A uncommom monday

Yo, author here

Good morning, good evening and good afternoon, I just want to say that the next chapter is ready, and the next one is almost ready, I'll see if I can save at least three chapters, but it's going to be difficult, anyway, that's it

Enjoy reading, rejoice and...

See you all on next time 👍



Hearing the soft melody of my alarm clock, I sit up in bed and turn off the alarm clock on my cell phone


Letting out a yawn, I take a moment for my brain to switch on and fully wake up

Even having healthy habits and a pre-sleep routine, it doesn't always work for you to sleep well, sometimes your body simply says: "Fuck you", so we end up waking up without being fully awake

Do what? - sometimes our body works of its own accord

Leaving that aside, it's now... six o'clock, classes start at eight-thirty standard time, so I have to prepare

"Isn't it a little early?" - yes, I usually go to bed at nine, so I can sleep at least nine hours, if not, at least eight, so I can rest properly for someone my age and can grow properly

I was short in my past life, I don't want to be short in this one too, although my hopes are not high as my father in this life is also not very tall, he is only 1.78 tall (5'10) 

In fact, it was definitely my fault for being a short guy in my past life, for not having healthy habits, for not eating well, for sleeping late and waking up early and for not exercising, it's no surprise that I didn't have grown properly

Although sometimes it just depends on genetics, a cousin of mine had the same habits as me and was over six feet tall, plus my dad was a short guy so I probably wouldn't be very tall anyway, well , I hope that in this life I reach at least six feet tall

Alright, it's time to start the routine

Getting out of bed and walking towards the bathroom, I open the door and go to the sink to wash my face

After turning on the tap, I bend over to wash my face, when I get up I see the usual face I see every morning

An ordinary face, no impressive or bizarre features, just a simple face, maybe if you squint a little... it will be above average, but it's an average face at best

As for the specific details? - well, it's a pretty standard set where I come from, dark brown hair and eyes and light brown skin, like I said, pretty common where I come from

After washing my face, I leave the bathroom and my room, go downstairs and grab my towel from the dryer

When I pass by the house I don't see anyone, my father and mother are still in the room

I go up the stairs to my room and go to the bathroom to finally take a shower

[Few minutes later...]






I already took a shower and put on my pants and sneakers, now I'm in front of the computer doing some..."work"

You know that standard scenario of a reincarnated person, of taking works that haven't been released yet and releasing them to the world as if they were the original creators? - you know, that pretty standard scenario, well, I didn't do that

It wasn't because of my morals or anything like that, nothing like that, after all money is money and anyone would like to have a large amount of it, especially me, (for my training and everything) no, I did it simply because I didn't need it from that

Leaving aside the fact that recreating a work from scratch is not as easy as fanfics make it seem, as to do so you would need to remember everything perfectly, which is only possible with a photographic memory, which I don't have

In other words, you would naturally have to add your own ideas to the story, and I didn't have confidence in my ability to create stories, so my idea was to pursue the same career I had, programming

Yes, I was a programmer before i died, i was studying at university and everything, but i was just starting out, i could barely qualify as a junior programmer, but i had a job, even if it was as an intern

So, putting together the knowledge that i had, along with the knowledge that i have acquired in this life over all these years, let's just say that I am now very skilled

"But you're a minor, how do you work?" - well, let's just say that on the internet no one is interested in knowing whether someone is really an adult or not

What did I do? - simple, I made my father impersonate me, of course, it only works because I'm a freelancer, otherwise it wouldn't work

Basically everything is in his name, be it email, bank account or ID, he is the face while I do the legwork, "but isn't that child labor?" -meh, I can't deny it, but my dad and stepmom don't care, at least not anymore

My father didn't like it very much at first, more because he didn't want me to start working too early and disrupt my life than anything else, but after showing him that it was okay, he supported me

My stepmother was much more against it than my father, both because we were deceiving people, (because people believed it was my father who programmed, etc.) and for the same reason as my father, so after I explained it to her and I insisted, she ended up accepting, but not before warning me that if she saw the first sign of a problem she would remove my PC

Very bold of her, I know, but I had no reason to complain and I agreed

So far I've never had any problems, so I continued with this work, and the reason I said "work" in quotes before is because of the project I'm doing now

See, this guy, I don't know who he is, since he just gave me a codename, offered me to do some work for him, nothing special, it's just a website, the problem is... it's a porn site

Yes, you heard correctly, a porn site, hentai to be exact, but that doesn't change much

At first I didn't intend to accept it, as it is a very "unique" type of work, but he offered me a very tempting deal, in exchange for me making the website for him, he would pay me more than seven million in yen, so I didn't see it again reasons to refuse

That's what I'm doing now, finishing programming the website, I'll probably finish it this week if nothing goes wrong

Basically this will be my routine for the rest of the week, I intend to finish the website and continue with my usual training/studying, uhm, maybe I'll watch The Walking Dead on the weekend, at that time the series isn't too bad yet

"Micael! - Aren't you coming for your coffee?"

