Order and Chaos

"Lady Tsuna! I can't stop the whirlpool! The currents are too strong and my boat will get sucked into the city underwater! We need to retreat!" The captain exclaimed, trying to steer his boat away from the whirlpool with all his might.

"Mega...Tch...What can we do? We don't need Serine being awakened.." Tsuna muttered, staring out the edge of the boat to find any form of clues she could used to stop the ritual.

Suddenly as Tsuna and Rene stared out in the waters, they heard the sweet melody of Asena's Siren's Song and noticed her swimming counterclockwise around the whirlpool at high speeds. They watched as she began affecting the whirlpool, causing the waters to slow down.

"Don't let up, Asena!" I commanded, using her Crest of Asena.

"I'm on it!" Asena replied, swimming around the whirlpool as fast as she could go.

"Ryoma!" Rene exclaimed, her gaze looking up at me on Nebula's then looked over and gasped softly as she noticed Ravea and Sati at shore as well.

Sati began forming hand gestures, closing her eyes to concentrate. She parted her hands to form a ring of water in front of her, pushing it out toward the whirlpool. Ravea took aim at the sky, firing a large arrow in the sky and the arrow began to descend toward the ring of water.

Just before the arrow could hit the ring of water, the arrow was split in half stopping the process of ending the ritual. Suddenly, a figure landed upon the boat causing Rene and Tsuna to turn around to see the new combatant.

Rene's eyes widened slightly as she stared at the woman. "Hilda..."

Hilda opened her eyes and smirked, turning toward Tsuna and Rene. "So you even kidnap my sister? How much farther in the ocean can you get, Yeshan?"

"W-Wait, she never kidnapped me!" Rene exclaimed, taking a step forward. "I—"

"There's no need to cover up for this selfish bitch, Rene. You don't have to play along with them anymore. Our plan is working and once we summon Serine, Rivule will be mine again!" Hilda laughed then pointed her axe at Tsuna. "And I'll make sure it stays mine by killing you!"

Tsuna glared at Hilda, glancing back at the whirlpool slowly becoming gradually more violent. She glanced back toward Hilda, a sly smirk curling on her lips. "If we can't stop her awakening...we will simply just bond with her before you even get the chance...but that's assuming we allow this ritual to finish."

"Ha! You wish...you would die before even getting the chance to. I can promise that. Now, Rene, come back over to your dear big sister..~ Let's end Tsuna's life here and now...then maybe take her fiance while we're at it~" Hilda sneered, her gaze lifting to look at me.

"You're an opponent...not an enemy..."

"I don't want to fight you... because by making you my enemy, that only means I'm invalidating your feelings without understanding you first..."

"I know right now you may not choose our side because of what happened...but I hope you can do one thing for me. Help us stop these phenomenons..."

My words bled and echoed in Rene's head, causing her to shut her eyes tightly. She was now torn between a choice between betray us to help Hilda...or betray Hilda to help us. She clutched her staff tightly, grunting softly.

"What's wrong, Rene? My beloved, just come back over to me, I promise you my serpent won't bite..~" Hilda assured, softly giggling and held her hand out toward Rene. "It's just me, your assertive big sister.."

Tsuna noticed how much Rene was struggling on the inside, stepping toward her and placing a hand upon her shoulder. "Rene...do what you feel is best.."

Rene grunted softly, tears welling up in her eyes due to the pressure of the situation. She began to have another breakdown, panting softly and held her staff even tighter. "Hilda...I love you..."

"I love you too, Rene," Hilda smiled, chuckling softly at her words.

"I love you, Hilda...but I choose Tsuna!" She yelled, her voice echoing across the boat.

There was silence, a moment of disbelief from both Tsuna and Hilda. Tsuna couldn't help but to smile at Rene while Hilda grew upset, her brows furrowing.

"Stop playing games, Rene. Come here!" Hilda huffed, her tone growing more authoritative and stern.

"No...I want to save Rivule! I don't care about power like you do! You... you've tried to destroy Rivule just to claim the throne and I foolishly helped you without clearly seeing it at first. I don't want to become...a Tyrant like you!" Rene called out.

