Another limitation, another unexpected interaction, and two clearly suspicious men [Final Part]

Yo, author here

I'm just here to say...

Enjoy reading, rejoice and...

See you all on next time






Accepting the handshake, she responded.

"I say the same."

Slightly shaking his hand in the handshake, he released it the next moment as he looked at Akeno.

The girl in question had already gotten up from the couch and was standing with her hands crossed in front of her and smiling.

"Despite everything, it was still a pleasure meeting you, Akeno."

Micael extended his hand to greet the girl on the other side of the table.

Uncrossing one of her hands and taking Micael's, she replied, still with a smile on her face.

"I say the same~"

Slightly shaking their hands from the handshake as they looked at each other, with Micael and his neutral face and Akeno with a smiling face, they stayed like that for a moment with a strange air surrounding them.

Letting go of your hand, Micael gave one last nod to the two before turning and walking towards the door he entered through.

Reaching the door and opening it, he turned around slightly while waving at the two with his other hand.


In response, the two girls raised their own hands in a wave as they said goodbye.



Upon seeing the two girls saying goodbye, Micael went through the door and closed it after that.

At the sound of the door closing, Micael followed the corridor he had come with the intention of leaving the old building.

And as he was walking away, inside the room, Rias, who had one hand raised from the wave, calmly lowered it as the faint smile she had on her face disappeared.

Crossing her hand again and placing it on her elbow, she turned and calmly looked at Akeno with a suspicious look of raised eyebrow as she asked.

"What did you do?"

Akeno, hearing Rias' question, turned to her, keeping her smile, her head tilted a little as she said.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't act like you don't understand Akeno, you said your conversation with him would take ten minutes at most, do you know how long it's been? More than twenty."

Rias looked at her calmly as she explained.

Being surprised for a moment, with her eyebrows rising a little, Akeno asked back.


Rias silently nods her head in confirmation.

"Wow, it seems like I was so involved in our conversation that I didn't notice."

Looking away and looking into the air without a specific focus, she commented to herself, lost in thought.

"So what did you do?"

Turning her gaze to Rias and seeing how the girl looked at her while waiting for a response, she regained her smile as she responded.

"Nothing happened, absolutely nothing~"

Squinting at her tone, Rias spoke in an accusatory tone.


"My goodness, I already said nothing happened, why are you being so overprotective?"

Rolling her eyes and with a hand on her hip, Akeno asked back while looking at her.

Looking at her with her eyes still half-closed, Rias was silent for a moment before sighing and responding.

"Sigh, okay, you're right, I just don't want him to get a weird impression of us."

"You're thinking too much, he seems to be quite mature, he won't get the wrong idea about us or you for that matter."

Looking at her with a meaningful look, Akeno spoke in a way that she was sure Rias understood.

Understanding the meaning behind Akeno's words, Rias rolled her eyes without saying anything, she understood what Akeno was implying, that she was worried about his opinion precisely because she was interested in him.

But as she had said before, she didn't see him that way, her concern was just that Akeno had embarrassed him in some way and made him have a negative impression of her.

And if something like that had happened, he certainly wouldn't take it well and would probably retaliate.

In other words, her concern was more with Akeno than with anything, knowing her personality she could do something and that would make him respond in the same way, thus creating an endless cycle between the two.

Her words about being worried about him getting the wrong impression of them were in case if he and Akeno created any enmity, it would end up affecting the rest of her peerage.

And why was she giving so much importance to the opinion of a boy she had just met if she didn't like him? - It was simple.

One of the main reasons she came to study in the human world instead of being homeschooled like the rest of the noble devils was to have a full high school experience, anime style, of course.

But that hope of hers was extinguished long ago, with girls envying or idolizing her, and boys idolizing or wishing her, having a human friend and all the experiences of an ordinary high school student seemed impossible.

But she thought that maybe, just maybe, Micael could be that ordinary human friend she wanted to have, did it seem ridiculous? Yes, but having the experience of a high school student in the style of those slice of life animes was something she really wanted to try.

She was probably delusional, but thanks to the very strong impression she had of Micael, she thought they could be real friends.

But she really was being overprotective, as Akeno said, it seems like her fantasy took over her mind making her worry too much.

In the end, Micael was still a stranger, she had a very favorable and very strong impression of him, but she didn't really know him, she couldn't let her desires cloud her judgment.

Whether he would be a friend or just another stranger in her life, she would only know in the future, for now she decided to take it easy.

So, stating this point to herself, deciding what kind of attitude she would have towards him, she looked at Akeno as she spoke.

"Okay, if things are really good then let's go, we still have other things to do."

Saying these words, she turned and walked towards the door she had entered through.


Expressing her agreement, Akeno followed her while maintaining her smile.

With Rias passing through the door and leaving it open, Akeno followed behind her, closing the door behind her, after which the previously occupied room fell silent.

At the same time, while the two girls were returning to their respective things, Micael had already left the old building and was walking along the stone path that led to it.

As he walked, he thought about the brief but strange encounter he had with Akeno.

'This girl is really petty.'

He thought about her petty behavior, but it didn't really surprise him as he remembered that she had a somewhat sadistic personality, her attitude and behavior were more understandable for that.

But that didn't mean he would tolerate if she tried some of those questionable actions on him, he would respond in kind, just like he did before.

"But I better not make absent father jokes in front of her, I won't even know how I died if I do."

He commented to himself as he looked over his shoulder towards the building.

Exhaling deeply through his nose, he turned his gaze forward as he continued on his way towards the school exit.


