
[Name: Max]

[Race: Human]

[Level: 12]

[Class: (Will be given on level 30.)]

[Strength: 60]

[Agility: 67]

[Endurance: 62]

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"Hmm... I feel stronger, But I don't know how strong I really am... I have to visit the training centre in order to figure out my powers." Max spoke as he looked at his status and walked back to the Player's Association Centre.

As soon as Max entered inside the Centre, he looked at the test room's screen and noticed the number over it.


"Hmm... My turn will come very soon." Max spoke as he sat down and closed his eyes.

'Do I feel any guilt after killing her ? No, Why shoul I ? I mean, she already wanted to commit suicide, In this case... I only helped her.

But, after killing Jessica and Greg, I don't feel hesitated while killing anyone.' Max thought as he calmly waited for his turn.

20 minutes later...

"Next, Number 69." A man shouted as he stepped out of the testing room.

"Hmm...? That's me." Max spoke as he raised his hand and started walking towards the testing room.

"Come in, Fast." The tester spoke as he immediately went inside the room.

Max calmly walked into the room and looked around with a smile.

There were 13 men and 2 women present inside the room, all wearing white coats, Glasses and Blue gloves on their hands.

In the middle of the room, there was a big machine situated that was connected to a metallic chair.

'Hmm...? So, This is the machine they use to check a player's rank ?' Max thought as he looked at the machine.

"You are Max, right ?" A woman asked from the other side of the room.

"Yes." Max replied.

"Good, Walk up the stairs and sit inside on the chair." She instructed.

"Umm... Okay." Max spoke as he walked up the stairs and slowly sat down on metallic chair.

"You will feel a small electric current in your body, don't flip out of the chair." She explained.

"I understand." Max spoke as he grabbed the chair tightly and waited.

"Everything ready ?" A man who was operating the main machine asked from the other side.

"Yes, Sir." The woman replied.

"Good. Let's see your rank, Mr. Max." The man spoke as he immediately clicked on some buttons and current started follow into Max's body.

"Hey, I bet he is Rank E." A man who was sitting on the test result monitor spoke to his colleague with a smile.

"Na... I think he will be Rank D." His colleague spoke with a smile.

"You wanna bet ?"

"How much ?"

"100 Dollars."

"Okay, Deal."


"Max, You will feel a small pain in your brain for one second but try to ignore it, Okay ?" The woman spoke.

"Yes." Max replied.


As soon as she pressed the button, Max felt something mild pain in his head and with the pain, a voice rang inside his head.


"What ?" Max spoke in a low voice.

"Hmm...? Did you say something Max ?" The woman asked.


"What do you mean ?" Max asked as he closed his eyes.

"What is he saying ?" The woman asked with a confused expression.

"Ma'am, His vitals are shooting up at an abnormal speed." The guy who was monitoring Max's vitals shouted.

"Max, Calm down... You have to calm down." The woman shouted as she immediately climbed the stairs and grabbed Max's hand.

"Fuck... He is too hot." She shouted as she immediately removed her hand from Max's hand.



"I... WILL." Max spoke in a very deep voice as he opened his eyes. His eyes were darker than the Abyss at this moment.


Suddenly, The Rank Moniter started shining...

[Rank- F]













"What the fuck is happening ? His rank is increasing so rapidly ?"

"I need adrenaline, right now. Shut down the machine or he will die." The woman shouted.

But, everyone was looking at the Rank Monitor in shock.

[Rank- SSS+]




[Rank- !?:+]

"How is that even possible ?"

"I said shut it down." The woman shouted loudly.

"Y-Yes, Ma'am."


All the programs were immediately shutted down and Max calmed down.

"Max, Can you hear me ?" The woman spoke as she injected Max with adrenaline.


Max opened his eyes and looked around with a confused expression.

"W-What happened ?" Max asked with a confused expression as he looked at the woman.

"Are you alright ?" She asked with a serious expression.

"Yeah." Max replied.

"Good. Get up from the chair." She ordered.

"Is the test done ?" Max asked.

"For you, it is." She replied.

Max stood up from the chair and walked upto the side of the room.

"Okay, start up everything." The woman ordered.

"Yes, Ma'am."

Everyone switched on their computers and when the ranking receipt came out of the computer, everyone looked at it with a shocked expressions.

[Rank: F]

"You are an F-rank Awakened, Max. Congratulations... You can leave now and give that slip at Counter no.3." The woman spoke as she gave the slip to Max.

"Okay..." Max spoke with a confused expression as he walked out of the Testing room.

[You have attracted the attention of .]

'Fuck, A demon god ? Why ?' Max thought as a sad expression appeared over his face.

'Demon Gods can also provide you with their authorities but whenever a Demon god has provided an Authority to a Human... He has always ended up dead in the end. The Avatars of Holy Gods always kills the Avatars of Demon gods.

Although Azura is a low leveled Demon god and doesn't have many followers, he is still a demon god and I have to get rid of his attention.' Max thought as he walked upto the Counter no.3 and gave the slip their.

"Here is your player ID, Sir."