In that moment of betrayal from her own sister, Hilda groaned as she felt her heart shatter and stumbled backwards. She grunted and held her arms, clenching her teeth and panted heavily with confusion and anger.

"You dare betray me..? You dare...choose the murderer of our father?! Alright...if you want to go down this route...then fine by me. You, Rene..." Hilda began, looking up and a Dark Crest began to glow in the middle of her chest. "You are now my enemy.."

Rene stared at the Dark Crest in disbelief at the fact that Hilda possessed one. Her thoughts were correct...she knew her sister was Corrupted. Rene took a step back from Hilda, her pants growing heavier.

"Rene...I will drag you back to me. I will give you only one more chance to come here! I will not tolerate this disrespect!" Hilda bellowed, gripping her battle axe tightly.

"N-No! I won't...I can't. I don't want to rule over a kingdom that's ruled with Tyranny..! I want to stay in a kingdom that's beautiful like the ocean, Hilda, break out of it! Open your eyes and don't let whatever that masked man said fool you!" Rene retorted, putting her foot down.

Hilda chuckled softly, closing her eyes and let out a dark sigh. She opened her eyes, her gaze meeting Rene's with an intense stare. "You've made your choice!"

Hilda dashed toward Rene, launching a swift slash at her, but a sword flew toward her, blocking the slash. She grunted as her attack was blocked, her gaze narrowing up toward me. I stared at Hilda for a moment then turned my attention back toward the whirlpool.

"I will not make the choice for you, Rene. You've decided your alliance, shown where your loyalties lie. We can not stop this whirlpool so it's up to you whether or not you help Tsuna stop Hilda," I called out, guiding Nebula to the eye of the whirlpool. "I'm going to stop the awakening from the inside."

Tsuna picked up my sword, noticing it was in its Yeshan Form. She turned her gaze toward me, watching as Nebula and I descended to the whirlpool. "Darling.."

Suddenly, a powerful force of energy pushed Mega's boat away from the whirlpool and toward the shore. Everyone on the boat grunted and stumbled at the force of the waves pushing them. Once they were on shore, they noticed the whirlpool at its most violent.

Hilda scoffed lightly, taking her leave off the boat but a soft chuckle escaped her lips. "Hmm...either way, our plan worked. You all were too late to stop the Faith Awakening. Now your precious Emperor's life is on the precipice of life and death. With him out of the way, I don't have to concern myself with him and thinking of ways to deal with his unnatural power."

"But you still have to deal with us! A Warlord Queen and a Princess! We will strike you down and save our Kingdom!" Tsuna called out, jumping off the boat and landing on the ground, the blade of my sword shining brightly in her hand.

Hilda walked around, pointing her axe at Tsuna. "It's about time we got our rematch. Once you die... Rivule will be mine!"

Hilda lunged toward Tsuna, launching a swiftly slash toward her but Tsuna parried her slash then evaded Hilda's thrust. Hilda spun her axe around then slashed downward, but Tsuna countered by lodging the blade of her axe into the ground. Hilda let out a bellow, forcefully slashing upward, narrowly missing Tsuna and cutting strands of her hair.

Tsuna rushed forward, rapidly thrusting her sword aimed at her torso but Hilda fended off each attack. She countered with a spinning slash, but Tsuna ducked under the slash and rushed forward, landing clean strike to Hilda's stomach, knocking her back.

"Take this! Yeshan Cleave!" Tsuna bellowed, slashing three times, sending three cutting waves toward Hilda.

Hilda stomped her foot down, slicing each cutting wave in two then smirked as she readied her axe again, rushing toward Tsuna.

Rene watched the two fight from the boat, still conflicted inside. She watched how hard Tsuna fought to defend not only her throne but the people of the kingdom while Hilda fought just to take back the throne. She noticed Tsuna beginning to be pushed back, grunting lightly and not sure if she could bring herself to fight her sister.

"This Dark Crest is amazing! With such power, I feel like I can take over Uthea by myself!" Hilda laughed, sending her axe crashing down upon Tsuna.

Tsuna grunted as she blocked her attack, slowly being pushed down upon one knee. She grit her teeth, trying her hardest to push her back. "I won't...let you win!"

