The First Pot of Gold

During the equestrian class, when it was Jason Hart's turn to ride, he handed his backpack to snaggletooth for assistance.

Snaggletooth's hand was rather sneaky; he had previously speculated with his friends about why Jason Hart would bring a backpack to ride a horse.

As Jason opened his backpack and glanced inside, snaggletooth shivered uncontrollably, immediately pushing Derek's head aside and hurriedly zipping it shut.

Derek, feeling disgruntled, remarked, "So secretive! You're not even showing me. Are you hiding the latest adult videos? Are you two planning to keep it all for yourselves without sharing?"

As he spoke, he made a move to grab the bag.

Derek's curiosity was insatiable, and he was notorious for his loose tongue. Even his own father's exploits, such as chasing minor celebrities, were shared with Jason Hart and others, much to Derek's amusement, as his father had been kicked out of their house by his mother, his face scratched up and nearly making headlines.

Snaggletooth whispered urgently, "Don't be pushy! If you mess it up, Jason Hart might punch you! It's definitely not what you think; there's a lot of money inside!"

Jason Hart had money before; his bag often contained tens of thousands in cash, but snaggletooth had never seen him so nervous.

After Derek's wild guesses, his eyes lit up, and he whispered, "Could it be that Jason Hart wasn't joking last time about preparing a sum of money to take a model out for tea in Hong Kong?"

Ordinary people could only watch from the sidelines, but Derek happened to know that around two hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars could get you a night with a model.

Clearly priced, with many clients.

Being just teenagers, Derek's mind was always occupied with such matters. The old Jason Hart indeed mentioned saving money to find a model.

Snaggletooth, looking around nervously, explained, "It's much more than that! It nearly blinded me; I'm worried Jason Hart secretly took the money from home, not knowing what he's up to, and bringing so much cash to school!"

Thousands or tens of thousands in pocket money were nothing uncommon among their peers.

Even their family, managing accounting firms, the "poor" bamboo pole, received twenty thousand yuan monthly for socializing with classmates and building connections.

Derek, skeptical, sneakily unzipped the bag and exclaimed, "Damn!" after a quick glance.

Locking eyes with snaggletooth, Derek exclaimed excitedly, "Jason Hart hit the jackpot! There's so much cash, at least a couple of million!"

"Shh! Keep it down, or you'll be dead!"

Snaggletooth continued to look around anxiously; his family was also wealthy, well-connected in both legitimate and illegitimate businesses. But family wealth and personal wealth were entirely different matters.

The elders in the family might buy million-dollar cars, but they wouldn't just hand over millions in cash.

Hence, snaggletooth couldn't help but suspect that Jason Hart had secretly taken money from home.

Dressed in gentlemanly equestrian attire, wearing leather boots.

Such tailored outfits cost tens of thousands; most students ordered one annually. It was no wonder rumors circulated that even ordinary affluent families couldn't afford their children's expenses at this school.

But what was truly impressive was the towering, million-dollar, chestnut purebred horse under Jason Hart's seat, his private property that no other student could ride.

This semester, with equestrian classes, the horse was temporarily housed at the school, costing eighty thousand yuan per year.

Jason Hart rode around on the horse for a while, enjoying the green grass, trees, sunshine, and butterflies.

Compared to before, although it was still class time, the enjoyment level was vastly different.

When he returned to the rest area, before he could even steady himself, snaggletooth and Derek asked, "Jason Hart! Where did the money in your bag come from?"

Jason Hart instinctively became nervous, but then remembered that the situation was different now, and his new friends were all from wealthy families.

Taking off his hat and running his hand through his hair, Jason Hart smirked, "You might not believe it if I tell you, but I did make my first fortune. As for the source, let's just say it's complicated."

As he was warned not to ask, Derek leaned in and whispered, "Is it compound interest? If it's such a good deal, bring me along! My family trust fund gives me fifty thousand US dollars every month since I turned eighteen. I've been saving it, and now I have quite a lot."

"Fifty... thousand... US dollars?"

Derek was stunned for a moment, then remembered he also had over eight million in insurance due to mature.

The children of wealthy families were indeed different from those of ordinary families.

Take Derek, for example; he had a family trust fund since he started primary school.

Once he reached adulthood, he began receiving fifty thousand US dollars every month, which would continue until his death or if the trust fund went bankrupt. The main purpose of the family trust was wealth inheritance, with a low risk of bankruptcy, investing in conservative financial projects.

This meant that Derek, as a wealthy child, had a monthly living allowance that others could only dream of.

Thinking about this, Jason Hart sighed.

Comparisons were odious; fortunately, he was no longer the person he used to be, otherwise, he would have been envious.

While snaggletooth continued to inquire, Jason Hart stubbornly refused to reveal the source.

This unexpected behavior made Liam, who was sitting nearby, surprised, thinking Jason Hart would keep his secret, remembering how he had previously mocked Jason Hart's father's business failures. Comparing the two incidents, Liam felt a twinge of guilt and started to change his impression of Jason Hart.

In his past life, after toiling for over a decade,

Jason Hart had planned to take a break, enjoying the despised life of a second-generation rich, doing nothing.

But fate had other plans.

Three million, his first pot of gold, landed in his lap.

Although his parents were wealthy, their money and his were different in Jason Hart's eyes. After all, he couldn't freely dispose of the family's wealth; he could only bask in its glow.

This money was different; this three million was earned by Jason Hart's own efforts, albeit somewhat haphazardly. But its significance was entirely different.

It wasn't until then that Jason Hart remembered; his old man already knew about the three million, having personally called him, leading to deep regret.

If he had kept this money hidden and continued to receive living expenses from his aunts, wouldn't that have been the best of both worlds?

That evening,

After school, just as he was about to go to the bank to deposit the money to avoid having it taken away at home,

Jason Hart received a call from his second aunt, asking him to buy some incense on the way home, as they hadn't yet made offerings to the God of Wealth that day.

As he walked,

A thought suddenly occurred to Jason Hart, realizing that he might know his old man's weaknesses and how to exploit them...