I have a cheat ?

Yo, author here

Good morning, good afternoon and good night to all of you, well I don't have much to say, I just want to thank my bro 'Kurupt' and my bro 'Marat Sabit', thank you for the support my brothers, you are GOATS!, and I honestly didn't expect anyone to check out my Patreon so soon anyway, that's it

-> p---atreon.com/MyNameNotIsJohn

Enjou reading, rejoice and...

See you al on next time 👍


[Pov: 3rd Person]

Micael was standing in the same position, not moving a muscle, as he looked at the man's lifeless body

He stood there, his mind wandering between different thoughts

But one thing was certain for him...

He just killed someone

[Pov: Micael]












Aren't I supposed to feel something?

I mean, I feel something, but it's not as intense as I thought it would be

It's just a slight feeling of... disgust, well, it's no surprise, after all, I literally trained myself seeing dismembered bodies and things like that, you know, to get used to it in case I needed to kill someone one day

Looks like my training in watching these bizarre things on the deep web paid off...sigh, ironic, I trained my mind doing things that are not mentally healthy

I think I've seen so much shit that I've become desensitized, or almost, since the feeling of disgust indicates the fact that I don't like that kind of sight, I think only crazy people would be interested in a corpse, uh, in fact, everyone who works in morgue is crazy, isn't it?

Meh, anyway, there's also the fact that this guy tried to kill me, which helped in that aspect so I wouldn't hesitate

And leaving aside my specific lack of reaction, despite having just taken a life, I guess I wasn't as calm as I thought

I mean, I literally saw that the girl had a hole in her chest, how the hell did I not think this guy might have a gun?

My initial guess is that it was some kind of spell or magic, but I shouldn't have been unable to think it was a firearm

...Am I demanding too much of myself? - after all, this is the first time I've fought with my life on the line, to my credit, I managed to stay as calm and focused as possible

Mm, okay, I better get rid of my-

Uh? - just as I was about to move, I noticed something in my peripheral vision, the sky...was changing color

The purple hue that covered the sky was still there, but some light blue spots were slowly appearing

Since this guy is dead, it's obvious that the barrier he set up would crumble

In other words, I can't stay here for long

Damn, I have to be quick, I can't leave a trace of myself in this place

Without wasting any more time, I head towards the gun that was on the floor

As I approach, I don't grab it directly, instead I take off my blazer and, using it to cover my hand, I reach for the gun

It's not the most efficient method, but it's all I can do now

Then, pointing in the direction of the sword I had already placed on the ground, I take a test shot


With a noise that reminded me of a laser gun, the bullet fired and hit the hilt of the sword, leaving a burn mark, but without breaking the hilt

My goal is obvious, to erase any trace of DNA I might have left, even though I didn't bleed or anything, there might still be some dead cells or chips from my nails

I'm not dealing with typical forensics, but magical shit, who knows what these guys can do to find me, so I better be as careful as possible

And as I just tested, the bullet from this gun is basically a ray of light, as I had seen that the hole in the girl's chest was burned, I decided to prove my hypothesis

And this will be my way of covering my tracks, I was lucky, otherwise there would be no better method to do this, the only other thing I could do would be to use the girl's blood to cover my DNA

And to do that I would have to take her body, which would be shit

Like I said, I was lucky, as ironic as it may seem

Finally, after firing a few more shots at the hilt of the sword, thus causing the blade of light to disappear, leaving the hilt completely burned

Then I move towards the man's body, approaching and stopping, I look at him for a moment, seeing the blood that has soaked through his clothes and his eyes that were still open, and then I lift the gun covered by the blazer and hold it with my hands




I start shooting, at first they are slow shots before moving on to quick sequences, with each shot causing even more damage to the body


After firing the last shots, I lowered my hands, looking at what was once an entire human body, now looking like cheese full of holes...and burned

I could have just shot him in the face and chest, as those were the main places I hit, the chest was a kick but it doesn't matter, in the end I decide to shoot the entire body, to get rid of any possible residue, I might be being paranoid, but it's better this way