As Hilda was breaking through Tsuna's guard, Rene rushed off the boat, landing a powerful kick to Hilda's cheek and knocked her away. Hilda grunted as she rolled along the ground, but recovered onto one knee. She looked at Rene, glaring at her and noticed her Light Crest shining on her chest.

Tsuna glanced over at Rene, noticing the Light Crest. "A Light Crest... you've been acknowledged by The Eternal Emperor of Conquest..."

Hilda stared at Rene, chuckling softly then rested her axe against her shoulder. "So...you've been acknowledged by the Emperor of Order huh? You think by having a Light Crest you can beat me, Little Sister? I guess big sis has to show you our differences once again...and why you'll always be inferior to me.."

"I no longer walk in your shadow, Hilda...I miss father as much as you do, but I know the difference between leadership and dictatorship! I won't let you stand in the way of a just cause.." Rene retorted, pointing her staff at Hilda.

Rene walked forward then sprinted toward Hilda, swinging her staff toward her, but Hilda blocked the attack with an arrogant smirk. Pushing Rene back, Hilda launched a powerful slash toward her, aiming to take off her head. Rene evaded her slash with a calculated step, pointing her staff at her sister's stomach and firing pulses of energy to blow her away.

Rene chased after Hilda, leaping in the air and came down with a spinning crescent kick. Hilda used the handle of her axe to block the attack, pushing Rene back again and slashing once more. Rene grunted as she blocked the attack and was blown away in the process.

"You still can't handle me!" Hilda taunted, rushing toward Rene and jumped in the air, coming down with a powerful slash.

Tsuna rushed forward, parrying Hilda's slash then knocked her in the air with a clean kick to her chin then rushed forward with a slash. The slash connected, five delayed slashes striking Hilda then Rene followed up with a powerful kick to Hilda's chest, knocking her through the forest.

"Let's go!" Tsuna called out, rushing into the forest.

"Okay!" Rene nodded, following behind Tsuna into the forest.

Hilda landed on the ground then braced herself for Tsuna and Rene, watching the two approach her from either side. She dodged Tsuna's slash and knocked her back with a kick then parried the swing of Rene's staff. Rene stumbled backwards, trying to catch herself fast enough but Hilda was too fast, landing a powerful slash to Rene's midsection and launched her away.

Tsuna appeared behind Hilda, slashing down but Hilda used the handle of her axe to block behind her. She stuck the blade of her axe into the ground, using it as a pole to spin around, landing a powerful kick to Tsuna's face. Tsuna groaned as she crashed through a few trees but recovered quickly, pointing her sword at Hilda, launching blades of water energy toward her at high speeds.

Hilda ran forward, deflecting each water blade then leaped forward, spinning diagonally and slashing down toward Tsuna. Rene appeared at Tsuna's aid, parrying Hilda's attack then fired a large sphere of ice energy toward her. The sphere of ice energy made contact, explosion and covering the surrounding trees with frost.

Hilda landed on the ground, sliding backwards then huffed. She stood up straight, readying her axe once again. "Tch...This is getting annoying! You really think you've escaped walking in someone's shadow?! You leave mine just to walk under Tsuna's! You're still the same weakling and that's okay! If you just join me again...I'll forget about your betrayal and we can rule Rivule together."

"I'm not walking behind ANYONE'S shadow! I'm not walking under Tsuna, I'm walking beside her. I'm standing beside her, and I will defend beside her!" Rene exclaimed, her ice horns protruding from her head.

Hilda glared at Rene, scowling and growling softly. Her horns began to protrude from her head as well, planning to take it to the battle a step further just like Rene. "You're really pissing me off with trying to take the moral high ground! But I guess if you're not gonna join me willingly...I will just have to break your spirit along with every bone in your body!"

Tsuna prepared herself, her Crest of Waves shining upon her thigh. "Rene..."

"I know Queen Tsuna...right now, she's not my sister. I don't think I can ever recognize her anymore or maybe I've always known she was like this but I hoped it could be different. But I do know one thing now...we will save Rivule no matter what," Rene said, her tone steady and resolute.

Tsuna smiled and cloaked the blade of my sword in water energy. "Well said, Princess Rene. Now let's take her down right here!"

