong with the world. You prioritize Chaos over Order and you're willing to bring thousands of lives into jeopardy over some grudge."

"That's funny coming from you, Tyrant! You talk like a hypocrite!" Sati retorted, her gaze aiming to pierce my soul.

I laughed softly and lowered my head, my heart thumping against my chest. "I had a reason to conquer Eyica. I established Order there and because of that, that continent is more prosperous than any other in this world. However what you all are nothing but a waste of time."

Sati and Ravea began to feel chills crawling down their spines at my tone. Sati grit her teeth then launched herself toward me and bellowed, aiming a strike to my chest. My aura blocked and reflected the damage back toward Sati, causing her to groan in pain and hold her arm.

"I want to sympathize with Hilda... because I see myself in her, but if she's just going to ruin the kingdom than accept reality...I will have no choice but to end her life to maintain Absolute Order," I said, my tone dark and intimidating.

Sati took a step back, gritting her teeth in pain and irritation. She glared at me then prepared another attack, but before she could flinch a muscle, I caused her to freeze with my Phantom Hold.

"That's enough out of you. I wanted to just give you a chance to try to come to your senses, but you're just too stupid to open your eyes," I said, walking toward her.

Tsuhori appeared in front of me and stopped me, placing her hands upon my chest. "No, promised.."

I looked down at Tsuhori then closed my eyes and softly grumbled. The Tyrant within began to calm down, becoming sealed once again within me. I opened my eyes and sighed, noticing Tsuhori's smile.

"Sati, if you truly care about this kingdom, help us stop the awakening," I said, glancing at Sati.

Sati grunted softly then glanced up at Ravea. She let out a soft sigh and closed her eyes. "Fine..."

Suddenly, a powerful pulse of energy began to radiate around the lake, catching our attentions. The pillar of light in the eye of the whirlpool began to grow larger, the awakening now showing signs of not being able to be stopped.

"Let's go, before it's too late!" I said, hurrying toward the lake.

Ravea, Sati, and Tsuhori rushed after me, our steps a haste and filled with urgency. The situation was now even more dire than ever, the awakening needing to be stopped immediately before the seal breaks, awakening Serine.