In the end, what was left in front of me was a burned corpse, full of holes and unrecognizable, if it weren't for the rest of the clothes on the back of the body, you wouldn't be able to tell if the body belonged to a man or a woman, since yes, I shot between the legs too

As I analyzed my work, I ended up frowning a little as the smell of the burning body began to permeate the air

The smell of blood coming from the pool beneath the girl was no longer enough, now there was also that miserable smell of burning human flesh, damn, it stinks more than a burning tire

Alright, alright, let's get out of here

I don't have much time

As I head towards the entrance of the alley, I take one last look at the girl's body lying on the ground, sigh, I'm so sorry girl, even though I think it wouldn't have made a difference if I arrived earlier, I wish I was here to at least try

Well I know heaven exists in this world, I hope this girl finds peace there, rest in peace girl

After that last look at the girl, I left the alley and immediately picked up my pace, starting to run

The sky was already getting lighter, almost all blue, with just a few purple tones here and there, in fact I could already hear the sound of some birds, obviously, I have to get out of here as quickly as possible

And that's what I was doing, running as fast as my legs could carry me, sprinting down the sidewalk as I headed further and further away from the alley and in a completely different direction from my house, with the gun wrapped in my blazer

As I ran and the sky returned to normal, I heard more and more noises, from the flapping of some birds' wings, the barking of a dog in the distance or the sound of people's voices talking

I wonder how this works and how far this barrier goes, or have I really been pulled into some different dimension? - I wonder if-

Suddenly, literally out of nowhere, a man in a suit appeared in front of me and I almost collided with him, but managed to be fast enough to just bump our shoulders


After our shoulders bumped and the man made a noise of surprise, I stopped running for a moment to apologize to the man

"Damn, boy! - Why all this rush?"

"Sorry sir, I wasn't paying attention, are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, you just need-"

"If that's the case, then I'll"

"Hein!? - Hey! - wait boy!"

Seeing that the man was fine, I didn't waste any more time and ran again, but I still heard the man's last complaints.

"Tsk, these kids these days don't have any more education"

Well, it seems that my doubts about the barrier have been answered, after all, I had already noticed with my peripheral vision that the sky is now completely normal, without any trace of the purple tone, and that man who appeared out of nowhere indicated that I probably passed through the barrier , which means I'm in the real world now

I don't know exactly how many meters I ran, but it was definitely more than a hundred, how long have I been running? - one minute? - anyway, the barrier should last at most a few more seconds, and then someone will find the bodies in not too long

I'm already at a reasonable distance, there's no way to link the bodies to me, and I don't need to worry about CCTV, the barrier existed precisely for that reason, I was also lucky that the man was focused on his cell phone and didn't see me appearing out of nowhere

Well, now I just need to get rid of the gun

[Scene Break]





Standing on a bridge, in front of a river, I watch the flow of running water that goes to a place that I absolutely don't know where it is, and then I shift my gaze to my hand, there with the blazer still wrapped around the gun

What I will do is simple - I will throw the weapon in the river since I have no more efficient methods of getting rid of it, plus the weapon may have a tracking spell or something, trying to destroy it using brute force could also be very risky

Who knows, maybe they have a spell that shows each person who wielded the weapon, without the need for DNA, unlikely? - yes, but I won't risk it

Finally, raising my arm over the bridge railing and above the current, I loosen my grip, slowly dropping the gun

Coming out of my blazer, I see the gun fall toward the water


With a slight "plop" sound, the gun fell into the water, but my blazer was still in my hand, in fact, I'm not sure whether I should throw my blazer too or not


After thinking a little, alternately looking at my blazer and the water, I decide to throw the blazer too, in my situation, being cautious is not enough

Then I see my blazer fall into the water, as it is soon carried away by the current

Well that's it, anyway I have an extra

Ok, let's go home, actually, this place is a few blocks from my house, about forty or fifty I think, I don't know, I just know that I ran a few minutes to get to this part of the river, naturally I wouldn't get rid of something potentially dangerous near my house and yes, I'm also a little tired after running so much

Alright, let's go home

[Scene Break]



Huff, huff...