At that moment, it was already evening, long after Micael had returned from school, after another workout at his personal gym, at that moment he was sitting on the chair in his room, with his arms crossed behind his head while looking at the ceiling.

He had a blank expression on his face and an unfocused look, indicating that he was lost in thought.

And indeed he was, he was thinking of the new weakness, or rather limitation, that he discovered about his power.

In that case, he couldn't use a method that allowed him to see his own memories and recall other abilities.

When he was training earlier, he reflected on his limited knowledge of some powers and skills, it was something he had already realized, but as he was still in the process of testing other skills, he hadn't brought it up.

So when he tried to use Occlumency to search his memories for some abilities, it didn't work.

Occlumency worked, what didn't work were his own memories, when he tried to look for something it was as if a white cloth covered his memories, preventing him from seeing any ability or power that he couldn't remember on his own.

In other words, if he couldn't remember a power or ability on his own without the help of his eyes, something or someone prevented him from doing so using his eyes.

It basically meant that he could only use the powers he remembered on his own, without cheating.

Honestly it didn't surprise him much, his life was usually full of things going wrong for one reason or another, his own power seeming to refuse to give him a faster path to getting stronger didn't affect him in the slightest.

It's like he said before, expect the worst, assume the best.

He has already thought about using some other method to try to remember, such as lucid dreams or deep meditation, but it will be difficult, after all it has been fifteen years since he consumed any type of media from his old world.

As for using the power or ability of this world's media? Naturally, he thought about it, but for now, due to physical and mental fatigue, he decided to leave this task for the next day.

Then, getting up from the chair, Micael went to the door to go downstairs and have dinner.

Despite this setback, he was not affected, after all, life is like that, sometimes you can't have everything you want.

"It is what it is."

Shrugging nonchalantly, he opened the door and walked through.

Closing it behind him, he walked down the stairs.



With the sound indicating the end of classes, students left the school in disarray.

And among these students who went out, whether in groups or alone, there was one specific loner, Micael obviously.

He walked silently among the other students, one hand in his pocket and the other holding the strap of his bag.

At another point, he displayed a slightly furrowed brow in reflection on the new limitation of his power.

He was thinking and reflecting on alternative methods that he could use, he had already thought of two, but he is reflecting on the practicality of this and thinking about other methods besides these.

Overall, he wasn't worried, it was just his old habit of thinking about all the pros and cons making itself known.

As he walked among the students, exhaling through his nose with his forehead relaxing, he decided to leave the matter to think about when he was in the comfort of his home.

Looking curiously among the students, he thought that today was the same as yesterday, the students were still looking at him as if he were an exotic animal, some with curiosity, some with jealousy, some with anger, but no one dared to do anything, just looking at him with obvious scrutiny.

After his gaze wandered for a moment, he returned his gaze straight ahead, focusing only on walking.

As he walked, he heard some students next to him saying something and pointing in a direction, looking in that direction without thinking much, he came across a strange and unexpected sight.

There, on the other side of the street, walking on the sidewalk among the other people, were two foreigners, a white man and a black man.

Now, this wouldn't be so strange if it weren't for the clothes they wore that resembled a priest, with button-down shirts and black dress pants, as well as black pointy shoes, they even had that white band around their necks underneath the collar.

It was an unusual sight, but nothing out of the ordinary, at least it was like that for other people, because the moment Micael saw those two men, he immediately became alert, he didn't feel anything, his supposed sixth sense didn't activate, but he didn't needed that to know something looked suspicious.

Then, acting calmly, he continued walking among the students while keeping an eye on the two.

He watched the men walk a little further before they stopped, then they turned toward the school and stood looking at it from a fair distance away.

As they weren't that close, it wasn't strange that they were looking at a school full of teenagers, despite attracting attention, it didn't attract people's suspicion.

While looking at them from the corner of his eyes, Micael continued until he reached a reasonable distance that he thought would not be very noticeable, then hiding part of his body behind a square, he covered his eyes leaving space between his fingers, activating the Byakugan.

The moment his vision changed, he saw the familiar human outline filled with blue heat source in the surrounding people.

However, unlike ordinary people who had a darker tone, these two had a lighter, almost white tone, in addition to conveying a greater sensation of density.

If he were to make a comparison, it would be like two high-powered flashlights next to fireflies on a flat black background.

Which means that these two have a greater amount of mana, much higher than that of a normal human, and that they are probably stronger than that guy he killed, and the meaning of these two's presence here is obvious.


Disabling his eyes, Micael decided to stay nearby and see what they were going to do, he didn't think they were going to attack but as a precaution he decided to wait, after all Saji and Mari were still at school.

So, remaining where he was, in a position and shape that did not appear suspicious, he waited, and he didn't have to wait long, because a few minutes later those two had started to leave.

Watching them calmly leave, Micael thought he would have to change his strategy, his desire to be able to calmly increase his strength to the point of being able to protect his family alone without getting involved with the devils is obviously no longer viable.

Exhaling through his nose, he commented to himself.

"Yeah, from the looks of it, I'll have to go with plan B."

Watching the two disappear into the distance, he turned and continued on his way home, thinking about his next course of action.

'I would like things, at least once in my life, to happen as I wish.'

With his thoughts demonstrating his feelings about this unwanted but predictable development, he was already prepared to play his cards.

'The time has come to be more proactive, time to change my style of thinking.'

With him deciding to change his strategy, he was already thinking about what he would do over the weekend, he would prepare future scenarios for his unwanted guests, a scenario where he would have greater control and thus perhaps decide the end of the battle that hasn't even started yet.

He'll make sure of it, these sons of bitches won't even know what hit them.