Rene and Tsuna stood off against Hilda, the final stretch of their battle now commencing. With a step forward, Tsuna propelled herself toward Hilda with a battle cry. Hilda bellowed as she lunged forward, clashing with Tsuna and entering a fierce battle of the blades with her.

The two blocked and evaded each other's attacks, the sounds of their blades clashing echoing out in the air. Hilda parried Tsuna's next strike, kicking her back then launched her serpent at her. Rene propelled herself off a tree, slamming her staff against the head of the serpent then propelled herself toward Hilda.

"Hilda!" Rene bellowed, her ice energy surging around her body.

Hilda and Rene clashed intensely, both of their eyes flashing a deep red. They began zipping around the forest, clashing at near invisible speeds before repelling each other. Tsuna threw my sword toward Hilda, warping toward it then landed a clean punch to her face, knocking her back.

Rene growled and dashed toward Hilda at high speeds and Tsuna rushed Hilda from the other side. The two began to synchronize their attacks against Hilda, but Hilda held her own against the barrage of strikes. Hilda let out a powerful roar, her dark aura pushing both Tsuna and Rene away and her Dark Crest shined brighter upon her chest.

"I won't let you defeat me! Rivule is mine!" Hilda roared, launching herself toward Tsuna.

Tsuna launched herself toward Hilda, clashing with her then both of their weapons flew out of their hands. Tsuna launched a swift roundhouse kick toward Hilda, but Hilda used her forearm to block and countered with a powerful palm strike to Tsuna's stomach.

Tsuna slid backwards then caught herself, surrounding her hands with water energy and rushed back in. Hilda dashed toward Tsuna, clashing fists with her. The two entered a fierce hand to hand combat, both women dodging and countering each other's attacks. They went blow for blow, neither side giving the other a chance to find weakness.

Tsuna parried Hilda's next strike, hooking her arm around Hilda's and tossed her across her hip. Hilda rolled backwards then groaned as Rene landed a powerful kick to her chin, knocking her away.

"This is it, let's make this count!" Tsuna called out, running toward Hilda.

Rene used the trees to gain extra speed, her Light Crest shining brightly on her chest. She flew above Hilda, aiming her staff at her and fired multiple ice spikes toward her. Hilda dodged each spike and grabbed her staff, pulling her down then landed a back kick to disarm Rene.

Hilda surrounded her hand with dark energy, launching a swift throat chop toward her but Rene blocked the attack, countering with a swift right hook to stagger Hilda then Tsuna surfed forward upon her water energy, drifting and using the backtrail of her water energy to knock Hilda in the air.

"Let's end this!" Tsuna bellowed, her Crest of Waves shining brightly and she began to transform into her Tethys Form, her lapiz wings manifesting on her back and she began charging up an attack.

"Alright!" Rene exclaimed, forming two orbs of energy in her hand.

The two women unleashed beams of energy toward Hilda, the ice and water beams merging into one creating a large beam of energy of different hues of blue. Hilda noticed the beams and grunted as she tried to block the attack. She was being pushed back, her arms slowly being covered in frostbite.

Suddenly, a massive explosion happened, causing a blast of powerful cool winds to blow around the forest. Rene and Tsuna panted as she began lowering their arms, watching the clouds of frost clear. Once the clouds cleared, they noticed Hilda was gone.

"She's gone...wait... that means we won...We won!" Rene exclaimed, pumping her fist in the air. "We actually beat my sister!"

Tsuna chuckled softly at Rene's excitement, understanding how huge of a milestone this was for her. She made her way toward Rene, gently holding her arm. "You did great against her..~ Thank you for helping us.."

Rene gazed at Tsuna, giving her a smile and a soft blush settled on her face. "Of course..!~ I wish to keep Rivule looking as beautiful as possible and...I understand your cause truly. We are one step closer to that goal!~"

Tsuna nodded, a soft giggle escaping her lips. "Yeah...let's go check on the others. We've got to make sure they are still okay."

"Right," Rene said, nodding her head.

Tsuna and Rene hurried off back to Mega's boat to check on him, Ravea, and Sati. Once they made it, they noticed everyone hanging around on the boat and waiting from me to emerge back to the surface. They joined them on the boat, now waiting for me to finish my part.