Okay, running at full speed to get back as quickly as possible wasn't a very smart idea on my part, now I'm really tired, how much distance have I covered? - ten kilometers? - adding the round trip should give this, and I don't think it took me much more than ten minutes, huff, I think I beat my record

Huff, okay, if dad asks what happened, I'll say it was nothing and go straight to my room, right, let's go

Taking steps to the entrance gate, I step through it and close it before taking more steps and passing through the facade of the house and finally reaching the door

So, taking one last deep breath and completely adjusting my breathing, I open the door and walk through it


With the sound of the door closing, I take off my sneakers on my own feet before walking towards the stairs with the intention of going to my room


However, my foot only had time to touch the first step before my father called me


Turning slightly to the side, I see my father appear from the living room

Holding a cup while swinging a spoon into it, in what I assumed was coffee

He approached, asking with a raised eyebrow

"Why are you all sweaty?" — He asked as his gaze strayed to the sweat on my body before focusing back on my eyes

"Huh...it's nothing, I just...had to come running" — I responded with a quick glance to the corner, thinking, before turning back to him

"Running? - why?" —Keeping his eyebrow raised, he asked before stopping swinging the spoon and taking a sip of coffee

"I don't have a specific reason, I just felt like it" — I replied while shrugging my shoulders

"Hmm... also, where's your blazer?" — He asks, once again stopping swinging the spoon and taking another sip

"In my bag, I ended up spilling my shake on it" — I respond, patting my bag

"Oh..." — That's what he says, giving an unreadable expression

"Anyway, I'm going to my room, excuse me" — That's what I say to quickly go to my room and avoid him asking me any more questions

With quick steps accompanied by the sound of the slight creaking of the steps, I climb the stairs without delay and immediately enter my room

At the sound of my door slamming, I stop for a moment behind it and with my hand still on the doorknob to let out a deep sigh, since I'm in the comfort of my home now, I can finally reflect on all the shit that's happened in the last few minutes

By the way, yes, my eyes are hurting even now

[Pov: 3rd Person]

A few seconds ago, while Micael was quickly climbing the stairs, due to his haste and obviously because his back was turned to his father, he didn't notice his father's eyes were half closed

Which indicated, of course, that he was suspicious

Normally Micael arriving a few minutes later than normal didn't mean anything, but as he was all sweaty and looked tired, his thought was that something had happened, not that it mattered much since Micael was a mature and responsible boy, but he wanted the reason was one in particular...

A girl, he hoped the reason for his lateness and tired appearance was a girl

For God, only he knows how much he wants a daughter-in-law, his son has always been a loner, he never had friends until he met the boy Saji, and he doesn't even talk about girls, when he asks his son if he was interested in any girl at school he replied saying they were too young for him

And when he asked if he preferred older girls, his son said yes and that he preferred girls over eighteen, but that he wouldn't get girls because he knew he would be rejected, as he was too young after all

Honestly, he would hear this answer more as an excuse for shyness or fear of being rejected, but as he knew his son didn't have these problems, he believed he was being sincere

...Either that, or he was gay, not that it mattered, mind you, he wouldn't have anything against it if his son was, but he knows he isn't, after all he literally knew him since he was born and his son would have said that directly if that were the case...and considering the times when he and his son would go out somewhere, and a woman with "advantageous" features would appear, his son would tend to look with an expression of appreciation on his face, many sometimes stroking his chin like a wise old man...

Yes, your son might not be interested in dating right now, but he still hoped that his hunch that the cause of his delay was a girl was true

Well at least he can dream


"Uh-hu, my coffee is very good, as always"

And so, taking another sip of coffee, Micael's father returned to his work, while the man's son went through a small existential crisis...