"Uhm?-I am going!"

As I'm typing, I hear my stepmother scream downstairs and, seeing that it's 7:40 am, I respond with my own scream

I get up and go to bed to get the rest of my uniform, a button-down t-shirt and a black jacket

I must say that I don't know who designed the Kuoh Academy uniforms, but that person has style, probably a fashion designer or something, although the uniform reminds me of a standard Japanese uniform, but the design is still cool, especially the female one kekeke

Anyway, after getting dressed, I go to the mirror to see how I look, seeing that everything is fine, I do some poses to contemplate my physique, believe me, the moment you achieve a physique like that you will want to pose on every reflective surface that you see, so I end my poses with a nod to myself

So I go to the door and open it, walk through it and then close it, stopping in the hallway and in front of the other room that is opposite mine

It's a guest room, and although I think this is a more American custom, it was my father and stepmother's idea, as the room would be free anyway, so in case we have guests, this room is free

Mari's room is across the hall, on the left side of my room, with my room in one corner and hers in the other, and opposite her room is a bathroom

Well, moving forward, I go down to the stairs and look at Mari's door, from the noise I heard now she must still be inside, okay, after the fleeting glance I return my focus to the stairs as I continue going down

Going down the stairs, I pass through the living room and go to the kitchen, I already see my father sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in one hand and a book in the other

"Good morning dad" — As I approach the table, I pat my father lightly on the shoulder and wish him good morning

My father, in response, moves his head as he was about to drink coffee and turns to me as he responds

"Good morning son" — Then he turned his head and continued drinking coffee

Then I turn to my stepmother who was in front of the stove and wish her good morning too

"Good mornig Myako"

She, upon hearing my good morning, turns slightly with a slight smile on her face and responds

"Good morning Micael"

After nodding in his direction, I shift my focus to the table in front of me before pulling out a chair and sitting down

Since I already had a free cup on the table, I took it and added coffee, then added sugar

It's still a little hot, but that's okay, just blow on it and it's fixed

Then I take out my French bread and... ah, I forgot

I get up and go to the fridge to get what I forgot, cottage cheese, cheese and sliced ​​ham

After returning to the table, I make my bread and take a bite... Mm-hm, very good, as always, I pick up my cup and blow on it before taking a sip, yes, nothing like a coffee with bread to start the day

My breakfast isn't always like this, I usually eat other things too, like toast with eggs, pancakes, tapioca or something else, and of course, always being healthy and rich in calories...ok, it's not always healthy, but it is most of the time

Anyway, I automatically start eating when I go into introspection mode

As I reflect on life, a few seconds later my stepmother arrives at the table with a pan of fried eggs

"Here, eat~"

That's what she says when she puts the egg on the plate in front of my father

"Thank you dear"

My father responds as he sets aside his book and coffee and grabs a loaf of bread

"It's nothing~"

She responds as she moves, taking off her apron and hanging it on the hook next to the stove

My father was already eating, after buttering the bread he added some pieces of fried egg and started eating and like me, he ate looking into space and reflecting on life

"Well, that's it, I'm leaving, have a good day you two"

Myako said as she went to the living room and picked up her bag and came back to us

"Bye" — She told me while kissing my forehead

"Goodbye" — I say while chewing my food

"Bye honey" — She said as she approached my father

"Bye" — He replied as he turned his head towards her as she moved closer so they could kiss

After the quick kiss, she walked towards the door while saying one last thing and saying goodbye to Mari with a shout

"See you two later - Bye, Mari! See you later!"

"Bye, mom! - See you later!" — And she responded with a scream too

With the sound of the door closing, signaling my stepmother's departure, the house fell silent as my father and I focused on eating

Looking at my father for a moment... I haven't actually described what my family members look like yet, have I?

