
Liam's father, known by the nickname "Golden Fatty," was a living embodiment of his moniker.

Weighing in at over 260 pounds, bedecked in gold chains and watches, he exuded the air of a nouveau riche, seemingly anxious that others might not recognize his wealth.

The family's initial fortune was made in Malaysia, where they operated a plastic factory. After several years of accumulation, they sold the business when it flourished, pivoting to construction and materials companies. However, recent years had seen their fortunes wane, leading to forays into stock trading and futures.

Despite Liam being the third in line at home, ostensibly part of a large family with two older brothers, a younger brother, and two sisters, the truth was they were all half-siblings. Liam's mother was only his second aunt.

Previously, Jason Hart had teased Liam about this, contributing to their feud and mutual dislike.

In the city of gambling, there was no concept of family planning, and wealthy households often had many wives. Only children like Jason Hart were exceptions; large families were the norm.

For instance, the famous gambling tycoon had over a dozen siblings. With such large families came inevitable conflicts, which entertainment journalists eagerly exploited.

Scandals like Jason Hart's rumored affair with a teacher were mundane to locals, given the constant stream of sensational news. Liam's biological mother, despite being a second aunt, wielded considerable influence in managing the family business, earning significant respect.

It was this influence that enabled Liam to assert himself and gather a group of followers in school.


Returning home from school one evening, Liam found his father reading the newspaper. He struck up a conversation, complaining, "That Jason Hart is becoming more audacious by the day. Today, I had a conflict with a classmate, which had nothing to do with him, yet he intervened and slapped me!"

His father, Golden Fatty, chuckled and asked, "What happened? It seems like you two don't get along. Just avoid each other when you meet. Soon enough, I'll send you off to university. I just met the president of HKU a few days ago, donated some physics equipment, around thirty million. That should cover it, and it's a good way to avoid taxes."

As Liam recounted the events, his father's blood pressure visibly rose. However, Liam was engrossed in his phone, oblivious to his father's agitation.

Unaware of his father's frustration, Liam exclaimed, "Once I graduate, I'll definitely teach Jason Hart a lesson! It seems like we're just not meant to get along."

Suddenly, the room darkened. Liam finally noticed his father standing before him, confused and about to inquire when, to his shock, Golden Fatty delivered a resounding slap to Jason Hart's face!

"Dad... why are you hitting me?" Liam exclaimed, bewildered. His blood pressure soared, gasping for air. "Where's the video? How could I have raised such an idiotic son? You want to drive me to an early grave, don't you?"

Liam had endured beatings before, but his father had never been so severe. The slap left him dazed, ears ringing.

Feeling unjustly accused, Liam cried out, "What did I do wrong? Jason Hart's family is facing financial troubles in Hong Kong, and now he's picking on us?"

Golden Fatty, shaking with anger, delivered another slap as he realized the potential consequences of Liam's actions. Liam was left reeling on the couch.

Pointing at his son, Golden Fatty gasped for air, scolding, "You little brat! You've ruined everything! I just secured a huge contract worth billions! I met with George recently and secured three projects, including the Lotus Bridge, totaling over nine hundred million. But you handed him a weapon, hoping he'd stab me in the back!?"

George was also eyeing these projects, but issues in Hong Kong had diverted his attention. Golden Fatty had seen these projects as a gateway into construction, building materials, and real estate, only to be blindsided by his son's actions.

Feeling the weight of the situation, Liam's aunt intervened, admonishing her son for his recklessness. After listening to the full story, even she felt a chill run down her spine, realizing the severity of Jason Hart's machinations.

Observing Liam's bewildered expression, she couldn't help but wonder how her son had turned out this way.

From childhood, Liam had never shied away from a challenge, never backed down from a confrontation with his father. But now, as the winds of fate shifted, he found himself facing a storm of consequences he couldn't comprehend.

While the situation seemed trivial to Liam, in the eyes of Golden Fatty, it was a matter of life and death. And with Jason Hart's family's influence, the repercussions could be catastrophic.

After careful consideration, Liam's mother shook her head, advising, "Let the younger generation handle their affairs. Jason Hart's actions may have been thoughtless, and he might not even inform his parents. Interfering might only draw unnecessary attention."

Liam sat silently, watching his parents with rare seriousness. He was utterly lost...