[Pov: Micael]

When I put my bag on the bed and was about to take off my button-down shirt, for a moment I felt something strange

Squinting my eyes as I tilt my head, I feel something... like someone is talking shit about me, maybe it's Saji talking shit about me to some girl to see if he can get her number again?

...Hmm, nevermind, I have to focus on other things now

So, continuing to take off my shirt and then throwing it on the bed, as well as the bag, I sit on the bed and let out a sigh represented by my tiredness

Seriously, so much has happened in such a short amount of time that I'm still processing it, and this pain in my eyes doesn't help much

It has literally only been a few minutes since I killed someone, as I said before, I will need time to process this fact, until then I will focus on something else, like my supposed cheat

Bringing my hands to my eyes, I start massaging them over my eyelids to see if the pain eases a little

The side of my torso still hurts a little, right in the ribs, but it's mainly if I do a lot of movement, like bending over or turning to the side, as long as I don't force it too much it's okay, so then I'll apply ice to ease the pain faster

So...I got a cheat, huh? - I lived my life until now believing that I was normal but this is only happening now, why? - is there a specific reason? - Is it because I'm fifteen, the standard age for protagonists? - or is it for another reason?

Furthermore, it's precisely in my eyes, I've always had very good vision, but I didn't think it was for any special reason

Should I have at least suspected? After all, my father and mother always had vision problems, I didn't have any and on top of that having such good vision was certainly strange

...Sigh, no matter how much I question myself, I have no way of knowing, in fact it might not even be my cheat, it might not be something that the being that reincarnated me here gave me, it could very well be sacred gear or some type of special power that appeared later only in the novel

In the end I have a lot of questions and I have no way to answer them, I'm just going to rest for now, I would like to test my supposed new skill, but the pain in my eyes says otherwise, I'll leave that for tomorrow when I'm better

Looks like I'll be pretty busy tomorrow, by the way...did I overdo it by throwing away my blazer too? - I still believe that in my situation being paranoid is a necessity, but maybe throwing the blazer in the same place where I threw the gun wasn't a good idea...

I know they didn't stop in the same place because when the gun fell my blazer was immediately taken away by the current, so it's very unlikely that the two would be found together...or no, maybe I'm being too paranoid? - after all, my luck is as random as a gacha

Ugh, whatever, I'll think about it later, I better not strain my brain too much thinking about these things, I just hope this pain in my eyes doesn't turn into a headache




[Scene Break]

[Pov: 3rd Person]




It was already evening, Micael and the rest of the family were sitting at the dining table, obviously having dinner

With his father and stepmother sitting on one side and he and his sister sitting on the other, they ate in silence, each focused on their own thoughts

...At least it was like that with Micael, until his stepmother decided to interrupt his thoughtful silence by asking about something

"So Micael, are you okay?" — Myako asked right after putting some food in her mouth with chopsticks, directing her gaze towards him

"Mm?" — Was Micael's response, as he took a spoon to his mouth and looked away at Myako

And Myako reaction was to point to the bag of ice next to his plate

"Oh, It's not a big deal, I just have a headache" — That's what he replied and, as Micael feared, the pain in his eyes turned into a headache

"Headache? - Do you have a fever?" — Myako asks before leaning in a little and bringing her hand to hir forehead

"No, it's just a headache, I'm fine, don't worry" — He replied while holding her hand to prevent her from going to his forehead

"You should be more careful, how did you get a headache?" — Myako asked as she leaned back in her chair and removed her hand

"I don't know, it must be because I've been working a lot" — Was his response, as he put another spoon full of food in his mouth

"You should be more careful, you are still young, you don't need to work like a workaholic" — Myako said, while pointing her chopsticks at him

"Yes ma'am, it won't happen again, relax" — He said these words as he continued to eat

"Are you working too much? - if you feel tired, just stop, there is no need to try so hard" — This time it was his dad who spoke and, like him, it was before putting a spoonful of food in his mouth

 "I know, like I said, it's okay, there's no need to worry" — Micael replied his father while raising his thumb

