
Player Association Centre...

Max is now standing in front of a very big and wide building, with the letter 'P' Written on the front of the building.

Max entered inside the building and noticed thousands of players wandering in the First floor's Hall.

'I have been here many times but everytime I came here, it was with some other Player. Haa... I feel really excited to be here.' Max thought as he immediately walked upto one of the counters.

"Yes, How can I help you ?" A lady wearing Red uniform asked with a smile.

"Umm... I want to register myself as a player." Max spoke.

"Ah, Sure... Please tell me your Name and Citizen ID Number." She asked with a smile.

"It's Max and ID number will be 568907-P90." Max spoke.

"Tell me the Date of your awakening Sir." She asked.

"That would be Today." Max replied with a smile.

"Oh, Okay. I have registered your Name on the list. You will go into the Testing room in a bit, Please take this and sit there." The accountant spoke as she gave a slip to Max and pointed towards a line of players sitting in front of the Testing Room.

Max took the slip and calmly took a seat.

'What rank will I awaken ? Hope it's not F.' Max thought with a serious expression.


Suddenly, A clapping sounds started coming out of the Testing room.

"Hmm...?" Max looked at the testing room with a suspicious expression.

'What are they doing in their ?' Max asked with a Confused expression.


The gates of the room opened and A girl with blue hairs, Blue Eyes, Fairly White skin and Beautiful face stepped out of the room.

"Everyone, Miss Selena has awakened as an B-Rank Player. Please have a big round of applause for her." The test taker shouted as he smiled like a fucking idiot.

'Selena Freza, Morad Freza's Daughter. Morad is a filthy rich Guy. He rules the Airline Industry.

Morad holds several Airlines under him and hundreds of Airplanes. He makes too much money and Now that his daughter has awakened as a B-Rank Player, he will become even more powerful.

But, There is something that he never talks about. His other daughter... Alicia Freza.

He calls Alicia a failure.' Max thought as he looked at Selena and suddenly, he noticed another girl exiting the room with a depressed face expression and tears dropping down from her eyes.

'She is... Alicia.' Max thought as he his eyes widened in surprise.

'Why is she crying ? Did she awakened or what ?' Max thought as he continued to look at her and suddenly, he noticed that Alicia is throwing a piece of paper in a nearby dustbin.

She then capped her head with her hoodie and exited the Player Association Centre.

Max immediately looked at his sleep and noticed the waiting number written over it.


He then looked at the Screen that was hanging right over the Testing room.


'There is still time. I need to grab this opportunity.' Max thought as stood up from the chair and started following Alicia, but before exiting the Association Centre, he went upto the dustbin and picked up the paper that Alicia threw away.

Max opened the Paper slip and noticed that it was her test Results.

'Let's see what you-' Max was left stunned when he saw her awakening Rank.

"An A-A ranker ? Why the fuck is this bitch crying ?" Max asked with a shocked expression as he continued to follow her.

Alicia entered inside a dark Alley and Max followed her without any second thoughts.

'Where the fuck is she going ?' Max thought as he noticed that Alicia was walking on the side stairs of an unknown building.

Alicia was crying loudly and as soon as she reached on the top of the building, She directly went to the edge of the building.

Max noticed this and an evil smile appeared over his face.

'Suicidal Thoughts, huh ?' Max thought as he immediately ran towards Alicia and grabbed her hand before she could've made the Jump.

"What's the hurry, Darling ?" Max asked with a smile as he looked into Alicia's eyes.

"W-Who are you ? What are you doing here ?" Alicia asked with a confused expression.

"Why are you committing suicide, when you Awakened as an A-Rank Player ?" Max asked with a confused expression.

"Why should I tell you ? Leave me and let me die peacefully." Alicia spoke as she tried to free her hand from Max's hand.

"Tell me and then you can do whatever you want." Max asked.

Alicia looked at Max and started crying even louder.

"Uwaaaahhhhh... *Sob-Sob* My Father won't let me live, I have Awakened as an *Sob-Sob* A-Rank and it's better than my sister.

My father already told me that if I *Sob-Sob* Awakened as a better ranked player than my sister, He will kill me by his own hands.

Now, Just let me die. I have been tortured my whole life by my father and my sister... I don't want to live anymore.

Please let me die... Please, I beg you." Alicia spoke as she looked at Max with a very sad expression.

"Fine... At least let me get the kill." Max spoke with a neutral expression, as he pushed Alicia off the roof.

"Nooo-" Alicia shouted as she fell down the building.


Blood flowed out of her body and she died on the spot.

[Congratulations ! You have killed an A-Ranked Player.]

[You have Leveled Up !!!]

[You have Leveled Up !!!]


Many messages popped up in front of Max.

"Do you really think, I am going to show sympathy to your pathetic state ? You are a fucking A-Ranked awaken.

If you wanted, You could've become a very powerful person and yet you choose to die. Well, It's my profit anyways." Max thought as he turned around and started walking back to the Player's Association Centre.


[Name: Max]

[Race: Human]

[Level: 12]

[Class: (Will be given on level 30.)]

[Strength: 60]

[Agility: 67]

[Endurance: 62]

"I feel stronger and Faster..."

[Author: This Mf Doesn't have any Mercy. Don't even expect him to show any.]