Okay, let's start with my old man, his appearance is nothing unusual, if my own appearance is anything to go by, he also has dark brown hair and eyes and average facial features, neither ugly nor handsome

Obviously, a large part of my appearance came from him, and he himself said that I bear little resemblance to my mother, he said that the shape of my eyes, ears and forehead came from my mother, the rest came from him, and in fact, If you put us side by side you will easily see that we are father and son

Continuing, he is of average height, like I said, 1.78 (5'10), a little taller than me, and his body is the standard father body, I mean, he is more thin than fat and has a a little muscle too, but not much

He has the same skin tone, has a trimmed beard and mustache and wears glasses

In fact, I should probably wear glasses too since my mother also had myopia, so it was predictable that I would also have this vision problem, but I don't have any problems, my vision is normal, I would say better than normal

A curious case, but I don't think it's that uncommon

In general, my father is an ordinary guy, without having a striking appearance, just like me, if you ask me what makes him attractive I would say it would probably be his personality, as that is why he won over my stepmother, according to the words herself

My father is the typical intellectual, who likes to talk about atypical subjects, from science, history, geography or whatever and has a great interest in books in general, whether fiction or not, a nerd, basically, and his character is generally stoic

You know, that typical father personality, few words, speaks in grunts, without much emotion

No, he's not Kratos

Although yes, he is quite neutral in his expressions, this does not mean that he is an overly serious guy, as one would expect from someone stoic

On the contrary, he is a very calm and relaxed guy, often making lame jokes and acting a bit silly, I still remember something that happened a few years ago, my sister was about twelve years old at the time

Myako was teaching her how to apply makeup, since she had asked, my father was nearby watching them until Mari had the brilliant idea of ​​practicing makeup on my father

In short, my father had his face all painted up, looking like a dragqueen, and as if that wasn't enough, Mari asked him to stay like that for the rest of the day and he accepted, in the end the man had to leave the house, but he did it without to hesitate

Imagine an adult man with a mustache and everything walking out in the middle of the street with his face all made up together with his little daughter who was just laughing at the situation, and he did it with a completely neutral face, as if he didn't care about anything

Anyway, he's that kind of guy

As for my stepmother and sister, well, my stepmother is a beautiful woman, very beautiful indeed, comparable to a secondary heroine, if Rias and Akeno were main heroines, then my stepmother's beauty would be compared to those girls from the kendo club or from members of the Sona nobility, something like that

Her features are predictably black hair and eyes, a slender, proportionate body with decent curves, again, not at the level of a main heroine, but well above average, she's basically a milf, and I have a lot of respect for her, your perverted, because yes, I know what kind of scenario this sounds like

It's a very similar scenario to those questionable hentais and pornwhuas, but I would never do shit like that to my dad, fuck it, get your mind out of the gutter

...But yes, she is hot, I won't deny an obvious fact, after all my father has great taste, ahem, moving on

She is the average height of a woman, 1.65 (5'6), and has a very sociable personality, being very polite and kind, a very common characteristic among Japanese people (more or less), and is also very friendly, the type who makes friends easily

Overall she is a good person, a decent and well-liked human being, as for my sister... that's another story

In appearance, Mari is identical to Myako, I mean, they have at least 90% similarity, just like me and my father, they are very similar

Their features are almost the same, black hair and eyes common to Japanese people, but the curves of their body are not the same

Firstly she doesn't have absurd breasts like Rias's, hers are more similar to Sona's, cup-b, I think

She'll probably get bigger, whether Myako is anything to go by or not, I'm honestly not sure

Anyway, she also has a slender and proportional body, with the difference that her legs are a little thicker, because thanks to my influence she also exercises, in addition to tennis she also runs and does yoga, on my recommendation

And she also has a slightly bigger ass...yeah, let's not comment on the fact that I analyzed my sister's ass...shhh, don't say anything, and anyway she's my adopted sister so it doesn't matter, meh

She is the same height as Myako, and her personality is very respectful, she is not the typical annoying younger sister, but...sometimes she can be very annoying, having the attitude of a spoiled child, but she is a teenager, you know, the hormones and everything, so it's a little understandable

But overall she's a nice girl, with some annoying moments here and there, but nothing intolerable, we have the standard sibling relationship

And yes, she is very beautiful too, just like Myako, beauty as a secondary heroine

Our relationship is pretty normal like I said, without that step-brother or step-sister shit, so no, no hentai story here...although there was an accident that...


At that moment, I hear the sound of a door slamming loudly, followed by the sound of quick footsteps coming down the stairs

And indeed, Mari appeared shortly after, coming towards the table

"Shit! - I'm late!" — She said as she moved quickly passing the bread

"Language" — My father said as he drank the rest of his coffee and read the book, he had already eaten all the bread and eggs

"Late? - what time is it?" — I asked with a raised eyebrow, but the answer came from my father

"Eight o'clock"

"It's not too late yet, you can make it in time"

"No, I had told the girls that I would arrive early to help them with some things at the club, but I woke up very late!" — She said after finishing making the bread and going to the fridge

"Mm... just wake up earlier next time" — I say after taking a bite of my bread

"Really?! - Don't tell me, genius!" — She, who was in front of the refrigerator, stops when she hears my words and turns around and says in a sarcastic tone

"Hahaha" — On the other hand, I just laugh

After laughing a little, I see Mari pick up the jug of orange juice and take several sips at once, drinking a lot

After drinking, she puts the jug in the refrigerator and leaves the kitchen, her quick steps on the stairs are clearly audible

Afterwards, her return steps are equally quick, then she votes for the table

Then her return steps are equally quick, then she goes to the table with her bag over her shoulders and grabs the bread before heading towards my father

"Bye, dad" — She says to my father while giving him a kiss on the forehead

"Bye, have a good day" — He responds before continuing — "You're not even going to sit down to eat?"