"Hm" — That's what his father replied

"Hah~, that's just your excuse, isn't it? - after all, I know the real reason why you've been working so hard~" —Mari spoke right after his father, next to him, smiling mischievously and looking at him with a hidden meaning as if she was realizing something she shouldn't know

"What?" — Micael said as he looked at his sister with a raised eyebrow

"Hehe~, there's no point in disguising it~, after all you're not working on a website Hen-" — Mari was saying and when she was about to say a certain word, her face was covered by Micael's hand

"Ok, that's it" — He spoke as his hand covered Mari's face, stopping her from continuing, and it was while he used his other hand to continue eating

"Mhmf!Mhmf!..." — That was Mari trying to talk

"Mm-hm!, the food is good as always Myako, did you use any new seasonings?" — Micael spoke as if he wasn't holding his sister's face with his hand, asking Myako with a slight smile as if everything was normal

"Mhmh...HHMM!" — Mari said while slapping Micael's arm

Micael, seeing his sister's growing agitation, withdrew his hand


"I said! I can't breathe, idiot!" — Mari said while placing her hand on her nose

"Huh? - don't overdo it brat, I could feel your breath on the palm of my hand, you didn't have any trouble breathing" — Micael spoke as he went back to eating

"It doesn't matter, you just don't grab someone's face like that out of nowhere!" — Mari said, frowning and giving him an indignant look

"Well, unless that person is about to talk shit" — Micael replied as he brought the spoon to his mouth and looked sideways at her

"Han?! - dad! Won't you say anything?" — Mari spoke, directing her gaze to his dad

"Uh? - don't look at me, I'm eating, talk to your mother" — His father wanted nothing to do with it, waving his hand and remaining focused on the food and deflecting the problem to his stepmother

"Mom!" — She turned her indignant gaze to his stepmother


Myako, on the other hand, just let out a sigh, lowering her hand with the chopsticks on the table and using the other to rub her forehead

"Please Micael, don't pick on your sister" — Myako said in a calm tone as she went back to eating, removing her hand from her forehead and acting as if nothing had happened

Mari, on the other hand, looked at her in disbelief, with a dumb expression, not believing that her mother would just say that

"Is that all you have to say?" — Mari asked while still looking in disbelief

Micael, on the other hand, just laughed at her expression


"Grrr! What are you laughing at?" — Mari said as she looked back at him, this time with irritation

"Micael..." — That was Myako, as she looked in his direction

"Hah~, it's okay Myako, there's no need to worry" —Micael responded with a slight smile on his face, waving nonchalantly at Myako

"After all, she knows I'm just joking, right Mari?" — Micael spoke while shifting his gaze to Mari, still maintaining a slight smile

"Hmph!" — Mari, on the other hand, just snorted in response to Micael's words

"Ahh, come on, Mari, don't be like that" — Micael spoke as he pulled her close to him, hugging her with one arm

"Hmph!" — Mari reacted by snorting again as she turned her face in the other direction and puffed out her cheeks

"Come on, rice ball, you know I love you, right?" — Micael said as he held her close and poked her puffy cheek with a finger

"Rice ball?" — Mari said, her face flushing and looking at Micael with confusion

"Yeah, when you puff out your cheeks like that, it looks like rice balls, or would you prefer if I called you a squirrel?" — Micael said as he looked at her and gave a weak smile

"Hmph, no, besides, let me go" — Mari said as she tried to move away from Micael, but she couldn't

"I refuse"

 "Seriously Micael, let me go!" — Mari speaks while trying even harder to move away, but Micael didn't move, hugging her tightly to his chest

"Nope" — Micael responds by keeping the weak smile on his face

While Mari tried futilely to break away from the hug, Micael simply held her close to his body as he looked amused at her red face as she tried to move away from him

"I'll only let you go if you say you love me too"

"No! Let me go!"

