It's Really Just a Misunderstanding

Early the next day, Liam headed to school with a mission.

If one were to observe him closely, they'd notice the bruises from his father's beating last night still visible on his face.

Liam had a knack for stirring up trouble, and though his friends sensed something amiss, they didn't pay much mind to it.

After a long wait, Jason Hart finally appeared.

Liam's gang of troublemakers grew tense, thinking their leader wanted to reclaim his authority in front of other students after being humiliated the day before.

While they were used to throwing verbal jabs, none of them had the courage to lay hands on Jason Hart, even with Liam leading the charge. Nonetheless, their doubts lingered.

One bespectacled lad, clutching his stomach, exclaimed, "Ouch!" and swiftly made his escape, followed by another hurriedly offering to fetch him toilet paper.

Just like that, two fewer people remained.

Liam's nostrils flared with anger, but he pretended not to notice, for he had more pressing matters at hand and couldn't be bothered with petty squabbles.

His parents had given him a stern ultimatum: if he didn't succeed in his task, there'd be hell to pay.

When he finally confronted Jason Hart, Liam intercepted him, speaking with a cocky demeanor, "I've had a moment to think, and having dirt on me in your possession won't benefit me. Let's call it even, alright? I won't lay a finger on Adrian again. Give me the video, and we're square. Deal?"

Initially, Jason Hart didn't pay much attention. But upon reflection, he realized his words from the day before had rattled Liam.

Disliking Liam's insolence, Jason Hart, feigning a yawn, replied, "Why should I give you something I worked hard to get? Move aside, I'm hungry, and class is about to start."

Though Liam and Jason Hart didn't have much interaction outside their conflicts, the tension between them was palpable. Liam had braced himself for a confrontation, ready to spill blood, if necessary. But he bit his tongue, knowing he was in the wrong this time.

Jason Hart had recently calculated his assets. Besides the limited edition sports cars and a drawer full of luxury watches, he had pocket money totaling over two hundred thousand.

He was already living the high life, but just the night before, his mother had called, informing him of some insurance policies they had bought in their early years, now matured and worth over eight million. She suggested using it to invest in trust funds for continued financial growth.

With an annual interest of over one million, it seemed like Jason Hart's life couldn't get any better. But upon learning of the windfall, he felt overwhelmed.

Money had always solved his problems, but now it couldn't.

He had spent days adapting to this new reality, and only now was he starting to enjoy life.

Upon hearing Liam's proposition, Jason Hart chuckled and said, "Are you joking? Look at me. Do I seem desperate for cash? Don't try to butter me up with a few peanuts. Just yesterday, my mom mentioned…"

But before he could boast further, he realized it was better to play it cool and promptly shut his mouth.

Glancing at his watch, a Patek Philippe 5016 featuring a tourbillon, perpetual calendar, and minute repeater, Jason Hart felt a surge of excitement.

He had been so exhilarated the night before that he couldn't sleep, resulting in his tardiness that morning.

Before, Jason Hart could solve any problem with money, but now he couldn't.

He had tried to use money to solve this issue, but it didn't work.

Now things were different.

He had spent days adjusting to this new reality, and now he was trying to enjoy life.

After hearing Liam's words, Jason Hart smiled and said, "Are you joking? Look at me, do I look like I need money? Don't try to distract me with chump change. Yesterday my mom was just saying…"

As he was about to brag, he realized it was better to keep a low profile and promptly shut his mouth.

Jason Hart looked at his watch, a Patek Philippe 5016, featuring a tourbillon, perpetual calendar, and minute repeater. He had been so excited the night before that he had trouble sleeping, making him late for school.

Before, he could solve any problem with money, but now things were different.

It was difficult for him to accept.

During the class, Jason Hart couldn't focus. He kept glancing at the bag of money at his feet, feeling uneasy.

He couldn't shake the feeling that Liam was setting him up for extortion or blackmail.

The more he thought about it, the more worried he became. He had read similar stories in the news before, and it seemed plausible.

The anxiety continued until the end of the class.

As soon as the teacher left, Jason Hart found Liam and whispered, "I haven't touched the money. I think…"

Liam looked at him with a bewildered expression, almost on the verge of tears, and immediately exclaimed, "Bro! Please spare me. Let's put this behind us. Don't bring it up again, okay? Spare my family this time. It's all my fault. My dad would kill me. You're an only child, but I have brothers and a sister. I know the money isn't enough, but I'll arrange something tonight to make it up to you!"


Jason Hart swallowed his words.

He couldn't believe that Liam, a rich kid, was using "millions" as a bargaining chip so casually.

With disbelief, he reluctantly nodded in agreement.

Even after Liam's repeated urging, Jason Hart reluctantly deleted the video from his digital camcorder, keeping his promise.

Relieved to see the video deleted, Liam breathed a sigh of relief. After informing his mother of the good news over the phone, he had no desire to see Jason Hart again.

After a brief rest, the teacher entered the classroom, and the lesson continued.

Meanwhile, Jason Hart remained bewildered.

Staring at the bulging bag at his feet, his heart skipped a beat.

He couldn't help but wonder if Liam was setting him up, planning to extort him or frame him for something else.

The more he thought about it, the more anxious he became.

He endured the rest of the class, unable to concentrate.

As soon as the class ended, Jason Hart approached Liam and whispered, "I haven't touched the money. I think…"

Liam looked at him with a puzzled expression, almost on the verge of tears, and immediately exclaimed, "Bro! Please spare me. Let's put this behind us. Don't bring it up again, okay? Spare my family this time. It's all my fault. My dad would kill me. You're an only child, but I have brothers and a sister. I know the money isn't enough, but I'll arrange something tonight to make it up to you!"


Jason Hart swallowed his words.

He couldn't believe that Liam, a rich kid, was using "millions" as a bargaining chip so casually.

With disbelief, he reluctantly nodded in agreement.

Even after Liam's repeated urging, Jason Hart reluctantly deleted the video from his digital camcorder, keeping his promise.

Relieved to see the video deleted, Liam breathed a sigh of relief. After informing his mother of the good news over the phone, he had no desire to see Jason Hart again.

After a brief rest, the teacher entered the classroom, and the lesson continued.

Meanwhile, Jason Hart remained bewildered.

Staring at the bulging bag at his feet, his heart skipped a beat.

He couldn't help but wonder if Liam was setting him up, planning to extort him or frame him for something else.

The more he thought about it, the more anxious he became.

So, he decided to call his father to seek advice, to avoid being tricked inadvertently.

Upon hearing the whole story, George burst into laughter on the other end of the line and shared his analysis of the situation with Jason Hart.

Finally understanding the reason behind Liam's actions, Jason Hart looked at the money in the bag with newfound appreciation.

Since Liam's family was worried about their reputation being tarnished, he decided to accept the money graciously. And when he looked at Liam again, he seemed a bit more agreeable.

Shining with wealth, he seemed more likable.