"No" — She says as she takes quick steps towards the door

"You're not even going to say goodbye to your brother?"

"Neither!" — She says as she opens the door and walks through


And with the sound of the door closing she left, my father seeing this lets out a sigh and says

"This girl*sigh*"

"Relax dad, you know how she is" — I say as I eat the rest of my bread and drink the rest of my coffee and then get up

"I know, I just wonder if I spoiled her too much"

"Do you have any doubts?" — I answer his rhetorical question as I pat him on the shoulder and head towards the stairs

"Hmph - and you are very bold, don't you think?"

I heard my father's words as I walked up the stairs, but wisely chose not to respond, so after going into my room and grabbing my bag, I went back and headed to the kitchen again

By the way, my sister's action just now is an example of what I said before, that sometimes she is a little spoiled, because of my simple joke she didn't say goodbye to me like she normally would, so you understand what I'm saying

Regardless, it's no big deal, later she'll be acting like nothing happened

Well, I go to the fridge and get my lunch box

Yes, the famous bento, my stepmother obviously made it, and I didn't take it yesterday because she hadn't made it

After getting the lunch box, I open it to see what's inside and, unsurprisingly, there were some sandwiches along with a glass of whey smoothie, things I eat often, then I close the lunch box and put it in my bag

"Take your sister's, she forgot"

Listening to my father, I saw that she had actually forgotten hers which was on the table

"Okay, I'll give it to her when I get there"

Taking her lunch box and putting it inside my bag, it was a little tight but it fits

Picking up the bag and nodding goodbye to my father, I turn and head to the door to leave

"Bye dad, see you later"

"Bye, see you"

Saying goodbye to my father, I walk along the facade to the small gate and pass through it

Stopping for a moment and looking up, seeing the clear blue sky with a few clouds, I let my mind wander for a brief second before focusing again

"Well, let's go"

And then I start walking to school

[Scene Break...]




I'm already at school and in a minute it will be time to eat

As I arrived a little late, I only had time to hand over Mari's bag and greet Saji before returning to my classroom

"Yawwnnn..." — Anyway, classes were as usual without anything new, I'll just follow the usual routine, get my food, exchange ideas with Saji and so on

I wonder if I should play something today, it's been a while since I played video games-


Ah, here's the sign, let's eat

Taking my lunch box, that is, my bento, I go to the door to leave just like the other students and when I'm about to walk through the door, someone else does the same, almost bumping into me and making us stop at the same time

And look who it is, not to my surprise, it's Koneko, with all her short stature and golden eyes and expressionlessness

The girl was standing there looking at me with her characteristic neutral face, while I kept her gaze, this brief exchange didn't last more than two seconds when I took a step back to indicate that she could pass without saying directly

The girl, understanding my message, looked away and left without saying a word, and I, of course, did the same, heading towards the cafeteria

[Scene Break...]



I already ate and talked to Saji, then I went to see Mari and then I went back to class, just a little more and today's class will be over — "Yawwnn" — I'm a little bored but I can wait, I'll be home soon

I was thinking about what I'm going to do today since I'm not going to train, Saji invited me to play at his house but I'm not really into that, I don't know if I should play something or read a web novel, uhh... maybe both ? - well, I'll decide later, my routine will continue as always, with nothing new, simple and repetitive but I prefer it this way, ok, back to the grind

[Scene Break, Monday, Next Week...]








...Its fucking serious!?



...A week ago I was saying how normal my life has been all this time, and how I hoped it would stay that way, but then, as if the world was trolling me, this happens...are you kidding me?

I can only question reality, almost certain that I am being trolled, as I look at the situation before me

I'm in front of an alley between two houses, the usual place I pass often, and disregarding the fact that I'm definitely inside a barrier, considering the purple sky, the scene in front of me already points out my miserable situation

A man, wearing clothes that remind me of a priest, was standing over the body of a girl lying on the floor, and if the hole in her chest leaking blood is any indicator, she is probably dead

The problem is that the supposed "priest" was looking in my direction, his face was red as if he was drunk, and he had a friendly smile on his face, while his eyes seemed to shine as if he had found something interesting

...Yep, I don't need to think about it too much, I'm definitely fucked