"Say it"

"No! Mom!" — Mari said while still trying to walk away, ending up appealing to her mother

"No, no, no, there's no point in asking for help, I'll only let you go if you say"

Mari didn't say anything else, she just kept trying to move away from the hug, but Micael, as always, didn't move a muscle


Letting out a moan from her final effort, she finally gave in, letting her head rest on his chest in the end

"Say it"

Mari didn't respond again, she just stood still and looked at the ground with a slight frown, her face still red


Letting out a sigh of resignation, she knew she had no other choice



"I said..." — She spoke ending in an indelible whisper at the end

"I didn't hear you, you have to speak louder" — Micael spoke while shaking his head slightly and giving him a dead fish look

"I said!..."

"Nuh uh, louder"

"I said I love you too! happy now!?" — Mari said in a strong tone, looking at him with an indignant expression, her face flushed, almost looking like she was going to cry

"There, there, there's no need to cry, little one, it wasn't that difficult, was it?" — Micael spoke while using one hand to stroke her head and the other to pat her back

"I'm not crying" — Mari said, just accepting the caresses and keeping her brow furrowed, now also pouting

 Micael, hearing her words and stepping back a little to see her face, and the vision he saw was of a girl with a frown, her face flushed and pouting, her next reaction being completely understandable

"Aww so cute" — Micael said as he hugged her tighter while rubbing his face against hers

Mari didn't react, she simply accepted and understood that nothing she said would change anything

"It doesn't seem like you keep bothering and irritating me, does it~?"

"Humph, shut up" — Mari said as she walked away, this time not only accepting the hug, but returning it, hugging Micael back

Micael watched her actions with a slight smile, watching as she hugged his back and buried her face in his chest

"Haha" — He just chuckled lightly before kissing the top of her head and then placing his own head on top of hers

Thus, the two remained hugged in silence for a few seconds, with Mari immediately removing her arms and Micael doing the same afterwards

While Mari returned to her initial position in the chair and fixed her clothes and hair, when she looked up she saw her mother and father looking at her

While her father looked at her with a raised eyebrow as he calmly chewed his food, her mother looked in her direction with a hand on her cheek and a smile

Mari, whose face had already returned to normal, immediately had a huge blush on her face again, this time even with her ears turning red

In the end, she complained to the one to blame for her shame


Slapping Micael on the shoulder, she went back to eating, deciding to pretend nothing happened

Micael just looked in his direction with a raised eyebrow expressing his disbelief, in the end he ended up shaking his head and rolling his eyes

'Huh, women'

In the end, the four people at the table went back to eating, with Myako then bringing up a topic about something different, without commenting on the previous situation, as it was nothing new to them, and then, after dinner, everyone moved on with their usual routine, and with Micael's thoughts being mainly about what things would be like for him at school the next day

[Scene Break]




Currently, in front of the Kuoh academy, students from that school (mostly girls) walk to the gate, passing through it and going to their respective classes

In the middle of that large group of students (mostly girls), there was a boy who stood out, no, it wasn't because he was handsome, far from it, his face was as normal as it was forgettable, Ahem, his physique was what stood out, especially in that uniform he wore, but more than that...

What stood out was his distinctly Western origin among the sea of ​​Asian students (mostly girls), making him very noticeable

What does this matter in the current situation?

...Nothing, in fact, absolutely nothing

BUT!...the point is that that boy in question was at that moment hoping that his non-existent luck would help him...or at least that he wouldn't have bad luck

After all, his cheat just came to light, and it could somehow attract the attention of people he doesn't want to attract attention to... so yeah, his situation could potentially turn to shit

Micael, at that moment I hoped that nothing wrong would happen, and that they wouldn't notice anything different about him, hopefully, if not... well, he always has a plan B, and if plan B doesn't work we'll go with plan N, from "Nigerundayo!"

Anyway, we just have to wait and see what will happen

And Micael, who was standing not far from the gate, looking at two relevant heroines, Sona Sitri and Tsubaki Shinra, thought that ruminating about it wouldn't change anything, so he started walking towards the gate

"Aw shit, here we go again"